幾臺發電機并機后相當一部大功率發電機向負載供電,可以根據負載的大小而決定開幾臺機(機組在額定負載75%的工況下耗油最低),從而達到節省柴油、降低發電機成本的目的。實現不間斷電源,保障工廠的正常生產,機組轉換使用時,可將備用機組并入運行系統,然后將負載全部轉到已運行有備用機組上,再停止運行機組,中途完全無須停電。多臺發電機組并聯運行,在負載突然增加時,電流沖擊由多臺發電機組平均分擔,使每臺單機受力減少,電壓及頻率穩定,可延長機組的使用壽命。 日興柴油發電機組并機系統,采用世界名廠的優質產品,英國深海公司模塊,美國GAC公司模塊,日本OMRON公司的電子組件,法國梅蘭日蘭或意大利ABB開關,此一完美的組合,并由從業二十多年并機經驗的工程師優化設計,品質可靠,終身保修,深受信賴。 How many generators and machine after quite a large power generator power to the load, can according to the load size and decided to open a few machine ( unit75% at rated load under the condition of minimum fuel consumption ), in order to save diesel generator, reducing the cost. Realizing uninterrupted power supply, guarantee the normal plant production, unit conversion when in use, the standby unit incorporated into the operating system, and then the load transferred in its entirety is already running reserve units, then stop running unit, to completely without power cut. A plurality of parallel operation of power unit, the load suddenly increases, the current impact by multiple generating units shared equally, so that each machine stress reduction, voltage and frequency stability, can prolong the service life of machine. Nikko diesel generator and system, use world name factory quality products, British Sea Company module, the United States GAC module, the Japanese company OMRON electronic components, MGE France or Italy ABB switch, the perfect combination, and practitioners from more than 20 years of experienced engineers and machine optimization design, reliable quality, life-long warranty, by the trust. 全自動并機控制系統由中英可編程序控制器實現自動化控制,發電機組并聯控制器適用于多達20臺同容量或不同容量的發電機組的手動/自動并聯系統,可實現發電機組的自動開機/停機、數據測量、報警 Full automatic and machine control system by programmable controller may realize automation control, generator paralleling controller suitable for up to 20 units with the same capacity or different capacity of generating units of the manual / automatic parallel system, can realize the generator of automatic start / stop, data measurement, alarm 保護及“三遙”功能。控制器采用大屏幕液晶(LCD)顯示,可選擇中英文操作界面,操作簡單,運行可靠。控制器具有控制GOV和AVR的功能,可以自動同步及負荷均分,控制器準確監測發電機組的各種工作狀態,當發電機組工作異常時自動從母排解列,然后關閉發電機組,同時將故障狀態顯示在LCD上。采用的主要元器件為進口或國內引進生產的產品,其工作可靠,測量精度高,可廣泛應用于軍,民等單位,作為主電站或備用電站使用。 Protection and" three.". The controller uses the large screen liquid crystal display ( LCD ), choose English operation interface, simple operation, reliable operation. The controller has a control GOV and AVR function, can be automatically synchronized and load sharing, controller for accurately monitoring the generating units of various working condition, when the generator works abnormally automatically from the bus line, and then close the generating set, and fault status is displayed on LCD. The main components are imported or domestic imported products, its reliable operation, high measuring precision, and can be widely applied in military, civil and other units, as a main power or standby power. 檢測功能齊全,幾乎可以檢測所有發電機組相關的電參量及非電參量 Detection of complete function, can detect all generating sets related electric parameters and non electric parameter 三相相電壓 Ua, Ub, Uc 單位:V/三相線電壓 Uab,Ubc,Uca 單位:V/三相電流 Ia、Ib、Ic 單位:A/頻率F1 單位:Hz/分相有功功率PA,PB,PC 單位: kW/合相總有功功率P 總單位: kW/分相無功功率RA,RB,RC 單位: kvar/合相總無功功率P 總單位: kvar/分相視在功率SA, SB, SC 單位: kVA/合相視在總功率S 總單位: KVA/分相功率因數PF1, PF2, PF3/平均功率因數 P 平均 Three phase voltage Ua, Ub, Uc units: V/ three-phase line voltage Uab, Ubc, Uca units: V/ Ia, Ib Ic three-phase current, unit: A/ frequency F1unit: Hz/ phase active power PA, PB, PC units: kW/ phase active power P unit: kW/ phase-splitting reactive power RA, RB, RC units: kvar/ phase reactive power P total unit: kvar/ phase in power SA, SB, SC units: kVA/ phase in the total power of S total unit: KVA/ phase power factor PF1, PF2, PF3/ average power factor P average 累計有功電能 單位:kWh/累計無功電能 單位:kVarh/累計視在電能 單位:kVAh/三相電壓相序、相角檢測/母線電量項目有:/三相相電壓 Ua, Ub, Uc 單位:V/三相線電壓 Uab,Ubc,Uca 單位:V/頻率F1 單位:Hz/三電壓相序、相角檢測/發電與母排電壓差檢測/發電與母排相角差檢測/發電與母排頻率差檢測/故障顯示及保護功能項目有: Total active electric energy unit: kWh/ accumulative total reactive power unit: kVarh/ accumulative total apparent power unit: kVAh/ three-phase voltage phase sequence, phase detection / bus electricity projects: / three phase voltage Ua, Ub, Uc units: V/ three-phase line voltage Uab, Ubc, Uca unit: V/ frequency F1 single bits: Hz/ the three voltage phase sequence, phase detection / generation and busbar voltage difference detection / generation and busbar phase difference detection / generation with the bus frequency difference detection / fault display and protection project: 標準型系列功能: Standard series of functions: 1.自動監測市電,失電時可自動起動機組,并自動升速至額定狀態,自動合閘; 1 automatic monitoring electric power, can automatically start unit, and automatic speed run up to the rated condition, the automatic reclosure; 2.可自動對市電,發電機進行切換,在自動狀態下保證市電優先; 2automatic electric switch, generator, in the automatic mode to ensure electricity priority; 3.市電來電后,可自動分閘,降速,停機; 3electricity after the call, can automatic gates, deceleration, stopping; 4.自動監測機組各運行參數;各參數報警,保護停電值由程序任意設定; 4 automatic monitoring unit operation parameter; parameter values from the program to protect the power failure alarm, arbitrarily set; 5.自動檢測在網機負載大小,當負載持續超過設定值時,自動起動備用機組,并自動同步,自動并車;對并聯運行機組實現自動調頻調載,并可實現多臺機組穩定并聯運行; 5 automatic detection in machine the size of the load, when the load exceeds the set value, automatic start-up standby unit, and automatic synchronization, auto and truck; the parallel operation unit to realize the automatic frequency and load, and can realize that a plurality of unit stability of parallel operation; 6.根據功率原則,自動平滑轉移負載,并自動解列。 According to the 6power principle, automatic and smooth transfer load, and automatic disconnection. 標準機組并聯系統性能特點: Standard unit parallel system performance characteristics: 1. 以數字化模式替代了模擬邏輯控制電路 1alternative models of the simulation to the digital logic control circuit 2. 操作更加簡單、方便、提高性能 2the operation is more simple, convenient, improve performance 3. 節省燃油、延長機組壽命 3fuel savings, longer operating life 4. 供電的電壓、頻率穩定、供電質量提高 The 4power supply voltage, frequency stability, improve the quality of power supply 優點: Advantage. 1. 集中管理、電力調度更靈活 1 centralized management, electric power dispatching and more flexible 2. 全自動數控并機、可以避免人為錯誤操作 2fully automatic CNC machine, and can avoid the mistaken operation 3. 適用于220/127V、400/230V、480/277V等多種電壓條件 3 suitable for220/127V,400/230V,480/277V and other voltage condition |