Imported diesel generator set maintenance period and the replacement method
Grade one maintenance period usually: every 200-250 hours /12 months
★ 機組的外部清潔,包括冷卻水箱外部散熱片;
★ unit clean, including cooling water tank outer fins;
★ 發電機(電球)的接線箱除塵;
★ generator (bulb) wiring box dust;
★ 各種濾清器的更換;
Various filter replacement;
★ 潤滑油的檢查和更換;
★ lubricating oil inspection and replacement;
★ 冷卻水的檢查和更換;
★ cooling water inspection and replacement;
★ 各種傳動皮帶的調整;
★ all kinds of transmission belt adjustment;
★ 電氣系統的檢查如接插件的檢查和功能測試(保護系統和自動化系統);
★ electrical system tests such as inspection and functional testing (connector protection system and automation system);
★ 頻率的檢查調整;
★ frequency check adjustment;
★ 電壓的檢查和調整;
Check and adjust the voltage;
★ 電池的電解液補充;
★ added electrolyte battery;
★ 機組外部連接處的檢查(如泄漏和松脫)。
★ unit external connection check (such as leakage and loose).
Two maintenance period usually: every 1000 hours or every 24 months
All services including primary care
★ 發動機的調整,如氣門間隙;
★ engine valve clearance adjustment, such as;
★ 柴油噴注器的噴油壓力檢查調整;
Injection pressure check and adjust the ★ diesel injector;
★ ignition angle check adjustment;
★ 機油壓力的檢查和對機油壓力表的校正;
★ oil pressure inspection and on the oil pressure gauge calibration;
★ 冷卻水的溫度檢查和對水溫表的校正;
Check the cooling water temperature. And the correction water table;
★ 充電發電機對電池的充電情況檢查;
★ charging for battery check generator;
★ 燃油的質量檢查;
Check the quality of the fuel;
★ 潤滑油的質量檢查;
Check the quality of lubricating oil;
Check the cooling water quality.
Three maintenance period usually: every 2000 hours
★ 包括一級保養和二級保養的所有服務內容
All the services. Includes a level maintenance and maintenance of two
★ 高壓燃油泵的調整如供油量;
★ high pressure fuel pump adjustment such as fuel;
★ 冷卻水箱水垢的去除;
Cooling water tank scale removal;
★ 消聲器污垢的去除;
★ muffler removing dirt;
★ 傳動皮帶的更換;
The replacement of ★ drive belt;
★ 發電機(電球)的干燥處理(對潮濕環境)機組底座油箱的清潔;
★ generator (bulb) drying treatment (in wet environment) set base oil tank cleaning;
★ 啟動電機的保養炭刷和軸承的更換;
The replacement of ★ starting motor carbon brush and bearing maintenance;
★ 氣缸冷卻水套的水垢去除。
Cylinder cooling jacket removal scale.