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  • 首頁 產品展示>珀金斯Perkins1204E-1206E故障排除(英文)





    1204E-E44TA, 1204E-E44TTA  and

    1206E-E66TA Industrial Engines

    BK1 (Engine)

    MK1 (Engine)

    ML1 (Engine)

    This document is printed from SPI². Not for RESALE


    Important Safety Information

    Most  accidents    tha t involve  produc  t  op eration,  ma intena nc e and   repair   are  caus  ed  by  failure  to

    ob serve  basic   safety   rules  or  precautions  .  An accident    can   often  be  avoided   by  recog nizing  pote ntially

    ha za rdous  situations   before   an  accident    oc curs . A person    mus t be  alert   to pote ntial  ha za rds.  This

    person   should   also  ha ve  the  ne cessary   training,  skills  and   tools  to perform   the se  func tions properly.

    Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair  of this product can be dangerous and

    could result in injury  or death.

    Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this  product, until you have

    read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

    Sa fety precautions     and  warning s  are   provided   in this  ma nua l and   on  the  produc t.  If the se  ha za rd

    warning s  are  not  he eded,   bod ily injury  or death   could   oc cur to  you  or to  othe r persons  .

    The  ha za rds are   identified   by  the  “Safety  Alert  Symb ol”  and  followed  by  a  “Signa l  Word” suc h  as

    “DANGER”, “WARNING”  or “CAUTION”.  The Sa fety  Alert  “WARNING” label  is  shown   below.

    The  me aning  of  this safety   alert   symb ol is  as  follows:

    Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is  Involved.

    The  me ssage   tha t appears     und er the   warning  explains    the  ha za rd and   can  be   either  written  or

    pictorially   presente  d.

    Op erations  tha t  ma y caus e  produc  t dama  ge  are  identified   by  “NOTICE” labels   on  the  produc  t and   in

    this  pub lication.

    Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The

    warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,

    work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,

    you must satisfy yourself that it is safe  for you and for others. You should also ensure that the

    product will not be damaged or be  made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or

    repair procedures that you choose.

    The  informa tion, specifications   ,  and  illustrations   in  this  pub lication  are   on the  basis    of informa tion tha t

    was  available    at  the  time  tha t the  pub lication   was  written.   The  specifications   , torque  s,  pressure  s,

    me asure me nts , adjustme  nts , illustrations ,  and  othe r  items  can  cha  ng e at  any  time.  These  cha ng es  can

    affect   the  service   tha t is given   to the  produc  t.  Ob tain the  comp  lete  and  mos t current   informa tion before

    you  start any   job. Pe  rkins  dealers   or   Pe rkins  distributors     ha ve  the  mos t current   informa tion  available.

    When  replacement  parts  are  required  for  this

    product Perkins recommends using Perkins

     replacement  parts.

    Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-

    ture failures, product damage, personal injury or


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    Table of  Contents

    Table of Contents

    Engine Stalls at Low RPM .................................... 94

    Engine Top Speed Is Not Obtained ......................  96

    Engine Vibration Is Excessive ............................  101

    Exhaust Has Excessive Black Smoke ................  102

    Exhaust Has Excessive White Smoke ................ 104

    Fuel Consumption Is Excessive .......................... 106

    Fuel Contains Water ...........................................  108

    Fuel Rail Pressure Problem ................................ 109

    Fuel Temperature Is High .................................... 117

    Inlet Air Is Restricted ............................................ 119

    Inlet Air Temperature Is High ..............................  120

    Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is High ..................  121

    Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is Low ................... 122

    Intake Manifold Air Temperature Is High ............. 123

    NRS Exhaust Gas Temperature Is High  ............ 124

    NRS Mass Flow Rate Problem ........................... 127

    Oil Consumption Is Excessive ............................  130

    Oil Contains Coolant ........................................... 132

    Oil Contains Fuel ................................................  133

    Oil Pressure Is Low ............................................. 134

    Power Is Intermittently Low  or Power Cutout Is

    Troubleshooting Section

    Electronic Troubleshooting

    Welding Precaution ................................................. 5

    System Overview .................................................... 5

    Glossary ................................................................ 12

    Electronic Service Tools ........................................ 16

    Indicator Lamps ....................................................  18

    Replacing the ECM ............................................... 21

    Self-Diagnostics .................................................... 22

    Sensors and Electrical Connectors ....................... 22

    Engine Wiring Information ....................................  31

    ECM Harness Connector Terminals .....................  36

    Programming Parameters

    Programming Parameters ..................................... 37

    Test ECM Mode ....................................................  37

    Factory Passwords ...............................................  37

    Flash Programming ..............................................  38

    Injector Code - Calibrate ....................................... 39

    Mode Switch Setup ............................................... 40

    Throttle Setup .......................................................  41

    Multiposition Switch Setup .................................... 44

    Intermittent ........................................................  136

    Valve Lash Is Excessive .....................................  141

    Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code

    Diagnostic Trouble Codes ................................... 142

    Diagnostic Code Cross Reference .....................  147

    No Diagnostic Codes Detected ........................... 151

    Customer Specified Parameters

    Customer Specified Parameters ........................... 45

    Customer Specified Parameters Table .................  51

    Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet ......... 54

    Troubleshooting with an Event Code

    Event Codes  ......................................................  152

    Diagnostic Functional  Tests

    System Configuration Parameters

    System Configuration Parameters ........................ 58

    5 Volt Sensor Supply Circuit - Test .....................  154

    Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test .... 163

    CAN Data Link Circuit - Test ............................... 168

    Data Link Circuit - Test ........................................ 172

    Diesel Particulate Filter  Identification Signal -

    Symptom Troubleshooting

    Acceleration Is Poor  or Throttle Response Is

    Poor ....................................................................  60

    Alternator Is Noisy ................................................  66

    Alternator Problem ................................................ 66

    Battery Problem ....................................................  66

    Coolant Contains Oil ............................................. 67

    Coolant Level Is Low ............................................  67

    Coolant Temperature Is High ................................ 68

    Crankcase Breather Ejects Oil .............................. 71

    Crankcase Fumes  Disposal Tube Has  Oil

    Draining ............................................................... 72

    Cylinder Is Noisy ................................................... 73

    Diesel Particulate Filter Collects Excessive Soot .. 74

    Diesel Particulate Filter Temperature Is Low ........ 75

    ECM Does  Not Communicate with  Other

    Modules ..............................................................  76

    ECM Will Not Accept Factory Passwords ............. 76

    Electronic Service Tool Does Not Communicate .. 77

    Engine Cranks but Does Not Start ........................ 78

    Engine Does Not Crank ........................................ 84

    Engine Has Early Wear ........................................  85

    Engine Has Mechanical Noise (Knock) ................  85

    Engine Misfires, Runs Rough or Is Unstable ........ 86

    Engine Overspeeds ..............................................  91

    Engine Shutdown Occurs Intermittently  ............... 92

    Engine Speed Does Not Change .......................... 93

    Test ...................................................................  179

    Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test .....  183

    ECM Memory - Test ............................................ 192

    Electrical Connectors - Inspect ........................... 193

    Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short  Circuit -

    Test ...................................................................  197

    Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test ........ 204

    Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit -

    Test ...................................................................  212

    Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit -

    Test ...................................................................  217

    Ether Starting Aid - Test ...................................... 224

    Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test ........................... 228

    Glow Plug Starting Aid - Test .............................. 236

    Idle Validation Switch Circuit - Test ..................... 242

    Ignition Keyswitch Circuit and Battery Supply Circuit -

    Test ...................................................................  248

    Indicator Lamp Circuit - Test ............................... 255

    Injector Data Incorrect - Test ............................... 258

    Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test ............................ 260

    Mode Selection Circuit - Test .............................. 267

    Motorized Valve - Test ........................................  271

    PTO Switch Circuit - Test .................................... 276

    Sensor Calibration Required - Test ..................... 279

    Solenoid Valve - Test ..........................................  282

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    Table of  Contents

    Soot Sensor - Test ..............................................  288

    Throttle Switch Circuit - Test ............................... 291

    Valve Position Sensor - Test ............................... 295

    Water In Fuel Sensor - Test ................................ 301

    Index Section

    Index ...................................................................  306

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Troubleshooting Section

    Electronic Troubleshooting


    Welding Precaution

    Correct welding procedures are necessary in order to

    avoid damage to the following components:

    •  Electronic Control Module (ECM) on the engine

    •  Clean Emissions Module (CEM)

    •  Sensors


    Illustration 1

    •  Associated components

    Service welding guide (typical diagram)

    Components for the driven equipment should also be

    considered. When possible, remove the component

    that requires welding. When welding on an engine

    that is equipped with an ECM and  removal of the

    component is not possible, the following procedure

    must be followed. This procedure minimizes the risk

    to the electronic components.

    5.  When possible, connect the ground clamp for

    the welding equipment directly  to the engine

    component that will be welded. Place the clamp

    as close as possible to the weld. Close positioning

    reduces the risk of welding current damage to the

    engine bearings, to the electrical components,

    and to other components.

    1.  Stop the engine. Remove the electrical power

    from the ECM.

    6.  Protect the wiring harnesses from welding debris

    and/or from welding spatter.

    2.  Ensure that the fuel supply to the engine is turned


    7.  Use standard welding procedures to weld the

    materials together.

    3.  Disconnect the negative battery cable from the

    battery. If a battery disconnect switch is installed,

    open the switch.


    System Overview

    4.  Disconnect all electronic components from

    the wiring harnesses.  Include the following


    The engine has an electronic control system. The

    system also monitors the Diesel Particulate Filter

    (DPF) and the NOx Reduction System (NRS).

    •  Electronic components for the driven equipment

    •  ECM

    The control system  consists of the following


    •  Sensors

    •  Electronically controlled valves

    •  Relays

    •  Electronic Control Module (ECM)

    •  Software (flash file)

    •  Wiring

    •  Aftertreatment ID module


    •  Sensors

    Do not use electrical components (ECM or ECM sen-

    sors)  or electronic  component grounding  points  for

    grounding the welder.

    •  Actuators

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    Troubleshooting Section

    The following information  provides a general

    description of the control system. Refer to Systems

    Operation, Testing, and  Adjusting for detailed

    information about the control system.

    Electronic Control Circuit Diagram


    Illustration 2

    Electronic control circuit diagram for the  1204E-E44 engine

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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 3

    Electronic control circuit diagram for the  1206E-E66 engine

    Block Diagram

    Refer to Illustration 4 and  Illustration 5 for block

    diagrams of the control system.

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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 4

    Block diagram for the 1204E and 1206E  engines with a single turbocharger

    (1) Air cleaner

    (13) Air-to-air aftercooler

    (25) Oil pressure sensor

    (2) Air inlet temperature sensor

    (3) NRS cooler

    (14) Wastegate regulator

    (15) NRS outlet pressure sensor

    (16) Engine

    (17) Coolant temperature sensor

    (18) Primary speed/timing sensor

    (19) Fuel injectors

    (26) Barometric pressure sensor

    (27) ECM

    (28) Electric fuel lift pump

    (29) Primary fuel filter

    (4) Exhaust back pressure valve

    (5) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)  and

    Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

    (6) DPF inlet temperature sensor

    (7) Soot sensor

    (8) Turbocharger

    (9) NRS valve

    (10) NRS temperature sensor

    (11) NRS inlet pressure sensor

    (12) NRS mixer

    (30) In-line fuel strainer

    (31) Intake manifold pressure sensor

    (32) Intake manifold air temperature sensor

    (33) Transfer pump inlet regulator

    (34) Secondary fuel filter

    (35) Fuel tank

    (20) Return fuel cooler

    (21) Return fuel pressure relief valve

    (22) Secondary speed/timing sensor

    (23) High-pressure fuel  pump/transfer

    pump/fuel temperature sensor

    (24) Fuel rail pressure sensor

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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 5

    Block diagram for the 1204E-E44TTA engine  with twin turbochargers

    (1) Air cleaner

    (13) Air-to-air aftercooler

    (25) Oil pressure sensor

    (2) Air inlet temperature sensor

    (3) Exhaust back pressure valve

    (4) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)  and

    Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

    (5) DPF inlet temperature sensor

    (6) Soot sensor

    (7) NRS cooler

    (8) Turbochargers

    (9) NRS valve

    (14) Wastegate regulator

    (15) NRS outlet pressure sensor

    (16) Engine

    (17) Coolant temperature sensor

    (18) Primary speed/timing sensor

    (19) Fuel injectors

    (26) Barometric pressure sensor

    (27) ECM

    (28) Electric fuel lift pump

    (29) Primary fuel filter

    (30) In-line fuel strainer

    (31) Intake manifold pressure sensor

    (32) Intake manifold air temperature sensor

    (33) Transfer pump inlet regulator

    (34) Secondary fuel filter

    (35) Fuel tank

    (20) Return fuel cooler

    (21) Return fuel pressure relief valve

    (22) Secondary speed/timing sensor

    (23) High-pressure fuel  pump/transfer

    pump/fuel temperature sensor

    (24) Fuel rail pressure sensor

    (10) NRS temperature sensor

    (11) NRS inlet pressure sensor

    (12) NRS mixer

    System Operation

    Engine Governor

    The ECM governs the engine. The ECM determines

    the timing, the injection pressure, and the amount

    of fuel that is delivered  to each cylinder. These

    factors are based on the actual conditions and on the

    desired conditions at any given time during starting

    and operation.

    The governor uses the throttle position sensor  to

    determine the desired engine speed. The governor

    compares the desired engine speed to the  actual

    engine speed. The actual engine speed is determined

    through interpretation of the signals that are received

    by the ECM from the engine speed/timing sensors. If

    the desired engine speed is greater than the actual

    engine speed, the governor injects more fuel in order

    to increase engine speed.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Fuel Injection

    The ECM sends a high voltage signal to the injector

    solenoids in order to energize  the solenoids. By

    controlling the timing and the duration of  the high

    voltage signal, the ECM can control the  following

    aspects of injection:

    •  Injection timing

    •  Fuel delivery

    The flash file inside the ECM  establishes certain

    limits on the amount of fuel  that can be injected.

    The FRC Fuel Limit is a limit that  is based on the

    intake manifold pressure. The FRC Fuel Limit is used

    to control the air/fuel ratio for control of emissions.

    When the ECM senses a  higher intake manifold

    pressure, the ECM increases the FRC Fuel Limit. A

    higher intake manifold pressure indicates that there

    is more air in the cylinder. When the ECM increases

    the FRC Fuel Limit, the ECM allows more fuel into

    the cylinder.


    Illustration 6

    Typical example

    The Rated Fuel Limit is a limit that is based on the

    power rating of the engine and on the engine rpm.

    The Rated Fuel Limit is like the rack stops and the

    torque spring on a mechanically governed engine.

    The Rated Fuel Limit provides  the power curves

    and the torque curves for a specific engine  family

    and a specific engine rating. All of these limits are

    determined at the factory. These limits cannot  be


    The desired engine speed is typically determined by

    one of the following conditions:

    •  The position of the throttle

    •  The desired engine speed in Power Take-Off (PTO)

    Timing Considerations

    Once the governor has determined the amount of

    fuel that is required, the governor must determine

    the timing of the fuel injection. Fuel injection timing is

    determined by the ECM after considering input from

    the following components:

    Customer Parameters and Engine Speed


    A unique feature with electronic engines is customer

    specified parameters. These parameters allow the

    owner of the machine to fine-tune the ECM for engine

    operation. Fine-tuning the ECM allows the machine

    owner to accommodate the typical  usage of the

    machine and the power train of the machine.

    •  Coolant temperature sensor

    •  Intake manifold air temperature sensor

    •  Intake manifold pressure sensor

    •  Barometric pressure sensor

    Many of the customer parameters provide additional

    restrictions on the actions that will be performed by

    the ECM in response to input from the operator. The

    PTO Top Engine Limit is an engine rpm limit that is

    used by the ECM to limit the fuel during operation of

    the PTO. The ECM will not fuel the injectors above

    this rpm.

    The ECM adjusts  timing for optimum engine

    performance and fuel economy. Actual timing and

    desired timing cannot be viewed with the electronic

    service tool. The ECM determines the  location of

    top center of the  number one cylinder from the

    signals that are provided by the engine speed/timing

    sensors. The ECM determines when injection should

    occur relative to top center position. The ECM then

    provides the signal to the injector at the desired time.

    Some parameters are intended to notify the operator

    of potential engine damage  (engine monitoring

    parameters). Some parameters  enhance fuel

    economy (machine speed, engine  speed limit,

    and idle shutdown). Other parameters are used to

    enhance the engine installation into the machine.

    Other parameters are used to  provide operating

    information to the owner of the machine.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Other ECM  Functions for


    “Lifetime Total Engine Revolutions”  is the total

    number of revolutions that have been completed by

    the engine crankshaft.

    The ECM can also provide enhanced control of the

    engine for machine functions such as controlling the

    cooling fan. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Configuration

    Parameters” for supplemental information about the

    systems that can be monitored by the ECM in order

    to provide enhanced machine performance,  fuel

    economy, and convenience for the operator.

    “Average Load Factor” provides  relative engine

    operating information. “Average  Load Factor”

    compares actual operating information of the engine

    to the maximum engine operation that is available.

    “Average Load Factor” is determined by using “Total

    Max Fuel”, “Total Idle Fuel”, and “Total Fuel”. All of

    these parameters are available with the electronic

    service tool. These parameters are available within

    the menu for “Current Totals”.

    ECM Lifetime Totals

    The ECM maintains total data of the engine for the

    following parameters:

    Programmable Parameters

    Certain parameters that affect engine  operation

    may be changed with the electronic  service tool.

    The parameters are stored in  the ECM, and the

    parameters are protected from unauthorized changes

    by passwords. These parameters are either system

    configuration parameters or customer parameters.

    •  “Total Operating Hours”

    •  “Engine Lifetime Hours”

    •  “Total Idle Time”

    •  “Total Idle Fuel”

    System configuration parameters are  set at the

    factory. System configuration parameters  affect

    emissions or power ratings within an engine family.

    Factory passwords must be obtained and factory

    passwords must be used  to change the system

    configuration parameters.

    •  “Total Fuel”

    •  “Total Max Fuel”

    •  “Engine Starts”

    Customer parameters are  variable. Customer

    parameters affect the following characteristics within

    the limits that are set by the factory, by the monitoring

    system, and by PTO operation:

    •  “Lifetime Total Engine Revolutions”

    •  “Average Load Factor”

    The “Total Operating Hours” is the operating hours of

    the engine. The operating hours do not include the

    time when the ECM is powered but the engine is not


    •  Rpm ratings

    •  Power ratings

    Customer passwords may be required to change

    customer specified parameters.

    The “Engine Lifetime Hours” is the number of hours

    when electrical power has  been applied to the

    engine. These hours will include the time when the

    ECM is powered but the engine is not running.

    Some of the parameters may affect engine operation

    in an unusual way. An operator might  not expect

    this type of  effect. Without adequate training,

    these parameters may lead to power  complaints

    or performance complaints  even though the

    performance of the engine is to the specification.

    “Total Idle Time” and “Total Idle Fuel” can  include

    operating time when the engine  is not operating

    under a load.

    Fuel Information can be displayed in US gallons or

    in liters.

    Refer to Troubleshooting, “Configuration Parameters”

    for additional information on this subject.

    “Total Fuel” is  the total amount of  fuel that is

    consumed by the engine during operation.


    “Total Max Fuel” is the maximum amount of fuel that

    could have been consumed by the engine  during


    System configuration parameters are protected by

    factory passwords. Factory passwords are calculated

    on a computer system  that is available only to

    Perkins Distributors. Since factory passwords contain

    alphabetic characters, only the electronic service

    tool may change system configuration parameters.

    System configuration parameters affect the power

    rating family or emissions.

    “Engine Starts” is the total number of times when the

    engine has been started.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Customer parameters can  be protected by

    customer passwords. The customer passwords are

    programmed by the customer. Factory passwords

    can be used to  change customer passwords if

    customer passwords are lost.

    Communication Adapter  Tool  –  The

    communication adapter provides a communication

    link between the ECM and the electronic service tool.

    Coolant Temperature Sensor  – The coolant

    temperature sensor detects the  engine coolant

    temperature for all normal operating conditions and

    for engine monitoring.

    Refer to Troubleshooting, “Factory Passwords” for

    additional information on this subject.

    Data Link  – The data link is a serial communication

    port that is used for communication with other devices

    such as the electronic service tool.



    Derate  – Certain engine conditions will generate

    event codes. Also, engine may be derated. The map

    for the engine derate is programmed into the ECM

    software. The type of derate can be one or more of

    three types: reduction of rated power, reduction of

    rated engine speed, and reduction of rated machine

    speed for OEM products.

    Active Diagnostic Code  – An active diagnostic

    code alerts the operator or the service technician that

    an electronic system malfunction is currently present.

    Refer to the term “Diagnostic Code” in this glossary.

    Aftertreatment  – Aftertreatment is a system that is

    used to remove pollutants from exhaust gases. The

    system consists of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)

    and a Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF).

    Desired Engine Speed  – The desired engine speed

    is input to the electronic governor within the ECM.

    The electronic governor uses the signal  from the

    throttle position sensor, the engine speed/timing

    sensor, and other sensors in order to determine the

    desired engine speed.

    Alternating Current (AC)  – Alternating current is an

    electric current that reverses direction at a regular

    interval that is reoccurring.

    Diagnostic Trouble Code  – A diagnostic trouble

    code is sometimes referred to as a fault code. These

    codes indicate an electronic system malfunction.

    Before Top Center (BTC) – BTC is the 180 degrees

    of crankshaft rotation before the piston reaches the

    top center position in the normal direction of rotation.

    Diagnostic Lamp  – The diagnostic lamp is also

    called the warning lamp. The diagnostic lamp is used

    to warn the operator of the presence  of an active

    diagnostic code. The lamp may not be included in

    all applications.

    Breakout Harness  – A breakout harness is  a

    test harness that is designed to  connect into the

    engine harness. This connection allows a normal

    circuit operation and the connection simultaneously

    provides a Breakout T  in order to measure the


    Diesel Oxidation Catalyst   – The Diesel Oxidation

    Catalyst is also known as the (DOC). The DOC is a

    device in the exhaust system that oxidizes certain

    elements in the exhaust gases. These elements can

    include carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons and

    the soluble organic fractions (SOF) of  particulate


    Bypass Circuit  – A bypass circuit is a circuit that is

    used as a substitute circuit for an existing circuit. A

    bypass circuit is typically used as a test circuit.

    CAN Data Link (see also J1939 CAN Data Link) –

    The CAN Data Link  is a serial communications

    port that is used  for communication with other

    microprocessor-based devices.

    Digital Sensor Return  – The common line (ground)

    from the ECM is  used as ground for the digital


    Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter – The Catalyzed

    Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF) filters particulates

    from the exhaust gases. A coating on the  internal

    surfaces reacts with the hot exhaust gases in order

    to burn off the particulates. This process prevents the

    CDPF from becoming blocked with soot.

    Digital Sensors  – Digital sensors produce a pulse

    width modulated signal. Digital sensors are supplied

    with power from the ECM.

    Digital Sensor Supply  – The power supply for the

    digital sensors is provided by the ECM.

    Clean Emissions Module  – The Clean Emissions

    Module (CEM) includes all the components of the

    aftertreatment system.

    Direct Current (DC)  – Direct current is the type of

    current that flows consistently in only one direction.

    DT, DT Connector, or Deutsch DT – This design is

    a type of connector that is used on this engine. The

    connectors are manufactured by Deutsch.

    Code  – Refer to “Diagnostic Trouble Code”.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Duty Cycle  – Refer to “Pulse Width Modulation”.

    Failure Mode Identifier (FMI)  – This identifier

    indicates the type of failure that is associated with

    the component. The FMI has been adopted from the

    SAE practice of J1587 diagnostics. The FMI follows

    the parameter identifier (PID) in the descriptions of

    the fault code. The descriptions of the FMIs are in

    the following list.

    Electronic Engine Control  – The  electronic

    engine control is a  complete electronic system.

    The electronic engine control monitors the engine

    operation under all conditions. The electronic engine

    control also controls the engine operation under all


    0  – The data is valid but the data is above the normal

    Electronic Control Module (ECM)  – The ECM

    is the control computer of  the engine. The ECM

    provides power to the electronics. The ECM monitors

    data that is input from the sensors of the engine. The

    ECM acts as a governor in order to control the speed

    and the power of the engine.

    operational range.

    1  – The data is valid but the data is below the normal

    operational range.

    2  – The data is erratic, intermittent, or incorrect.

    Electronic Service Tool  – The electronic service

    tool allows a computer (PC) to communicate with the


    3  – The voltage is above normal or the voltage is

    shorted high.

    4  – The voltage is below normal or the voltage is

    shorted low.

    Engine Monitoring  – Engine Monitoring is the part

    of the electronic engine control that  monitors the

    sensors. Engine monitoring also warns the operator

    of detected problems.

    5  – The current is below normal or the circuit is open.

    6  – The current is above normal or the  circuit is


    Engine Oil Pressure Sensor  – The engine  oil

    pressure sensor measures engine oil pressure. The

    sensor sends a signal to the ECM that is dependent

    on the engine oil pressure.

    7  – The mechanical system is  not responding


    Engine Speed/Timing Sensor  – An  engine

    speed/timing sensor is a  hall effect switch that

    provides a digital signal  to the ECM. The ECM

    interprets this signal as the crankshaft position and

    the engine speed. Two sensors are used to provide

    the speed and timing signals to the ECM. The primary

    sensor is associated with the crankshaft  and the

    secondary sensor is associated with the camshaft.

    8  – There is an abnormal frequency, an abnormal

    pulse width, or an abnormal time period.

    9  – There has been an abnormal update.

    10  – There is an abnormal rate of change.

    11  – The failure mode is not identifiable.

    12  – The device or the component is damaged.

    13  – The device requires calibration.

    Ether Injection  – Ether injection is a starting aid in

    cold conditions. Glow plugs are used as a starting

    aid when the ambient temperature is between 5° C

    (41° F) and −25° C (−13° F). At a temperature that

    is lower than −25° C (−13° F), the  glow plugs are

    disabled and ether injection is used.

    14  – There is a special instruction for the device.

    15  – The signal from the device is high (least severe).

    Event Code  – An event code may be activated

    in order to indicate an abnormal engine operating

    condition. These codes usually indicate a mechanical

    problem instead of an electrical system problem.

    16  – The signal from the device is high (moderate


    17  – The signal from the device is low (least severe).

    Exhaust Back Pressure Valve  – The exhaust back

    pressure valve regulates the gas pressure  in the

    exhaust system. The valve can restrict the flow of

    exhaust gases in order to increase the exhaust back

    pressure. An increase in exhaust back pressure will

    increase the temperature of the exhaust gases. The

    increase in temperature will improve the process that

    burns off the soot in the CDPF.

    18  – The signal from the device is low (moderate


    19  – There is an error in the data from the device.

    31  – The device has failed and the engine has shut


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    Troubleshooting Section

    Flash File  – This file is  software that is inside

    the ECM. The  file contains all the instructions

    (software) for the ECM and  the file contains the

    performance maps for a specific engine. The file may

    be reprogrammed through flash programming.

    Harness  – The harness is the bundle  of wiring

    (loom) that connects all components of the electronic


    Hertz (Hz)  – Hertz is the measure  of electrical

    frequency in cycles per second.

    Flash Programming  – Flash programming is the

    method of programming or updating an ECM with

    an electronic service tool over the data link instead

    of replacing components.

    High Pressure Fuel Pump  – This pump is a device

    that supplies fuel under pressure  to the fuel rail

    (high-pressure fuel rail).

    FRC  – See “Fuel Ratio Control”.

    High Pressure Fuel Rail  – See “Fuel Rail”.

    Fuel Pump  – See “High Pressure Fuel Pump”.

    Injector Trim Codes  – Injector trim codes are codes

    that contain 30 characters. The codes are supplied

    with new injectors. The code is  input through the

    electronic service tool into the ECM. The injector trim

    codes compensate for variances in manufacturing

    of the electronic unit injector and for the life of  the

    electronic unit injector.

    Fuel Rail  – This item is sometimes referred to as the

    High Pressure Fuel Rail. The fuel rail supplies fuel to

    the electronic unit injectors. The high-pressure fuel

    pump and the fuel rail pressure sensor work with the

    ECM in order to maintain the desired fuel pressure

    in the fuel rail.  This pressure is determined by

    calibration of the engine in order to enable the engine

    to meet emissions and performance requirements.

    Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor  –  The

    intake manifold air temperature sensor detects the

    air temperature in the intake manifold. The  ECM

    monitors the air temperature and other data in the

    intake manifold in order to adjust injection timing and

    other performance functions.

    Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor  – The fuel rail pressure

    sensor sends a signal to the ECM that is dependent

    on the pressure of the fuel in the fuel rail.

    Fuel Ratio Control (FRC)  – The FRC is a limit that

    is based on the control of the ratio of the fuel to air.

    The FRC is used for purposes of emission control.

    When the ECM senses a higher  intake manifold

    air pressure (more air into the cylinder),  the FRC

    increases the FRC Limit (more fuel into the cylinder).

    Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor  – The Intake

    Manifold Pressure Sensor measures the pressure

    in the intake manifold. The pressure in the  intake

    manifold may be different to the pressure  outside

    the engine (atmospheric pressure). The difference

    in pressure may be caused  by an increase in air

    pressure by a turbocharger.

    Full Load Setting (FLS) – The FLS is the parameter

    that represents the fuel system adjustment.  This

    adjustment is made  at the factory in  order to

    fine-tune the fuel system. This parameter must be


    Integrated Electronic Controls  – The engine is

    designed with the electronic controls as a necessary

    part of the system.  The engine will not operate

    without the electronic controls.

    Full Torque Setting  (FTS) –  The FTS is the

    parameter that represents the adjustment for  the

    engine torque. This adjustment is made at the factory

    in order to fine-tune the fuel system. This adjustment

    is made with the  FLS. This parameter must be


    J1939 CAN Data Link  – This data link is a  SAE

    standard diagnostic communications data link that is

    used to communicate between the ECM and other

    electronic devices.

    Logged Diagnostic Codes  – Logged diagnostic

    codes are codes which are stored in the  memory.

    These codes are an indicator of possible causes for

    intermittent problems. Refer to the term “Diagnostic

    Trouble Codes” for more information.

    Glow Plug  – The glow plug is an optional starting aid

    for cold conditions. One glow plug is installed in each

    combustion chamber in order to improve the ability of

    the engine to start. The ECM uses information from

    the engine sensors to determine when the glow plug

    relay must provide power to each glow plug. Each

    of the glow plugs then provides a hot surface in the

    combustion chamber in order to vaporize the mixture

    of air and fuel. The vaporization improves ignition

    during the compression stroke of the cylinder.

    NOx Reduction System  – The NOx Reduction

    System recycles a portion of the exhaust gases back

    into the inlet air. The recirculation reduces the oxides

    of nitrogen (NOx) in the exhaust gases. The recycled

    exhaust gas passes through a cooler before being

    introduced into the inlet air.

    Glow Plug Relay  – The glow plug relay is controlled

    by the ECM in order to provide high current to  the

    glow plugs.

    OEM  – OEM is an abbreviation for the  Original

    Equipment Manufacturer.  The OEM is  the

    manufacturer of the machine or the vehicle that uses

    the engine.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Open Circuit  – An open circuit is a condition that is

    caused by an open switch, or by an electrical wire

    or a connection that is broken. When this condition

    exists, the signal o, r the supply voltage can no longer

    reach the intended destination.

    Parameter  – A parameter is a value or a limit that is

    programmable. A parameter helps determine specific

    characteristics or behaviors of the engine.

    Password  – A password is a group of  numeric

    characters or a group of alphanumeric characters

    that is designed to restrict access to parameters. The

    electronic system requires correct passwords in order

    to change some parameters (Factory Passwords).

    Refer to Troubleshooting, “Factory Passwords” for

    more information.

    Personality Module  – See “Flash File”.

    Power Cycling  – Power cycling refers to the action

    of cycling the keyswitch from any position to the OFF

    position, and to the START/RUN position.


    Illustration 7

    Rated Fuel Limit  – The rated fuel limit is a limit that

    is based on the power rating of the engine and on the

    engine rpm. The Rated Fuel Limit enables the engine

    power and torque outputs to conform to the power

    and torque curves of a specific engine model. These

    limits are in the flash file and these limits cannot be


    Pressure Limiting Valve (PLV) – The PLV is a valve

    in the fuel rail that prevents excessive pressure. The

    PLV will reduce the pressure to a safe level that will

    limit engine operation but the reduced pressure will

    not stop the engine.

    Primary Speed/Timing Sensor  – This sensor

    determines the position of the  crankshaft during

    engine operation. If  the primary speed/timing

    sensor fails during engine operation, the secondary

    speed/timing sensor is used to provide the signal.

    Reference Voltage  – Reference voltage is  a

    regulated voltage and a  steady voltage that is

    supplied by the ECM to a  sensor. The reference

    voltage is used by the sensor to generate a signal


    Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)  – The PWM is a

    signal that consists of pulses that  are of variable

    width. These pulses occur at fixed intervals. The ratio

    of “TIME ON” versus “TIME OFF” can be varied. This

    ratio is also referred to as a duty cycle.

    Relay  – A relay is an electromechanical switch. A

    flow of electricity in one circuit is used to control the

    flow of electricity in another circuit. A small current or

    voltage is applied to a relay in order to switch a much

    larger current or voltage.

    Secondary Speed/Timing Sensor  – This sensor

    determines the position of the camshaft during engine

    operation. If the primary speed/timing sensor fails

    during engine operation, the secondary speed/timing

    sensor is used to provide the signal.

    Sensor  – A sensor is a  device that is used to

    detect the current value of pressure or temperature,

    or mechanical movement. The information that is

    detected is converted into an electrical signal.

    Short Circuit  – A short circuit is a condition that has

    an electrical circuit that is inadvertently connected to

    an undesirable point. An example of a short circuit

    is a wire which rubs against  a vehicle frame and

    this rubbing eventually wears off the wire insulation.

    Electrical contact with the frame is made and results

    in a short circuit.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Signal  – The signal is a voltage or a waveform that

    is used in order to transmit information typically from

    a sensor to the ECM.

    Wastegate  – The wastegate is a  device in a

    turbocharged engine that controls the  maximum

    boost pressure that is provided to the inlet manifold.

    Suction Control Valve (SCV) – The SCV is a control

    device in the high-pressure fuel pump. The  valve

    controls the pressure in the fuel rail by varying the

    amount of fuel that enters the chambers in the pump.

    Wastegate Regulator  – The wastegate regulator

    controls the pressure in the  intake manifold to a

    value that is determined by the ECM. The wastegate

    regulator provides the interface between the ECM

    and the mechanical system. The wastegate regulates

    intake manifold pressure to the desired value that is

    determined by the software.

    Supply Voltage – The supply voltage is a continuous

    voltage that is supplied to a component. The power

    may be generated by the ECM or the power may be

    battery voltage that is supplied by the engine wiring.


    Suspect Parameter Number (SPN)  – The SPN is a

    J1939 number that identifies the specific component

    of the electronic control system that has experienced

    a diagnostic code.

    Electronic Service Tools

    Perkins electronic service tools are designed to help

    the service technician:

    System Configuration Parameters  –  System

    configuration parameters are parameters that affect

    emissions and/or operating characteristics of the


    •  Retrieve diagnostic codes.

    •  Diagnose electrical problems.

    •  Read parameters.

    Tattletale  – Certain parameters that affect the

    operation of the engine  are stored in the ECM.

    These parameters can be changed by use  of the

    electronic service tool. The tattletale logs the number

    of changes that have been made to the parameter.

    The tattletale is stored in the ECM.

    •  Program parameters.

    •  Install injector trim codes.

    Throttle Position  – The throttle position is  the

    interpretation by the ECM of  the signal from the

    throttle position sensor or the throttle switch.

    Required Service Tools

    Table 1

    Throttle Position Sensor  – The throttle position

    sensor is a sensor that is normally connected to an

    accelerator pedal or a hand lever. This sensor sends

    a signal to the ECM that is used to calculate desired

    engine speed.

    Required Service  Tools

    Part Number



    Crimp Tool (12−AWG TO 18−AWG)

    Wire Removal Tool


    Throttle Switch  – The throttle switch sends a signal

    to the ECM that is used to calculate desired engine



    Removal Tool


    Suitable Digital Multimeter

    Top Center Position – The top center position refers

    to the crankshaft position when the engine piston

    position is at the highest point of travel. The engine

    must be turned in the normal direction of rotation in

    order to reach this point.

    Two short jumper wires are needed  to check the

    continuity of some wiring harness circuits by shorting

    two adjacent terminals together in a connector. A

    long extension wire may also be needed to check the

    continuity of some wiring harness circuits.

    Total Tattletale  – The total tattletale is the  total

    number of changes to all the parameters  that are

    stored in the ECM.

    Optional Service Tools

    Table 2 lists the optional service tools that  can be

    used when the engine is serviced.

    Wait To Start Lamp  – This lamp is included in the

    cold starting aid circuit in order to indicate when the

    wait to start period is active.  The lamp will go off

    when the engine is ready to be started.  The glow

    plugs may not have deactivated.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Table 2

    Table 3

    Part Number



    Service Tools for  the Use of  the Electronic

    Service Tool

    Spoon Probe Kit(MULTIMETER)






    Suitable Digital Pressure Indicator


    Engine Pressure Group



    Single Use Program License





    Suitable Battery Load Tester

    Data Subscription for All Engines

    Suitable Temperature  Adapter


    Communication Adapter (Electronic

    Service Tool to the ECM interface)





    Bypass Harness As

    Harness as

    Adapter Cable As

    (1)  Refer to Perkins Engine Company Limited.

    Note: For more  information on the Electronic

    Service Tool and the PC requirements, refer to the

    documentation that accompanies the software for the

    Electronic Service Tool.

    Perkins Electronic Service Tool

    The Perkins Electronic Service Tool can display the

    following information:

    Connecting the Electronic Service Tool

    and the Communication Adapter II

    •  Status of all pressure sensors and temperature


    •  Programmable parameter settings

    •  Active diagnostic codes and logged  diagnostic


    •  Logged events

    •  Histograms

    The Electronic Service Tool can also  be used to

    perform the following functions:

    •  Diagnostic tests

    •  Sensor calibrations

    •  Programming of flash files and injector trim codes

    •  Parameter programming

    •  Copy configuration function for ECM replacement

    •  Data logging

    •  Graphs (real time)

    Table 3 lists the service tools  that are required in

    order to use the Electronic Service Tool.


    Illustration 8

    (1) Personal Computer (PC)

    (2) Adapter Cable (Computer Serial Port)

    (3) Communication Adapter II

    (4) Adapter Cable Assembly

    Note: Items (2),  (3) and (4)  are part of the

    Communication Adapter II kit.

    Use the following procedure in  order to connect

    the Electronic Service Tool and the Communication

    Adapter II.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    1.  Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

    Warning Lamp

    2.  Connect cable (2) between the “COMPUTER”

    end of communication adapter (3) and the RS232

    serial port of PC (1).

    Lamp check  – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

    the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

    then go off unless there is an active warning.

    Note: The Adapter Cable Assembly (4) is required to

    connect to the USB port on computers that are not

    equipped with an RS232 serial port.

    Flashing  – The lamp will be  flashing when a

    “warning” or a “warning and derate” is active. This

    includes low oil pressure.

    3.  Connect cable (4) between the “DATA LINK” end

    of communication adapter (3) and the service tool


    On  – The lamp will be on when the shutdown level

    has been reached. The “Shutdown” lamp will also

    be on.

    4.  Place the keyswitch in the ON position.  If the

    Electronic Service Tool and the communication

    adapter do not communicate with the Electronic

    Control Module (ECM), refer to the  diagnostic

    procedure Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service

    Tool DoesNot Communicate”.

    Wait to Start Lamp

    Lamp check  – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

    the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

    then go off unless “Wait to Start” is active.

    On  – The lamp is on during a “Wait to Start” period.


    Low Oil Pressure

    Indicator Lamps

    Lamp check  – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

    the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

    then go off unless there is an active warning.

    Indicator Lamps

    On  – The lamp will come on when a low oil pressure

    event is detected. The  “Warning” lamp and the

    “Shutdown” lamp may also come on.

    Four lamps are available as options. The “Shutdown”

    lamp and the “Warning” lamp will normally be installed

    in the application. Dedicated optional lamps for other

    items may also be installed. The remaining optional

    lamps are “Wait to start” and “Low oil pressure”.

    Note: On a cold start, when the Electronic Control

    Module (ECM) determines that it is necessary for the

    glow plugs to be activated prior to starting, a lamp

    output will indicate that the operator needs to “Wait

    to Start”. It is possible that starting aids may be used

    during the cranking of the engine. Starting aids may

    be used if the engine has previously been started.

    The “Wait to Start” lamp will not be active in  these


    The “Shutdown” lamp and the “Warning” lamp can

    also be used to indicate a diagnostic code by use of

    the “Flash Code” feature. The “Flash Code” feature

    can be used to indicate all active diagnostic codes

    and logged diagnostic codes.

    Functions of the Lamps

    Color of Lamps

    Shutdown Lamp

    Typically, the “Shutdown” lamp is colored red and the

    “Warning” lamp is colored amber. The other lamps

    are optional.

    Lamp check  – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

    the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

    then go off unless there is an active warning.

    Flashing  – The lamp will be flashing when a derate

    is active or when a derate  is present because of

    an active diagnostic code. An example of an active

    diagnostic code is “System Voltage High”.

    On  – The lamp will be on when the shutdown level

    in the engine protection strategy has been reached.

    The “Warning” lamp will also be on.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Operation of the Indicator Lamps

    Table 4







    Lamp State

    Lamp Check

    No Faults

    Description of the Indication

    Engine State





    When the keyswitch is moved to the

    ON position, the lamps come on for

    a period of 2 seconds and the lamps

    will then go off.

    The keyswitch is in the ON position but

    the engine has not yet been cranked.





    With the engine in operation, there

    are no active warnings, diagnostic

    codes or event codes.

    The engine is operating with no detected




    If the warning lamp comes on during

    engine operation, this  indicates

    that an active diagnostic code (an

    electrical fault) is present.

    The engine is operating normally but

    there is one or  more faults with the

    electronic management system for the





    (A derate  is

    caused by

    certain active


    If the warning lamp comes on and the   The engine is operating but there is one

    shutdown lamp flashes during engine    or more active diagnostic codes that

    operation, this indicates that an active   have initiated an engine derate.

    diagnostic code (an electrical fault) is

    present. The diagnostic is sufficiently

    serious in order to cause an engine





    (Warning only)     during operation of the  engine,

    the lamp indicates  that one or

    When the warning  lamp flashes

    The engine is  operating normally.

    However, there is one or more  of the

    monitored engine parameters that are

    outside of the range that is acceptable.

    more of the warning values for  the

    engine protection strategy has been

    exceeded. However, the value has

    not been exceeded to a level that will

    cause a derate or a shutdown.





    (Warning only)     Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).

    There is a high soot loading  in the

    The soot loading  in the DPF has

    reached 100%. The engine  will be

    derated. The lamp warns the operator

    that the engine needs to be operated in

    a mode that promotes regeneration.



    (Warning and


    If both  the warning lamp  and

    shutdown lamp flash during operation    one or more of the monitored engine

    of the engine, the lamps indicate that    parameters is outside of the acceptable

    The engine is  operating. However,

    one or more of  the values for the

    range. The acceptable range has been

    engine protection strategy have been    exceeded to a level which  requires a

    exceeded beyond the level that will

    cause an engine derate.

    warning and an engine derate.





    Very high DPF     The soot loading in the DPF is high.

    soot loading

    The soot loading in the DPF has reached

    120%. The engine must be operated in

    a mode that promotes regeneration.



    If both the warning  lamp and the

    shutdown lamp come  on during

    engine operation, this indicates one

    of the following conditions.

    The engine is either shutdown or  an

    engine shutdown is imminent. One or

    more monitored engine parameters

    have exceeded the limit for an engine

    shutdown. This pattern of lamps can be

    caused by the detection of a  serious

    active diagnostic code.

    1. One or more  of the shutdown

    values for the  engine protection

    strategy has been exceeded.

    2. A serious active diagnostic code

    has been detected.

    After a short  period of time, the

    engine will shut down.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Flash Codes

    The “Flash Code” feature is used to flash the code

    of all active diagnostic codes and logged diagnostic


    The sequence for the flash code is started by moving

    the keyswitch to “Off” and then moving the keyswitch

    to “On” twice within a period of three seconds. After

    a delay of 2 seconds, the “Shutdown” lamp will flash

    once for a period of half a second. This sequence

    indicates the start of the active  fault codes. After

    a further delay of 2 seconds,  the “Warning” lamp

    will flash repeatedly in order to indicate the active

    diagnostic codes. Each flash will be  on for half a

    second and off for 300 milliseconds. The “Warning”

    lamp will remain off for 2 seconds between each digit

    of a code. If there is more than one active diagnostic

    code, the “Shutdown” lamp will go off for 2 seconds.

    The lamp will then come on  for a period of half a

    second. The “Warning” lamp will go off for a period of

    2 seconds before starting the next code. If there are

    no active diagnostic codes, the “Warning” lamp will

    flash the code “551”. Refer to Troubleshooting Guide,

    “No Diagnostic Code Detected”.

    As an example, an active diagnostic code of “21” is

    indicated by the “Warning” lamp coming on for 500

    ms, then off for 300 ms, then on for 500 ms, then off

    for 2000 ms, then on for 500 ms and then off.


    Illustration 9

    Timing of the flash  codes

    After all of the active diagnostic codes have  been

    displayed, the “Shutdown” lamp will  go off for 2

    seconds. The “Shutdown” lamp will flash  twice in

    order to indicate the start of the sequence that will

    display the logged diagnostic codes. The process for

    flashing logged diagnostic codes is identical to the

    process for flashing active diagnostic codes.

    Note: If there are no logged codes then the  “551”

    code should be flashed again.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    After all of the  codes have been displayed, the

    “Shutdown” lamp will  flash 3 times in order  to

    indicate that there are no further codes. Cycling the

    keyswitch twice within a period of  3 seconds will

    start the process again. All codes will be displayed in

    ascending numerical order.

    Note: If an ECM is to be used as a test ECM, “Test

    ECM Mode” must be selected  on the electronic

    service tool before the  engine serial number is


    Use the electronic service tool to read the parameters

    in the suspect ECM.  Record the parameters in

    the suspect ECM. Install the flash file into the new

    ECM. After the ECM is installed on the engine, the

    parameters must be programmed into the new ECM.

    Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Diagnostic

    Code Cross Reference” for the diagnostic code that

    relates to the flash code.

    Note: Flash codes are always sent  in ascending

    numerical order.

    Note: When a new ECM is not available, an ECM

    can be used from an engine that is not  in service.

    The ECM must  have the same serial number

    suffix. Ensure that the replacement ECM and  the

    part number for the flash  file match the suspect

    ECM. Be sure to record the  parameters from the

    replacement ECM. Use the “Copy Configuration ECM

    Replacement” function in the electronic service tool.


    Replacing the ECM


    If the flash file and engine application are not matched,

    engine damage may result.


    Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained

    during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-

    ing, adjusting, and repair of the product. Be prepared

    to  collect  the  fluid  with  suitable containers  before

    opening any compartment or disassembling any com-

    ponent containing fluids.

    Perform the following procedure in order to replace

    the ECM.

    1.  Connect the electronic service  tool to the

    diagnostic connector.

    Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


    2.  Use the “Copy Configuration ECM Replacement”

    function from the electronic service tool.  If the

    process is successful, proceed to Step 4. If the

    “Copy Configuration” failed, proceed to Step 3.


    Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

    Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

    component life.

    Note: Record any Logged Faults and Events for your


    The engine is equipped with an Electronic Control

    Module (ECM). The ECM contains no moving parts.

    Follow the troubleshooting procedures in this manual

    in order to be sure that replacing the ECM will correct

    the fault. Verify that the suspect ECM is the cause

    of the fault.

    3.  Record the following parameters:

    Record all  of the parameters  on the

    “Configuration” screen.

    Record all of the parameters on the “Throttle

    Configuration” screen.

    Note: Ensure that the  ECM is receiving power

    and that the ECM  is properly grounded before

    replacement of the ECM is attempted. Refer to the

    schematic diagram.

    Record all of the parameters  on the “Mode

    Configuration” screen.

    •  Record the serial numbers of the electronic unit

    injectors. The injector serial numbers are shown

    on the “Injector Trim Calibration” screen.

    A test ECM can be used in order to determine if the

    ECM on the engine is faulty. Install  a test ECM in

    place of the suspect ECM. Install the flash file with

    the correct part number into the test ECM. Program

    the parameters for the test ECM. The parameters

    must match the parameters in the  suspect ECM.

    Refer to the following test steps  for details. If the

    test ECM resolves the fault, reconnect the suspect

    ECM. Verify that the fault returns. If the fault returns,

    replace the ECM.

    Note: If the  parameters cannot be read,  the

    parameters must be obtained elsewhere.  Some

    parameters are stamped on the engine information

    plate, but most parameters must be obtained from

    the PTMI data on the Perkins web site.

    4.  Remove power from the ECM.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    5.  Remove the ECM. Refer to Disassembly and

    Assembly, “Electronic Control Module - Remove

    and Install”.

    Diagnostic Trouble Code  – When a fault in the

    electronic system is detected, the ECM generates a

    diagnostic trouble code. The diagnostic trouble code

    indicates the specific fault in the circuitry.

    6.  Install the replacement ECM. Refer to Disassembly

    and Assembly, “Electronic Control  Module -

    Remove and Install”.

    Diagnostic codes can have two different states:

    •  Active

    7.  If the replacement ECM is to be used as a test

    ECM, select “Test ECM Mode” on the electronic

    service tool.

    •  Logged

    Active Code  – An active diagnostic code indicates

    that an active fault has been detected by the control

    system. Active codes require immediate attention.

    Always service active codes prior to servicing logged


    8.  Download the flash file.

    a.  Connect the electronic service tool to  the

    diagnostic connector.

    b. Select “WinFlash” from  the “Utilities” menu of

    the electronic service tool.

    Logged Code  – Every generated code is stored

    in the permanent memory of the ECM. The codes

    are logged for 100 operating hours unless a code is

    cleared by use of the electronic service tool.

    c.  Select the downloaded flash file.

    9.  If necessary, use the electronic service tool to clear

    the rating interlock. To clear the rating interlock,

    enter the factory password when the electronic

    service tool is first connected. Activating the Test

    ECM mode will also clear the rating interlock.

    Logged codes may not  indicate that a repair is

    needed. The fault may have been temporary. The

    fault may have been resolved  since the logging

    of the code. If the  system is powered, an active

    diagnostic trouble code may be generated whenever

    a component is disconnected. When the component

    is reconnected, the code is no longer active. Logged

    codes may be useful to help troubleshoot intermittent

    faults. Logged codes can also be used to review the

    performance of the engine and the electronic system.

    10. Use the electronic service tool to program the

    parameters. Perform the following procedure.

    a.  If the “Copy Configuration” procedure was

    successful, use the “Copy Configuration, ECM

    Replacement” function to load the configuration

    file into the ECM.


    Sensors and  Electrical


    Note: During the  following procedure, factory

    passwords may be required.

    b. If the  “Copy Configuration” procedure failed,

    configure the parameters individually.  The

    parameters should match the parameters from

    step 3.

    The Electronic Control Module (ECM)  and most

    of the engine sensors are located on  the left side

    of the engine. For the 1204E-E44 engine, refer to

    Illustration 10. For the remaining sensors that are

    attached to the 1204E-E44 engine, refer to Illustration

    12. For the 1206E-E66 engine, refer to Illustration 14

    . For the remaining sensors that are attached to the

    1206E-E66 engine, refer to Illustration 16. For the

    sensors and components on the Clean Emissions

    Module (CEM), refer to Illustration 18.

    Perform the “Fuel System Verification Test”.

    11. Check for logged diagnostic codes. Factory

    passwords are required to clear logged events.



    Note: In the following illustrations, some components

    have been removed in order to improve visibility.

    The Electronic Control Module (ECM) can detect

    faults in the electronic  system and with engine

    operation. A self-diagnostic check is also performed

    whenever power is applied to the ECM.

    When a fault is detected, a diagnostic trouble code

    is generated. This code conforms to the SAE J1939

    standard. An alarm may also be generated.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Typical 1204E-E44 Engine


    Illustration 10

    Sensor locations on the left side  of a typical 1204E-E44 engine

    (1) Coolant temperature sensor

    (2) Intake manifold air temperature sensor

    (3) Intake manifold pressure sensor

    (4) Fuel rail pressure sensor

    (5) Water-in-fuel switch

    (8) Fuel temperature sensor

    (6) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

    (7) Suction  control valve  for the

    high-pressure fuel pump

    (9) Barometric pressure sensor

    (10) Primary speed/timing sensor

    (11) Oil pressure sensor

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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 11

    Close up views of sensor locations on the  left side of a typical 1204E-E44 engine

    (1) Coolant temperature sensor

    (2) Intake manifold air temperature sensor

    (3) Intake manifold pressure sensor

    (4) Fuel rail pressure sensor

    (5) Water-in-fuel switch

    (8) Fuel temperature sensor

    (6) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

    (7) Suction  control valve  for the

    high-pressure fuel pump

    (9) Barometric pressure sensor

    (10) Primary speed/timing sensor

    (11) Oil pressure sensor

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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 12

    Sensor locations on the right side and the  top of a typical 1204E-E44 engine

    (12) NRS outlet pressure sensor

    (13) NRS inlet pressure sensor

    (14) NRS valve

    (15) Nox  Reduction System (NRS)

    temperature sensor

    (16) Wastegate regulator

    (17) Secondary speed/timing sensor

    (18) Exhaust back  pressure valve (not


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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 13

    Close up views of sensor locations on  the top of a typical 1204E-E44 engine

    (12) NRS outlet pressure sensor

    (13) NRS inlet pressure sensor

    (14) NRS valve

    (15) Nox  Reduction System (NRS)

    temperature sensor (not illustrated)

    (16) Wastegate regulator

    (17) Secondary speed/timing sensor (not


    (18) Exhaust back pressure valve

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    Troubleshooting Section

    1206E-E66 Engine


    Illustration 14

    Sensor locations on the left side  of a typical 1206E-E66 engine

    (1) Fuel rail pressure sensor

    (5) Suction  control valve  for the

    high-pressure fuel pump

    (6) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

    (7) Fuel temperature sensor

    (8) Barometric pressure sensor (not shown)

    (9) Water-in-fuel switch

    (10) Primary speed/timing sensor

    (11) Oil pressure sensor

    (2) Intake manifold pressure sensor

    (3) Coolant temperature sensor

    (4) Intake manifold air temperature sensor

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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 15

    Close up views of sensor locations on the  left side of a typical 1206E-E66 engine

    (1) Fuel rail pressure sensor

    (5) Suction  control valve  for the

    high-pressure fuel pump

    (6) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

    (7) Fuel temperature sensor

    (8) Barometric pressure sensor

    (9) Water-in-fuel switch

    (10) Primary speed/timing sensor

    (11) Oil pressure sensor

    (2) Intake manifold pressure sensor

    (3) Coolant temperature sensor

    (4) Intake manifold air temperature sensor

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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 16

    Sensor locations on the right side and the  top of a typical 1206E-E66 engine

    (12) NRS outlet pressure sensor

    (13) Wastegate regulator

    (14) NRS valve

    (15) NRS inlet pressure sensor

    (16) Inlet temperature sensor for the  NOx

    Reduction System (NRS)

    (17) Secondary speed/timing sensor

    (18) Exhaust back pressure valve

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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 17

    Close up views of sensor locations on the right side and  the top of a typical 1206E-E66 engine

    (12) NRS outlet pressure sensor

    (13) Wastegate regulator

    (14) NRS valve

    (15) NRS inlet pressure sensor

    (16) Inlet temperature sensor for the  NOx

    Reduction System (NRS)

    (17) Secondary speed/timing sensor

    (18) Exhaust back pressure valve

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Clean Emissions Module (CEM)


    Illustration 18

    Sensors and components on a  typical CEM

    (1) Temperature probe for the  inlet to the


    (2) Inlet temperature sensor

    (3) Aftertreatment identification module

    (4) Soot antennas


    Table 5

    Engine Wiring Information

    Color Codes for  the Harness Wire

    Color Code


    Color Code














    Harness Wire Identification





    Perkins identifies all wires with 11 solid colors. The

    circuit number is stamped on the wire at a 25  mm

    (1 inch) spacing. Table 5 lists the wire colors and the

    color codes.







    For example, a wire identification of F730-OR  on

    the schematic would signify an orange wire with the

    circuit number F730. F730-OR identifies the power

    supply for the oil pressure sensor.

    Note: Always replace a harness wire with the same

    gauge of wire and with the same color code.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Note: In the following diagrams, “Pxxx” signifies a

    plug and “Jxxx” signifies a jack.

    Schematic Diagrams

    1204E-E44 Engine


    Illustration 19

    Schematic diagram of the 1204E-E44 engine connections to the  J2 connector on the ECM

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    Troubleshooting Section

    1206E-E66 Engine


    Illustration 20

    Schematic diagram of the 1206E-E66 engine connections to the  J2 connector on the ECM

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    Troubleshooting Section

    NOx Reduction System (NRS)


    Illustration 21

    Schematic diagram of the NRS equipment for the 1204E-E44  and 1206E-E66 engines

    Clean Emissions Module (CEM)


    Illustration 22

    Schematic diagram of the Clean  Emissions Module (CEM)

    Wiring for the Application

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    Troubleshooting Section


    Illustration 23

    Schematic Diagram for a Typical  Application

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    Troubleshooting Section


    2.  Position Tooling (A) around wire (2).

    ECM Harness  Connector


    Note: Make sure that the tool stays perpendicular to

    the face of the connector (1).

    3.  Push the tool into the hole for the terminal. Gently

    pull the wire in order to remove the terminal from

    the rear of the connector (1).

    The Electronic Control  Module (ECM) uses

    connectors that have 70 terminals to interface to the

    wiring harness.

    4.  Remove the Tooling (A) from the wire.

    Note: If a terminal must be replaced, part number

    2900A016 must be used for 16 and 18 AWG wire.

    Part number 28170024 must be used for 14 AWG


    Terminal Insertion

    1.  Push the terminal into the rear of the connector (1)

    until the terminal engages with the locking device.

    2.  Gently pull on the wire (2) in order to make sure

    that the terminal is retained by the locking device.

    3.  Connect the connector to the ECM  and then

    tighten the retaining screw to a torque of 6 N·m

    (53 lb in).


    Illustration 24

    Layout of the Connector Pins (view from the rear)

    Removal and Installation of  the

    Harness Connector Terminals

    Terminal Removal

    Table 6

    Required Tools




    Part Description




    Removal Tool (Red)



    Illustration 25

    Removal Tool

    1.  Remove the connector from the ECM. Refer to

    Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Control

    Module - Remove and Install”.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Programming Parameters

    Note: “Test ECM Mode” can  only be activated if

    the engine serial number  has not already been

    programmed during normal operation of the ECM.

    If the engine serial number is programmed and the

    ECM is not in “Test ECM Mode”, the ECM can never

    be used as a test ECM.


    Programming Parameters

    6.  Use the “Copy Configuration” feature on  the

    electronic service tool to program the test ECM.

    The electronic service tool can  be used to view

    certain parameters that can affect the operation of the

    engine. The electronic service tool can also be used

    to change certain parameters. The parameters are

    stored in the Electronic Control Module (ECM). Some

    of the parameters are protected from unauthorized

    changes by passwords. Parameters that  can be

    changed have a tattletale number.  The tattletale

    number is incremented whenever a parameter  is


    Note: If the “ECM Replacement” feature cannot be

    used, program the test ECM with the values from the

    “Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet” and the

    values from the System Configuration Parameters.

    7.  Program the engine serial number into the test


    Note: The “Test ECM Mode”  must be activated

    before the engine serial number is programmed into

    the ECM.


    Test ECM Mode

    8.  Verify that the test ECM eliminates the fault.

    When the “Test ECM Mode” is activated, an internal

    timer sets a 24 hour clock. This clock will count down

    only while the ECM is powered and the keyswitch

    is in the ON position. After the  ECM has counted

    down the 24 hour period, the ECM will exit the “Test

    ECM Mode”. The parameters and the engine serial

    number will be set.

    “Test ECM Mode” is a feature in the software that

    can be used to help troubleshoot an engine that may

    have a fault in the Electronic Control Module (ECM).

    This feature allows a standard ECM to be used as a

    test ECM. This feature eliminates the need to stock

    a test ECM.

    If the test ECM eliminates the fault, the engine can

    be released while the “Test ECM Mode” is still active.

    1.  Search for the la, test flash file for the engine.

    Once an ECM has been activated in the “Test ECM

    Mode”, the ECM will stay in the “Test ECM  Mode”

    until the timer times out. If the ECM is used as a test

    ECM for more than one engine, the “Test ECM Mode”

    must be reactivated. Anytime prior to the “Test ECM

    Mode” timing out, the ECM can be reset to 24 hours.

    Note: If a newer software version is available for the

    engine, install the newest software on the suspect

    ECM. If the new software does not eliminate the fault,

    continue with this procedure.

    2.  Use the “Copy Configuration” feature on  the

    electronic service tool to copy the  parameters

    from the suspect ECM.


    Factory Passwords

    Note: If the “ECM Replacement”  feature cannot

    be used, record the programmed values  into the

    “Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet”. Also

    record the system configuration parameters.


    3.  Disconnect the suspect ECM. Temporarily connect

    the test ECM to the engine. Do not mount the test

    ECM on the engine.

    Operating the engine with a flash file not designed for

    that engine will damage the engine. Be sure the flash

    file is correct for your engine.

    4.  Flash program the test ECM with the  newest

    software that is available.

    Note: Factory passwords are  provided only to

    Perkins authorized distributors.

    5.  Start the “Test ECM Mode” on  the electronic

    service tool. Access the  feature through the

    “Service” menu. The electronic service tool will

    display the status of the test ECM and the hours

    that are remaining for the “Test ECM Mode”.

    Factory passwords are required to perform each of

    the following functions:

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    Troubleshooting Section

    •  Program a new Electronic  Control Module


    Note: You must have the engine serial number  in

    order to search for the part number of the flash file.

    When an ECM is replaced, the system configuration

    parameters must be programmed into the  new

    ECM. A new ECM will allow these parameters to

    be programmed once without factory passwords.

    After the initial programming, some parameters are

    protected by factory passwords.

    2.  Connect the electronic service  tool to the

    diagnostic connector.

    3.  Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start

    the engine.

    4.  Select “WinFlash” from the “Utilities” menu on the

    •  Rerate the engine.

    electronic service tool.

    Rerating may require changing the interlock code,

    which is protected by factory passwords.

    Note: If WinFlash will not  communicate with the

    ECM, refer to Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service

    Tool Will Not Communicate with ECM”.

    •  Unlock parameters.

    5.  Flash program the flash file into the ECM.

    Factory passwords are  required in order to

    unlock certain system configuration parameters.

    Refer to Troubleshooting, “System Configuration


    a.  Select the engine ECM under the “Detected


    b. Press the  “Browse” button in order to select

    the part number of the flash  file that will be

    programmed into the ECM.

    •  Clear engine events and certain diagnostic


    Most engine events require factory passwords in

    order to clear the code from ECM memory. Clear

    these codes only when you are certain  that the

    fault has been corrected. For example, the 190-15

    Engine Overspeed requires the use  of factory

    passwords in order to clear the code from  ECM


    c.  When the correct flash file is selected, press

    the “Open” button.

    d. Verify  that the “File  Values” match the

    application. If the file values do not match the

    application, search for the correct flash file.

    e.  When the correct flash file is selected, press

    the “Begin Flash” button.

    Since factory passwords  contain alphabetic

    characters, the electronic service  tool must be

    used to perform these functions. In order to obtain

    factory passwords, proceed as if you already have

    the password. If factory passwords  are needed,

    the electronic service tool will request the  factory

    passwords. The electronic service tool will display the

    information that is required to obtain the passwords.

    f.  The electronic service  tool will indicate when

    the flash programming has been successfully


    6.  Use the electronic service tool  to check for

    diagnostic code 631-2. If this diagnostic code is

    active and the flash file is not being installed  in

    order to change the engine rating,  repeat this

    procedure from 1. If this diagnostic code is active

    and the flash file is  being installed in order to

    change the engine rating, factory passwords must

    be obtained.


    Flash Programming

    7.  Access the “Configuration” screen under the

    “Service” menu in  order to determine  the

    parameters that require programming. Look under

    the “Tattletale” column. All of  the parameters

    should have a tattletale of 1 or more. If a parameter

    has a tattletale of 0, program that parameter.

    Flash Programming  – A method of loading a flash

    file into the Electronic Control Module (ECM)

    The electronic service tool is utilized to flash program

    a flash file into the ECM.  The flash programming

    transfers the flash file from the PC to the ECM.

    8.  Start the engine and check for proper operation.

    Check that there are no active diagnostic codes.

    Flash Programming a Flash File

    1.  Obtain the part number for the new flash file.

    Note: If you do not have the part number for the flash

    file, use PTMI on the Perkins web site.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    “WinFlash” Error Messages

    If any error messages are displayed  during flash

    programming, click on the “Cancel” button in order

    to stop the process. Access the “ECM  Summary”

    information through the “Information” menu. Ensure

    that you are programming the correct flash file  for

    your engine.

    If a 630-2 diagnostic trouble code is displayed after

    flash programming, a required parameter is missing.

    Program the missing parameter.



    Injector Code - Calibrate

    Illustration 27

    Sequence for recording the injector code

    The electronic service tool is used to load the injector

    codes into the ECM.

    Injector codes are codes that are 30 hexadecimal

    characters in length that are  supplied with each

    injector. The code is on  a plate on the top of the

    injector and a card is also included in the packaging

    for the injector. The code is used by the Electronic

    Control Module (ECM) to balance the performance

    of the injectors.

    The injector codes must be loaded into the ECM if

    any of the following conditions occur:

    •  An electronic unit injector is replaced.

    •  The ECM is replaced.

    •  Diagnostic code 268-2 is active.

    •  Electronic unit injectors are exchanged between


    Note: Diagnostic code 268-2 will also become active

    if the engine serial number,  FLS or FTS are not

    entered into the ECM.

    If the ECM is  replaced, the injector codes are

    normally transferred to the new  ECM as part of

    the “Copy Configuration” procedure. If the  “Copy

    Configuration” procedure fails, the injector codes

    must be loaded manually.

    Installing Injector Codes

    Note: The injector code is located on the electronic

    unit injector.


    1.  Record the injector code for each electronic unit

    Illustration 26


    Typical label with an injector code

    2.  Connect the electronic service  tool to the

    diagnostic connector. Refer to Troubleshooting,

    “Electronic Service Tools”.

    3.  Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

    4.  Select the following menu options on the electronic

    service tool:

    •  Service

    •  Calibrations

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Mode Selection Number

    •  Injector Trim Calibration

    5.  Select the appropriate cylinder.

    6.  Click on the “Change” button.

    This parameter is a non-programmable parameter

    that represents the number of possible combinations

    of switch positions. This parameter is based on the

    value that is programmed into the “Number of Switch

    Inputs” parameter.

    7.  Input the applicable injector  code that was

    recorded in Test Step 1.

    Mode Selection Switch Input 2 and

    Mode Selection Switch Input 1

    8.  Click on the “OK” button.

    The injector code is loaded into the ECM.

    The number of these non-programmable parameters

    that are visible  depends on the value  that is

    programmed into the “Number of  Switch Inputs”

    parameter. “Open” signifies that the switch is in the

    OFF position. “Ground” signifies that the switch is

    in the ON position.

    9.  Repeat the procedure for each  cylinder, as


    Exchanging Electronic Unit Injectors

    Exchanging electronic unit  injectors can help

    determine if a combustion problem is in the electronic

    unit injector or in the cylinder. If two electronic unit

    injectors that are currently installed in the engine are

    exchanged between cylinders, the injector codes

    must also be exchanged. Press  the “Exchange”

    button at the bottom of the “Injector Trim Calibration”

    screen on the electronic service tool. Select the two

    electronic unit injectors that will be exchanged and

    press the “OK” button. The tattletale for the electronic

    unit injectors that were exchanged will increase by


    Rating Enabled

    If “Yes” is selected on  the drop-down menu, the

    ECM is programmed to use the values in the “Rating

    Number”, “Throttle 1 Droop Percentage”, “Throttle 2

    Droop Percentage” and “TSC1 Droop Percentage”

    for the given combination of switch positions.

    Table 8



    Factory Password






    Mode Switch Setup

    High Idle Speed

    The “High Idle Speed” is the maximum engine rpm.

    The Mode Switches can be  used to change the

    performance characteristics of the  engine. The

    electronic service tool  is used to program the

    characteristics. Select the “Service”  drop-down

    menu and then select  “Engine Operating Mode

    Configuration”. A maximum of two switches can be

    used. “Switch 1” is connected to J1:62 Mode Switch

    1. “Switch 2” is connected to J1:64 Mode Switch 2.

    The other contact on both switches is connected to

    J1:18 Switch Return.

    Table 9




    1800 rpm

    2800 rpm

    2420 rpm

    Rating Number

    This parameter is the engine rating that is used by

    the Electronic Control Module (ECM) for  a given

    combination of switch positions. There is a maximum

    of four ratings in a flash file.

    Number of Switch Inputs

    Table 10

    This configuration parameter is the  total number

    of switches that are  used. The switches can be

    individual switches or a multiple rotary switch.





    1  to  the




    Table 7



    number of ratings

    in the currently

    installed Flash


    0 to  2


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    Troubleshooting Section

    Rated Speed (RPM)

    Table 15





    This parameter represents the engine speed that is

    selected when the mode switch or the mode switches

    are in a particular position.

    0 to 10 percent



    Table 11

    TSC1 Droop Percentage





    This parameter represents the amount of droop that

    is applied to the “Torque Speed Control 1(TSC1)”



    Low Idle”  to


    High Idle”

    2100 rpm


    Table 16




    Engine High Idle Speed (RPM)


    0 to 10 percent



    This parameter represents a maximum of 112% of the

    rated speed that is selected when the mode switch or

    the mode switches are in a particular position.


    Throttle Setup

    Table 12





    “1800 to 2800


    112% of rated



    There are two separate channels for throttle input.

    The two channels can have any combination of  a

    digital throttle that uses a Pulse Width Modulated

    (PWM) signal, an analog throttle or a multi-position

    switched throttle.

    Governor Type

    This parameter represents the mode of operation of

    the governor that is installed on the engine.

    The Electronic Control Module  (ECM) must be

    programmed with the type of throttle input  that is

    being used in either position. From the menu, select

    “Services”. On the “Services” screen, select “Throttle

    Configuration”. Select the type of throttle from the

    following list:

    Table 13





    “Min/Max speed

    (rpm)” or  “All


    All Speed


    •  No throttle

    •  Analog throttle

    Throttle 1 Droop Percentage

    •  PWM throttle

    This parameter represents the amount of droop that

    is applied to the “Throttle 1” input.

    •  Multi-position throttle switch

    The Electronic Control Module  (ECM) must be

    programmed for throttle arbitration. This parameter

    determines which throttle input has priority. From the

    menu, select “Services”. On the “Services” screen,

    select “Throttle Arbitration”. Select the arbitration

    method from the following list:

    Table 14





    0 to 10 percent



    •  Highest Wins

    •  Lowest Wins

    •  Manual Switch

    Throttle 2 Droop Percentage

    This parameter represents the amount of droop that

    is applied to the “Throttle 2” input.

    The default setting for throttle arbitration is “Highest


    This document is printed from SPI². Not for RESALE




    Troubleshooting Section

    Lower Position Limit

    This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage

    that will be interpreted by the ECM as zero throttle.

    This parameter is used with the value of initial lower

    position limit to make an allowance for manufacturing

    tolerances between different pedals.

    Table 18



    0 to  100%


    Initial Lower Position Limit

    This parameter is the maximum throttle percentage

    that will be interpreted by the ECM as zero throttle.

    This parameter is used with the value of the lower

    position limit to make an allowance for manufacturing

    tolerances between different pedals.


    Illustration 28

    Table 19

    Typical Range of Throttle



    (1) Lower Diagnostic Limit (Default=5)

    (2) Lower Position Limit (Default=10)

    0 to  100%


    (3) Initial Lower Position (Default=20)

    (4) Idle Validation Minimum Off Threshold (Default=21)

    (5) Idle Validation Maximum On Threshold (Default=25)

    (6) Lower Dead Zone % (Default=8)

    Idle Validation

    (7) Upper Dead Zone % (Default=5)

    (8) Initial Upper Position (Default=70)

    (9) Upper Position Limit (Default=85)

    All analog throttles and digital throttles can have an

    idle validation switch. If this parameter is programmed

    to “Yes”, the ECM will look for this switch input on pin

    J1:22 for Idle Validation Switch 1 (IVS1) and J1:40

    for Idle Validation Switch 2 (IVS2).

    (10) Upper Diagnostic Limit (Default=95)

    Analog throttles and digital throttles require additional

    programming. If a multi-position switch is selected,

    additional parameters must  be programmed.

    Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Multiposition

    Switch Setup”. If an  analog throttle or a digital

    throttle is selected, the following parameters can be

    programmed into the ECM.

    Table 20






    Lower Diagnostic Limit

    Idle Validation Minimum Off (Open)


    This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage

    that should be detected  by the ECM in normal

    operation when the pedal is in the “off” position. A

    value below this limit will generate  a short circuit

    diagnostic code. The  range of this diagnostic

    detection area is from 0 percent to the programmed

    value for the lower position limit.

    This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage

    that will be detected by the ECM when the IVS is ON


    If the ECM detects a throttle percentage below this

    value with the idle validation switch OFF  (Open),

    a fault code will be generated and the  engine will

    remain at idle.

    Table 17



    0 to  100%


    Refer to Table 21 and Table 22.

    This document is printed from SPI². Not for RESALE




    Troubleshooting Section

    Table 21

    Throttle Position

    Sensor (TPS)

    Idle Validation Switch


    Throttle Demand


    Fault Status

    Raise IVS fault

    No fault


    TPS< IVS Min OFF


    Minimum Position

    Force throttle demand

    to minimum

    TPS< IVS Min OFF


    Throttle Position

    Normal operation

    Table 22



    0 to  100%


    Idle Validation  Maximum On

    (Closed) Threshold

    This parameter is the maximum throttle percentage

    that will be detected  by the ECM when the idle

    validation switch (IVS) is OFF (Open) . When the idle

    validation switch is OFF (Open) and the ECM detects

    a signal that is higher than the programmed value for

    IVS Max ON, the ECM will generate a fault code and

    the engine will remain at idle.

    Refer to Table 23 and Table 24.

    Table 23

    Throttle Position

    Sensor (TPS)

    Idle Validation Switch


    Throttle Demand


    Fault Status


    TPS> IVS Max ON

    TPS< IVS Min Off



    Throttle Position

    Minimum Position

    No fault

    Normal operation

    Raise IVS fault

    Force throttle demand

    to minimum

    Table 24

    Table 26





    0 to  100%


    0 to  100%


    Lower Dead Zone

    Initial Upper Position Limit

    This parameter is a throttle range above the initial

    lower position limit before the engine will increase

    in rpm.

    This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage

    that will be interpreted by the ECM as full throttle.

    This parameter is used with the value of the upper

    position limit to make an allowance for manufacturing

    tolerances between different pedals.

    Table 25



    Table 27

    0 to  100%




    0 to  100%


    Upper Dead Zone

    This parameter is a throttle range that is below the

    initial upper position limit that  does not allow the

    engine speed to increase.

    Upper Position Limit

    This parameter is the maximum throttle percentage

    that will be interpreted by the ECM as full throttle. This

    parameter is used with the value of the initial upper

    position limit to make an allowance for manufacturing

    tolerances between different pedals.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Table 28

    Input 4, Input 3, Input 2, Input 1



    The number of these non-programmable parameters

    that are visible  depends on the value  that is

    programmed into the “Number of  Switch Inputs”

    parameter. “Open” signifies that the switch is in the

    OFF position. “Ground” signifies that the switch is

    in the ON position.

    0 to  100%


    Upper Diagnostic Limit

    This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage

    that is detected by the ECM in normal operation when

    the pedal is in the maximum position. A value above

    this limit will generate an  open circuit diagnostic

    code. The range of this diagnostic detection area is

    from the programmed value of the upper  position

    limit to 100 percent.

    Physical Position Enabled

    If “Yes” is selected  from the drop-down menu,

    the ECM sets the  engine rpm to the value that

    is programmed into the  “Engine Speed” for the

    configuration of the switches that is defined for that

    Physical Position.

    Table 29



    Table 31

    0 to  100%








    Multiposition Switch Setup

    Logical Position

    The Logical Position is the order that is required by

    the user for a unique Physical Position.

    Note: The multi-position throttle switch can only be

    enabled if the optional PTO switches are not installed.

    Table 32

    The multi-position throttle switch  is an optional

    throttle input. A maximum of four switches can be

    used. Four switches will allow  a maximum of 16

    speeds to be selected.

    Range with  Four



    1 to  16


    Engine Speed (in RPM)

    If an optional intermediate engine speed switch is

    installed, the multi-position throttle switch can have a

    maximum of three switches. Three switches will allow

    a maximum of eight speeds to be selected.

    The “Engine Speed” is the programmed engine rpm

    for a particular position of the multi-position throttle


    When the multi-position switch is selected  as the

    “Throttle Type” on the “Throttle Configuration Screen”

    of the electronic service tool, additional information

    is required.

    If the ECM  detects a switch combination that

    has been configured as “No”, a  fault code will be

    generated. In this situation, the ECM will ignore the

    multi-position switch until the keyswitch is  cycled

    through OFF and ON.

    Number of Switch Inputs

    Table 33

    This parameter is the total number of switches that

    will be used. The switches may be individual switches

    or a ganged rotary switch.



    Programmed Low Idle to

    Programmed High Idle


    Table 30



    1 to  4


    Physical Position

    This parameter is non-programmable. The parameter

    is used to signify the position of the rotary switch.

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    Troubleshooting Section

    Customer Specified

    Speed Control


    Low Idle Speed

    The “Low Idle Speed” is the minimum engine rpm.


    Customer  Specified

    Table 36





    700 rpm

    1200 rpm

    750 rpm

    Engine Configuration Parameters

    Customer specified parameters allow the engine to

    be configured to the exact needs of the application.

    Ether Solenoid Configuration

    Customer parameters may be changed repeatedly as

    operational requirements change.

    The ether solenoid  configuration defines the

    presence of a solenoid for  an ether starting aid.

    Customer passwords are required in order to change

    this parameter.

    The following information is a brief  description of

    the customer specified parameters. The following

    parameter values are included with the descriptions:

    Table 37

    •  Minimum

    •  Maximum

    •  Default



    Not Installed

    Not Installed

    Continuous Flow Solenoid

    Engine Idle Shutdown

    ECM Identification Parameter

    The Engine Idle Shutdown parameters define the

    engine response when the keyswitch is turned to the

    OFF position.

    Equipment ID

    “Equipment ID” is the identification of the equipment

    that is assigned by the customer. The “Equipment ID”

    is only for reference by the customer. The “Equipment

    ID” is not required by the Electronic Control Module


    Minimum Ambient Air Temperature

    Table 38



    Table 34

    0 to 29 Degrees  C

    0 Degrees  C



    Maximum Ambient Air Temperature

    17 digits

    The available characters

    are dependent on  the

    service tool  that is

    being used.

    Not programmed

    Table 39



    30 to 100 Degrees C

    30 Degrees  C

    Engine Rating Parameter

    Shutdown Enable Status

    Rating Number

    Table 40

    The rating number is the selected  rating within a

    power rating family. The flash file defines the power

    rating family. The flash file can contain one to four

    ratings. The rating number defines the power rating

    that is used within the power rating family.






    Table 35







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    Troubleshooting Section

    Shutdown Delay Time

    •  “Throttle Lock Increment Speed Ramp Rate”

    Table 41

    •  “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed Increment”



    Table 45

    1 to 60  minutes

    5 minutes



    Not Installed


    Ambient Temperature Override Enable


    Not Installed

    PTO Mode

    Table 42



    PTO mode can be configured to operate  in either

    Set/Resume mode or Ramp up/Ramp down mode.

    Set/Resume mode allows the engine speed to be

    controlled by the operator through switch  inputs.

    This mode allows two specific  speeds to be set

    and stored in the ECM. A speed  can be selected

    or the previously selected speed can be resumed.

    Adjustments in engine speed can then be made via

    the raise and lower switch inputs. Ramp up/Ramp

    down mode only allows the engine speed to be raised

    or lowered via switch inputs at a desired ramp rate.

    The “Set” and “Resume” functions are disabled.




    Air Shutoff

    Air Shutoff

    The Air Shutoff parameter defines whether an  air

    shutoff valve is installed in the air inlet for the engine.

    Table 43

    Table 46








    Ramp Up/Ramp Down



    Multiple Engines on J1939

    Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 1

    Engine Location

    The “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 1” parameter is

    one of the engine speeds that can be selected in the

    PTO Set/Resume mode.

    In a situation where multiple engines communicate on

    one J1939 channel, the Engine Location parameter

    defines the identity of each engine in the set.

    Table 47




    Table 44



    Low idle speed

    Rated speed


    Engine #1

    Engine #2

    Engine #3

    Engine #4

    Engine #5

    Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 2

    Engine #1

    The “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 1” parameter is

    one of the engine speeds that can be selected in the

    PTO Set/Resume mode.

    PTO and Throttle Lock Parameters

    Table 48




    Throttle Lock Feature Installation Status

    Low idle speed

    Rated speed


    Note: PTO and a multi-position throttle switch cannot

    be installed at the same time.

    Throttle Lock Increment Speed Ramp


    The “Throttle Lock Feature Installation Status”  is

    used to turn on the throttle lock features. When this

    parameter is changed to “Installed”, the following

    parameters are active and the parameters can be


    The “Throttle Lock Increment Speed Ramp Rate”

    parameter is the rate of engine acceleration when the

    PTO switch is held in the ACCELERATE position. If

    this parameter is set to “0”, the feature is turned off.

    •  “PTO engine Speed Setting”

    This document is printed from SPI². Not for RESALE




    Troubleshooting Section

    Table 49

    Table 53


    0 rpm/sec





    600 rpm/sec

    400 rpm/sec




    Throttle Lock Decrement Speed Ramp


    Monitoring Mode Derates

    The “Monitoring Mode Derates” parameter controls

    the amount of derate that  is associated with the

    engine monitoring feature. When this  feature is

    enabled and a diagnostic code with an appropriate

    FMI is detected, the engine will be derated.

    The “Throttle Lock Decrement Speed Ramp Rate”

    parameter is the rate of engine deceleration when

    the PTO switch is held in the DECELERATE position.

    If this parameter is set to “0”, the feature is turned off.

    Table 50

    Table 54






    0 rpm/sec

    600 rpm/sec

    400 rpm/sec




    Throttle Lock  Engine Set Speed


    Limp Home Desired Engine Speed

    The “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed  Increment”

    parameter controls the increase in engine  speed

    when the  PTO switch is briefly  operated to

    ACCELERATE. If this parameter is set to “0”,  the

    feature is turned off.

    The “Limp Home Desired Engine Speed” parameter

    is the maximum speed of the engine when the engine

    has been derated.

    Table 55




    Table 51

    700 rpm

    1800 rpm

    1200 rpm




    0 rpm

    200 rpm

    10 rpm

    Engine Acceleration Rate

    Throttle Lock  Engine Set Speed


    The “Engine Acceleration Rate” parameter is  the

    acceleration rate for  the engine under normal

    operating conditions. A setting of “0” disables this


    The “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed Decrement”

    parameter controls the decrease in engine speed

    when the  PTO switch is briefly  operated to

    DECELERATE. If this parameter is set to “0”,  the

    feature is turned off.

    Table 56




    0 rpm

    65503 rpm/sec

    0 rpm/sec

    Table 52




    Engine Speed Decelerating Ramp Rate

    0 rpm

    200 rpm

    10 rpm

    The “Engine Speed  Decelerating Ramp Rate”

    parameter is the deceleration  ramp rate for the

    engine under normal operating conditions. A setting

    of “0” disables this function.


    Monitoring Mode Shutdowns

    Table 57




    The “Monitoring Mode  Shutdowns” parameter

    controls the shutdown feature that is associated with

    the engine monitoring feature. When this feature is

    enabled and a diagnostic code with a “-31” suffix is

    detected, the engine will be shut down.

    0 rpm

    65503 rpm/sec

    0 rpm/sec

    Intermediate Engine Speed

    The “Intermediate Engine Speed” is a  selectable

    engine speed that is between the low idle speed and

    the high engine speed. This parameter is disabled

    when the value is set to 0 rpm.

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    色呦呦网站在线观看 可以在线看的不卡av网站 国产激情对白视频在线观看 欧在线一二三四区 日本不卡一卡新区手机 琪琪网最新伦永久观看2019 天天日夜夜操天天干 国产精品99精品一区二区三 亚洲精品美女中文在线 日本激情电影一区二区 国产在线永久免费视频m 成人av看看永久免费发布 日韩精选在线观看不卡视频免费 被男狂揉吃奶胸60分钟视频 a天堂官网在线看 一区二区亚洲精品国产av 狠狠色综合网丁香五月 亚洲专区精品在线 av有码在线天堂 岛国v免费观看视频 欧美人与黑人交性 国产精品国产三级国av中文 日韩人妻一区二区av 国产午夜免费观看视频 无码少妇一区二区浪潮av 少妇被黑人整得嗷嗷叫 亚洲成人网av 国产丝袜高跟一区 免费日韩av网在线观看 97视频在线观看网站 一本色道久久综合狠狠躁中文 国产亚洲精品ⅴa在线观看 18美女洗澡光胸光屁屁无遮挡 韩国AV片永久免费观在线看 亚洲综合精品自拍粉嫩av 国产高跟丝袜麻酥酥在线 中文字幕av蜜桃 久久午夜鲁丝片精品 黄频视频美女在线 亚洲欧美国产专区一区国产亚洲视频 在线观看亚洲无人码 亚洲va欧美va人人爽久 日韩精品 国产精品 欧美精品 欧在线一二三四区 国产激情av女片自拍 国产高清一区二区老熟女 永久黄网站色视频免费品善网 国产成人**片亚洲精品不卡 国产精品国产三级国av中文 午夜性刺激免费看视频 波多AV无码人妻水多760 日本熟妇人妻XXXXX野外 久久精品亚洲影院 亚洲熟女电影一区二区三区 可以在线看的不卡av网站 国内A片无码无删减版电影 成人在线a观看 日本高清乱理伦片中文字幕 亚洲激情欧美另类 在线观看av天堂 国产精品亚洲片在线观看不卡 男女一边摸一边做爽爽的免费 九九视频精品免费在线观看 久久综合久久综合一本 亚洲精品在线观看中文字幕 内射白嫩的小少妇33p 久久久久久 国产精品 亚洲一卡2卡三卡4卡 欧美性色欧美精品视频69 精品香蕉官网在线观看 无码AⅤ免费中文字幕久久 天堂在线资源中文6 久久精品四虎av 欧美亚洲综合在线中文字幕 六月丁香啪啪 妺妺窝人体色WWW看美女 中国男男自慰GAY片免费观看 亚洲午夜少妇av毛片: 午夜亚洲国产理论片中文飘花 日韩高清在线一区观看 国产亚洲精品欧洲在线 亚洲最大成网人站亚洲ADC av高潮喷水在线 JAPANESE黑人极品 草莓视频在线成人WWW 黄色大片在线播看 黄色一级毛片看看 欧美成人四级中文字幕 国产丝袜女王foot脚交 六月丁香啪啪 国产精品香蕉伊人 日韩一区三区二区最新视频 国产欧美日韩高清不卡 3344成人在线免费视频 久久精品国产精 久久九九久精品国产日韩经典 亚洲av成人中心 女同毛片免费播放 国产精品嫩草影院123 野花视频在线观看高清在线 尤物视频日本aa大片 后入国产在线观看 日本av在线观 三级a黄色毛片 在线永久免费观看色视频网站 熟女av在线免费观看 男人和女人日批视频在线观看 最新国产视频一区二区三区 97视频在线观看网站 美国十次导航 亚洲AV日韩AV永久无码 a级毛片免费进 日本欧美视频人在线视频 亚洲天堂啊v 少妇大叫好大好爽要去了 国产男女猛烈视频在线观看的 真人激情国产一区二区 国产高跟丝袜麻酥酥在线 成人区人妻精品一区二区18 日韩在线视频一区二区三区四区 高潮爽到爆的喷水女主播视频 亚洲精品国产一区二三区 内射多人视频 在线免费观看av网站不卡 免费一区二区三区毛片基地 日韩亚洲成人一区二区 男女乱婬真视频全过程播放 99热久久是国产免费 国产毛片精品一区二区在线 无码专区久久综合久中文字幕 欧美人与禽ZOZ0性伦交 AV电影网站 国产欧美另类久久久精品不卡 欧美精品第六区 午夜麻豆福利片 99re视频在线观看免费 免费人成网站在线观看不 六十熟妇乱子伦视频 韩国AV片永久免费观在线看 午夜影院①区 久久精品国产精品亚洲艾草网 玩弄放荡人妻少妇系列 欧美日本在线视频播放 欧美精品亚洲一区二区三区 成年美女黄网站18禁免费 国产亚洲人成在线网站 国内老熟妇VIDEO 精品欧美一区成人 男人和女人日批视频在线观看 18禁男人添女人无遮挡 av免费在线观看全网站 亚洲中文高清字幕在线播放 亚洲av永久天码精品天堂dl 三级电影一区二区三区 欧美交性又色又爽又黄麻豆 欧美日韩精品一区二区中文字幕 日韩av电影在线看一区二区 我被五人伦好爽 中文字幕亚洲无线码区女同 久久国产99精品日本三级 亚洲欧美成人综合图片区 国产亚洲av人片在线观看成人 本网站中文字幕在线视频 妺妺窝人体色WWW看美女 女人的超长巨茎人妖在线视频 亚洲熟女电影一区二区三区 亚洲唯美清纯丝袜卡通动漫 漂亮的人妻醉酒被同事玩弄全 边摸边吃奶边做视频网站 丝袜美腿一区二区三区 久久精品国产亚洲av高清w av免费在线观看网址网站 亚洲天堂精品人妻 女人张开腿让男桶喷水高潮 亚洲欧美熟女一区二区 蜜臀av国产尤物一区 yjizz国产大全视频 被上司调教的人妻 大号毛BBW厕所偷窥 尤物AV无码色AV无码 国语对白清晰露脸视频在线播放 欧美日韩国产高清在线观看 A毛片免费全部播放无码 日本免费一区二区三区激情视频 日韩亚洲欧美精品综合 12周岁女全身裸啪啪自慰网站 午夜免费福利不卡顿视频 麻豆女人毛片 国产精品香蕉伊人 99久久精品久久免费观看不卡素人 国产又色又粗又黄又爽的视频 国产精品湖精呻吟av久久 未成满18禁止免费无码网站 欧美亚洲国产大片 H|D专干日本老太婆 99亚洲精精品大全中文字幕 午夜影院免费国产 岛国视频在线观看网站 黄片免费在线播 国内精品自国内精品66j影院 7777精品久久久久久 国内老熟妇VIDEO 丁香六月男人天堂 一级精品中文毛片 岛国视频在线观看网站 农村野外强奷在线播放电影 黄色一级毛片看看 中文字幕日韩高清一区 一卡二卡≡卡四卡精品网站 av在线影片 成人无遮挡在线看 少妇大叫好大好爽要去了 91麻豆精品人妻一区二区 久久一区二区三区综合 亚洲国产另类欧美 精品国偷自产在线不卡视频免费 亚洲少妇精品在线 女人操男人在线观看 国产精品久久久久久麻辣 国产免费av电影不卡 一区二区国产亚洲 午夜精品一区二区三区福利片 苍井空被躁2小时在线观看 AV无码久久久久不卡网站 午夜不卡在线观看 国产亚洲一区二区三区精品 亚洲天堂成人精品久久 国产精品欧美一区二区三区 精品福利片在线观看亚洲av 2020人妻中文字幕在线乱码 成人午夜特黄AAAAA片男男 秋霞AV在线露丝片AV无码 欧美人与黑人交性 91精品人妻麻豆一区二区 亚洲中文无码AV永久主页不卡 丰满熟女乱又伦 轻轻草免费在线视频 亚洲AV无码片一区二区三区 久久久精品成人网 日韩精品 国产精品 欧美精品 在线看国产精品三级在线 免费观看全部的毛片 久久91中文字幕 国产老熟女aⅴ av有码在线天堂 成人无码www免费男男 久久99九九99九九精品 av久久一区二区 无码无套少妇毛多18P 欧美另类videosbestsex日本 国产不卡一卡二卡 午夜福利视频更新 国产精品久久一区二区三区蜜臀 av在线天堂播放 欧美日韩高清有码 强壮公弄得我次次高潮 在线欧美日韩免费观看 成年女人观看永久免费视频 男男chinese男男资源 精品国偷自产在线不卡视频免费 女人的超长巨茎人妖在线视频 亚洲精品国产婷婷久久99 国产熟女久久久一区二区 男女午夜福利国产 青青草午夜影院 欧美精品不卡一区二区三区 97视频在线观看网站 国产美女被遭强高潮动态视频 国产美女被遭强高潮动态视频 亚洲中文字幕乱码在线视频 国产一级做a爱片久久 操的高潮喷水在线播放 www.54cc亚洲 亚洲中文字幕岛国av 我被五人伦好爽 欧美日韩亚洲视频一区二区三区 av亚洲天堂电影 国产做a爰片久久毛片al 欧美性XXXX极品少妞 国产亚洲人成在线网站 午夜不卡在线观看 国语av对白免费在线观看 日本熟妇乱子伦XXXX 久久这里只精品国产免费9 在线免费看片人成视频 超帅男生同志TWINKS视频 亚洲电影国语对白 一区二区三区欧美成人 天天日夜夜操天天干 亚洲一卡2卡三卡4卡 亚洲中文有码字幕在线 亚洲av在线观看电影 国产成人一区二区精品播放 国产亚洲无遮掩成人影院 CHINESE中年熟妇FREE 亚洲精品成人va 13萝自慰喷白浆 w波多野结衣人妻系列 亚洲v欧美日韩h 99久久精品国产一区色 亚洲精品第一页在线播放 日韩一区二区三区免费看片 欧美性色欧美精品视频69 欧美人与禽ZOZ0性伦交 一区二区亚洲精品国产av 中文字幕在线免费91 国产高清视频一区二区三区 小少妇在线观看 欧美精品亚洲一区二区三区 男女羞羞视频无遮挡网站 在线永久免费观看色视频网站 在线看国产黄视频 亚洲欧美一区二区激情 2020人妻中文字幕在线乱码 久久人妻少妇出轨中文字幕 麻豆亚洲av熟女 成片一卡二卡三卡破解版 日韩免费av电影网址 日本高清色高清 综合欧美第一页 色婷婷偷男人的天堂 亚洲嫩草影院黄色 桃花在线观看免费观看手机 成a人片国产精品 性欧美第一页 久久精品国产专区 精品国产亚洲不卡 妺妺窝人体色WWW看美女 天天碰日日干夜夜操 天天狠天天透天干天天怕处 又黄又硬又爽的视频 欧美性色欧美精品视频69 忘忧草在线观看免费 GV无码免费无禁网站 中国毛茸茸BBXX 国产精品高清在线看 99久久精品国产一区色 78m成人免费视频国产av 污18禁图无遮挡开腿 国产在线精品—区二区三区 熟妇人妻无码中文字幕老熟妇 翁熄粗大交换王丽霞 国产精品36页 黄频视频美女在线 国产精品视频一区二区高潮 女女高潮喷水视频 国产成人一区二区国产 十八禁免费在线网站 国产精品40熟女一区二区 国产精品流白浆1区二区 日韩欧美视频一区在线观看 秋霞AV在线露丝片AV无码 国产欧美另类久久久精品不卡 黄色一级毛片看看 亚洲精品国产一区二三区 国产欧美久久久久爽精品 日本高清乱理伦片中文字幕 91av麻豆视频 无码少妇一区二区浪潮av 亚洲av熟女诱惑 国产精品熟女一区二区三区视 97国产精品久久久久久超粗 av免费一级毛片 Jizz护士奶水太多 日韩高清在线一区观看 日本欧美国产区一区 色伊人亚洲乱码 欧美91激情亚洲 99热久久是国产免费 国产精品36页 四个闺蜜把我弄高潮了 99热在线精品这里只有精品 久久播国产精品 久久精品国产亚洲av高清w 国产一区二区在线影院 国产熟女av自拍 性生大片免费观看性 日韩av毛片网站 成人无码www免费男男 久久久久久久午夜视频 亚洲国产精品第一区二区三区 久久精品四虎av 国产免费一级一片粉嫩 国内精品视这里只有精品 性生大片30分钟免费观看 激情五月亚洲综合图区 99re视频在线观看免费 青青草原精品在线观看 2020人妻中文字幕在线乱码 av免费一级毛片 亚洲av网址 亚洲国产精品av在线 久久99国产成人亚洲精品jk 久久成人自影院精品99网站 日本边摸边吃奶边做gif视频 亚洲av永久码av激情 悠悠久久亚洲 国产亚洲精99品精99 国产色在线导航 三级免费毛片大放送 日本系列有码字幕中文字幕 亚洲熟女爱爱高清 国语av对白免费在线观看 亚洲日本不卡 亚洲激情欧美另类 国产精品99精品一区二区三 国产白丝JK学生在线播放 高清中文字幕一区二区三区 91人人妻人人澡人人爽人人 最近中文视频字幕大全 午夜影院免费国产 7777久久亚洲中文字幕密桃 日韩av电影在线看一区二区 在线国产影院 ZOZOZO女人与牛交全过程 欧美交性又色又爽又黄麻豆 草莓视频在线成人WWW 中文字幕熟女av 中国熟女少妇 内射白嫩的小少妇33p 狠狠色婷婷丁香五月 黄色视频毛片a级 男人和女人日批视频在线观看 亚洲国产日韩综合久久 美足脚交国产在线观看 精品福利片在线观看亚洲av 91xh国产在线 国语av对白免费在线观看 2020人妻中文字幕在线乱码 日韩综合高清 亚洲视频在线观看一区视频 国产麻豆剧果冻传媒观看 大号毛BBW厕所偷窥 久久av免费大片 无遮挡很黄很刺激的漫画免费看 13萝自慰喷白浆 男女午夜视频在线免费观看 日本高清色视频网址 在线免费观看av网站不卡 内射白嫩的小少妇33p 国语对白国产乱子伦视频大全 国产男女猛烈视频在线观看的 大香蕉久久一区二区三区 水蜜桃无码视频人在线观看 久久综合精品国产二区无码 凹凸精品熟女 操的高潮喷水在线播放 JLZZ大全高潮多水 秋霞AV在线露丝片AV无码 在线观看肉片AV网站免费 老湿机69福利区无码 欧美v亚洲v综合ⅴ国产v 日本网址在线 中文字幕人妻电影在线 亚洲av成人精品国产 av在线影片 精品日产一区二区三区在线观看 国产色在线一区 黄 色 网 站 成 人在线 伊人加勒比久久av 男女18禁啪啪无遮挡剧烈 欧美在线成人观看视频 精品视频在线观看中文字幕 欧美成人四级中文字幕 午夜性刺激免费看视频 寂寞影院一区二区三区 后入国产在线观看 女性高爱潮有声视频A片 女同毛片免费播放 人妻少妇精品天堂毛片在线 免费看很黄A片试看120秒 韩国AV片永久免费观在线看 中国XXXXY 真实的单亲乱子自拍对白 久久亚洲精品国产亚洲老地址! 日韩黄色免费av 上床视频在线观看国产 男女乱婬真视频全过程播放 日本免费电影一区二区 亚洲最大av电影网 欧美极品在线第一页 人妻熟女av免费一区二区三区 日本大尺度岛国视频在线观看 美女视频免费永久观看的网站 成人欧美一区二区三区黑人天掌 伊人久久大香线蕉最新章节 yjizz国产大全视频 国产高跟丝袜麻酥酥在线 亚洲av成人在线影院 男人和女人日批视频在线观看 久久综合精品国产二区无码 没有穿内衣的邻居爆乳 午夜131美女爱做视频 男女一边摸一边做爽爽的免费 久久国产乱子伦精品免费女 亚洲国产成全部在线精品 JLZZ大全高潮多水 2020人妻中文字幕在线乱码 国产精品挑色在线 国产精品久久福利网站 成人无码www免费男男 一本色道久久综合狠狠躁中文 一本色道久久高清精品网站 无码制服丝袜人妻OL在线视频 美女脱内衣禁止18以下尤物 激情偷乱人伦小说免费观看 天天噜噜噜在线视频 黑人插入美女视频 av在线天堂播放 女人18毛片在线观看 国产成人精品亚洲79 欧美性色欧美精品视频69 99久久久区一区二区三 jizz在线观看国产精品 日韩欧美成人免费 日韩一区二区三区四区电影 亚洲成年人影院在线观看 午夜精品一区二区三区福利片 a级毛片免费进 中文在线а√天堂官网 尤物视频日本aa大片 极品av高潮 色猫咪免费人成网站在线观看 亚洲一区在线观看美女 h网站在线观看 免费午夜福利啪啪 一区二区在线精品观看 2019亚洲欧美日韩在线 扒开双腿疯狂插入爽爽爽视频 av亚州av 熟女人妻精品一区二区三区 在线免费观看日韩av大片 国产成人精品免费视频大全 无码无套少妇毛多18P 91av在线电影 在线观看国产精品av 663个4点半 超碰97大香蕉15 亚洲性无码av在线欣赏网 国产又大又长又粗又爽视频 gay男男啪啪中国国产chinese男男gaygay 美女的高潮视频网站 亚洲成人网av 国产精品三级在线观看三级 亚洲唯美清纯丝袜卡通动漫 日本一本高清中文字幕视频 小少妇在线观看 综合国产视频一区二区三区 久久久人妻91久久久 国产成人+综合+亚洲欧美 久久国产精品久久精品 亚洲电影a一区二区 12萝自慰喷水亚洲网站 人妻熟女av免费一区二区三区 在线免费观看日韩av大片 色猫咪免费人成网站在线观看 激情偷乱人伦小说免费观看 一本色道久久综合狠狠躁中文 被男狂揉吃奶胸60分钟视频 亚洲欧美日韩精品二区 精品久久久影院 产精品毛片av一区二区三区 国产日韩av高清在线不卡 午夜久久一区二区三区 熟妇草逼视频 国产久久精品久久 免费黄色在线视频网站 国产在线jyzzjyzz免费 国产高清视频一区二区三区 欧美日韩国产高清在线观看 免费大片黄在线播放 国产欧美区一区二区三区 特级婬片女子高清视频 亚洲精品美女中文在线 免费看一级av毛片 人妻中文字幕 人人狠狠综合88亚洲 а√在线天堂官网 国产一级做a爱片久久 亚洲中文字幕在线无码一区二区 欧美综合亚洲激情 欧美精品在线观看一区二区 国产在线观看男天堂 制服丝袜国产AV无码 高潮美女一区视频 日本熟妇色VIDEOS 国产影片中文字幕久久 性欧美第一页 国产丝袜女王foot脚交 东方在线一级毛片 18禁裸露啪啪网站免费 日韩毛片成人 日韩美一级大片 色哟哟国产成人精品免费 ZOZOZO女人与牛交全过程 欧美变态另类Z0Z0禽交 欧美VIDEOS粗暴高清 美女脱内衣禁止18以下尤物 精品国偷自产在线不卡视频免费 忘忧草在线观看免费 亚洲熟女精品久久 中文字幕日韩高清一区 久久精品国产精品亚洲艾草网 国产免费又色又爽又黄的网 人妻中文字幕 日韩人妻熟女一区二区三区 久久国产精品久久精品 亚洲熟女爱爱高清 亚洲乱码av一区二区 在线免费看片人成视频 av丝袜美腿 国产免费一区二区三区五区久久 波多野精品一区二区三区色情 国产精品嘿咻av 西西人体大胆啪啪私拍 18禁黄色日本网站 欧美性色欧美精品视频69 国产亚洲精品欧洲在线 99v久久人妻 国产老熟女激情露脸 东京复仇者在线观看 人妻激情乱视频一区二区三区 激情偷乱人伦小说免费观看 免费人成网站视频在线观看不卡 中文字幕亚洲无线码区女同 国产老熟女激情露脸 在线五a级毛片 成人免费A级毛片无码网站 av亚洲天堂电影 人妻3p精品视频 中文字幕人妻有码av一区 不卡一级黄色视频 日韩高清网页 色播在线免费播放 三级a黄色毛片 国产一区二区福利在线 日本欧美国产区一区 啪啪免费福利午夜 亚洲av极速不卡在线观看 综合国产日韩欧美在线播放 狠狠噜天天噜日日噜视频跳一跳 国产成人剧情av麻豆映画1 五十熟女人妻视频一区二区 成人免费激情在线视频 国产一区二区福利在线 男女羞羞视频无遮挡网站 亚洲成人精品av在线观看 清纯唯美亚洲欧美久久精品 免费黄色在线视频网站 波多野结衣一二三区免费 99久久人妻偷人精品一 波多野精品一区二区三区色情 无遮挡久久网18禁禁禁 国产麻豆国产精品 精品综合亚洲国产另类 精品爆白浆一区二区三区 中国男男自慰GAY片免费观看 一万部小泑女视频...导航网站 婷婷色婷婷开心五月四房播播 国产精品36页 女人被爽到呻吟的视频 亚洲精品中字中出无 成人av网址一区二区三区 欧美日韩不卡视频在线 久久精品久久影视久久影院 欧美精品第六区 高清中文字幕一区二区三区 777在线欧美 久久91中文字幕 四个闺蜜把我弄高潮了 成人又黄又爽又刺激视频 国产熟女高清 国产精品一线视频 免费一区二区三区毛片基地 男女真人后进式猛视频 成人午夜影院在线免费观看 五月综合色婷婷在线观看 午夜欧美精品久久久久久久久 美女扒开腿让男人桶爽免费 最新欧美日韩国产在线观看 一卡二卡≡卡四卡精品网站 亚洲欧美成人综合图区 国产成人一区二区国产 国产一区二区福利在线 亚洲成av人影院一区二区 美女脱内衣禁止18以下尤物 亚洲欧美日韩精品二区 深夜福利免费卫生纸请准备 亚洲成人av高清在线观看 亚洲国产欧美日韩精品一区 日韩亚洲成人一区二区 国产精品熟女一区二区三区视 久久大香伊蕉在人线国产H 7777久久亚洲中文字幕密桃 w波多野结衣人妻系列 欧美日韩一卡2卡三卡4卡新区 欧美成人免费一区二区三区四区 日本人69xXⅹ69护士 美国十次导航 在线成H人视频免费 没有穿内衣的邻居爆乳 精品亚洲999 国产精品视频一区二区高潮 一本色道久久高清精品网站 久久国产乱子伦精品免费女 天天噜噜噜在线视频 无码少妇一区二区浪潮av 国产女人喷水视频在线观看 凹凸国产精品熟女视频 凹凸国产精品熟女视频 av高潮喷水在线 国产成人**片亚洲精品不卡 成人av在线播放一区 国产亚洲精品精品一区二区 亚洲欧美在线看看 91av午夜在线 哈尔滨60岁丰满老熟女 av亚洲天堂电影 亚洲中文字幕精品久久 少妇人妻视频久久 美女视频免费永久观看的网站 禁止的爱善良的未删减版在线播放 无码无套少妇毛多18P 国产成人**片亚洲精品不卡 熟女亚洲精品 亚洲午夜福利在线播放网址 婷婷色亚洲av 两个人BD高清在线观看2018年 最近中文字幕视频大全4 爱爱摸摸动态图 成年美女黄网站18禁免费 秋霞AV在线露丝片AV无码 亚洲欧美日韩综合三区 在线观看国产精品入口 亚洲av色婷婷精品久久 不戴套交换系列17部分吴琴 亚洲AV无码片一区二区三区 国产熟女高清 亚洲国产日韩综合久久 暖暖直播在线观看免费韩国 国产麻豆国产精品 一个人免费视频在线观看 久久精品爽人妻 日本免费网站2021年能用的 亚洲中文字幕乱码在线视频 国产人妻一区二区麻豆 亚洲中文字幕乱码在线视频 国产亚洲人人爱 欧美精品第六区 大色妞在线视频 亚洲av永久天码精品天堂dl 国产成人精品一区91 六月丁香亚洲综合在线视频 国产三级α中文精品在线观看 日本高清色高清 超级大乳人妻无码 a中文天堂在线官网 日韩高清网页 a级毛片99久久 国产三级精品国产三级人妇在线 精品人人做人人爽久久久1 国产成人久久综合一区 亚洲美女又黄又免费视频 一二三四在线视频2 人妻av福利 在线观看av天堂 91在线电影免费观看 两根粗大一前一后好深 999小视频网站 国片av国产精品 GV无码免费无禁网站 亚洲欧美有码无 五月综合色婷婷在线观看 麻豆亚洲av熟女 老司机午夜小视频 综合国产日韩欧美在线播放 色老99久久九九爱精品 亚洲亚洲精品av在线小说 人妻激情偷乱视频一 国产免费人成视频尤勿视频 亚洲精品国产婷婷久久99 欧美激情亚洲在线 边摸边脱边吃奶边做视频 十八禁无遮挡国产网站 poren 18大学生 一级黄色片视频 亚洲av在线观看电影 欧美电影国产精品久久 国产又大又长又粗又爽视频 亚洲伊人av综合 国产女人喷水视频在线观看 中国熟女少妇 亚洲伊人av综合 久久精品国产亚洲av高清w 一女三男做2爱A片 老司机免费色视频 亚洲精品国产一区二三区 3344成人在线免费视频 亚洲激情欧美另类 日韩欧美亚洲91 国产亚洲精品线观看K频道 日本高清色高清 色午夜日本高端视频 日本欧美国产区一区 真实国产乱子伦沙发睡午觉 亚洲av极速不卡在线观看 国产成人一区二区三区,欧美日韩国产 亚洲欧美V国产一区二区三区 波多野结衣乱码中文字幕 亚洲av222 久久精品爽人妻 天堂网新版av 国产麻豆国产精品 久久精品网色 亚洲欧美在线看看 午夜影院在线观看国产精品 中国毛茸茸BBXX 2020无码专区人妻系列日韩 超帅男生同志TWINKS视频 美女隐私羞羞视频在线观看 已满18在线观看网站 精品国产亚洲不卡 日韩精品 国产精品 欧美精品 久久综合爱一本一本 欧美最猛性xxxxx亚洲精品 国产成人精品亚洲79 亚洲中文字幕岛国av A毛片免费全部播放无码 毛片av免费 久久亚洲精品国产亚洲老地址! 国产在线jyzzjyzz免费 男人和女人日批视频在线观看 少妇人妻99久久 在线免费观看日韩欧美 国产亚洲人人爱 亚洲成人网av 欧美最猛性xxxxx亚洲精品 看黑人巨大精品欧美一区二 国产三级精品国产三级人妇在线 人妻卧室迎合领导进入 国产欧美日韩黄片 国产美女露脸口爆吞精 摸进她的小内裤里黄漫画 放荡人妻全记录1一19 美女福利精品久久 久久午夜鲁丝片精品 男人天堂大片 国产亚洲欧美bt 少妇人妻视频久久 日韩高清在线一区观看 永久黄网站色视频免费品善网 国产色窝在线 午夜激情不卡视频 亚洲v欧美日韩h 亚洲一卡2卡3卡四卡国色天 2020国产精品久久久久精品 91av在线电影 国产色在线导航 国产老熟女激情露脸 丝袜美腿一区二区三区 久久午夜夜伦鲁鲁片免费无码 亚洲熟女精品久久 欧美日韩亚洲视频一区二区三区 男女午夜视频在线免费观看 亚洲熟女爱爱高清 久久一区二区三区综合 国产成人+综合+亚洲欧美 2020国产精品久久久久精品 日韩欧洲在线高清一区 久久国产99精品日本三级 丁香六月男人天堂 日本av在线观 欧美电影国产精品久久 污18禁图无遮挡开腿 激情五月亚洲综合图区 边摸边脱边吃奶边做视频 小说一区二区图片视频 亚洲一区二区三区在线播放_ 99久久精品费精品蜜臀av 亚洲中文字幕精品久久 久久亚洲专区午夜福利 欧美精品国产成人 色午夜日本高端视频 精品久久成人免费视频 中文字幕在线91 中国毛茸茸BBXX 欧美精品在线观看一区二区 亚洲嫩草影院 国产欧美区一区二区三区 99视频精品在线看. 国产黄网站在线美女高潮 久久中文字幕久久 国产欧美日韩综合久久婷婷 国产亚洲精品线观看K频道 欧美电影国产精品久久 高潮爽到爆的喷水女主播视频 日韩精品一级黄色 欧美日韩一区不卡 特级婬片女子高清视频 免费人成网站在线观看不 国产乱子伦普通话对白 av在线不卡观看一本 国产精品免费在线观 日本一二三区免费 亚洲欧美日韩久久精品狠狠 国产精品99精品一区二区三 国产av大香蕉 伊人久久大香线蕉最新章节 13萝自慰喷白浆 边吃奶亚洲一区二区 日韩精品国产高清在线观看 亚洲精品中字中出无 少妇人妻在线一卡 欧美激情videoshd另类 国产成人一区二区国产 国产中国男男 Japan Video XXX 91av在线电影 亚洲精品一区二区三成 狠狠色婷婷丁香五月 亚洲中文字幕乱码在线视频 粗大的捧猛烈进出高潮视频 婷婷色亚洲av 国产超碰人人爽人人做 中文字幕有码三级在线 男女真人后进式猛视频 又a又黄免费视频 久久国产99精品日本三级 亚洲欧美激情诱惑 青青草午夜影院 亚洲欧美日韩在线不卡 亚洲一区在线观看美女 中国人与黑人牲交FREE欧美 国产高清欧美情侣视频 无遮挡无码无修3D纯肉动漫 jizz在线观看国产精品 亚洲嫩草影院黄色 色一区在线观看 色呦呦网站在线观看 亚洲av成人精品国产 亚洲一区在线观看美女 麻豆av综合网 成人免费一区二区在线观看 日本中文字幕人妻不卡dvd_ 被拉到野外强要好爽流水 久久国产乱子伦精品免费女 91中文字幕一区 国产老熟女激情露脸 影音先锋新男人AV资源站 欧美日韩视频一区在线看 天堂а√在线中文在线官网 国产乱码精品一区二区三区四 午夜福利视频更新 国产高清视频一区二区三区 麻豆av综合网 久久精品国产亚洲av高清w 18禁黄色日本网站 一区二区久久av 啪啪人妻一区视频 欧美变态另类Z0Z0禽交 国片av国产精品 少妇高潮动图 国产精品亚洲一区二区在线 91av在线电影 亚洲成人动作片在线观看 av在线天堂播放 久久精品网色 轻轻草免费在线视频 在线亚洲国产一区二区 女人和男人啪视频在线观看 亚洲国产成全部在线精品 久久无人码人妻一区二区三区 99久久精品国产一区色 真实的单亲乱子自拍对白 毛多内射在线视频 日本激情电影一区二区 一区日韩二区人妻精品av 制服丝袜国产AV无码 日本欧美视频人在线视频 国产精品国产三级国产在线 成人高清毛片 国产精品挑色在线 - BD韩语手机在线看 91婷婷色香五月综合 在线免费播放av毛片 男女乱婬真视频全过程播放 扒开女人两片毛茸茸黑森林 日韩免费播放一级毛片 国产高清真实破学生处 男女免费视频网站www 老司机午夜福利视频在线 99v久久人妻 18以下岁禁止1000部免费 亚洲成a人片8888一在线观看 在线国产影院 亚洲av极速不卡在线观看 熟女亚洲精品 麻豆国产精品va女在线观看 欧美精品一区二区精油 国产av黄麻豆 国产又大又长又粗又爽视频
    亚洲国产综合精品中文字幕| 精品少妇人妻av免费麻豆| 天天碰日日干夜夜操| 国产精品久久久久久麻辣| 国产免费一级a男人的天堂| 欧美国产日韩一区二区三区最新| 亚洲欧洲自拍拍偷综合| 亚洲欧美国产一区二区三区四区| 亚洲av成人波多野一区二区| 天堂а√在线官网| 国产精品激情综合| 四十五十老熟妇乱子伦视频 | 亚洲精品人人夜夜天天 | B就是用来C的| a级毛片免费观看大全| 看全色黄大色黄大片女爽一次| 成人毛片60女人毛片免费| 五月伊人亚洲精品一区| 日韩三级中文字幕在线| 久久亚洲综合激情| 国产免费的黄色视频完整版| 看三级精品国产三级精品| 人妻在线影院| 国产亚洲系列av高清| 欧美亚洲综合精品视频| 丰满人妻熟妇乱又伦精| 在线不卡亚洲av电影| 亚洲精品国产婷婷久久99| 亚洲老司机午夜福利在线观看| 国产美女主播喷水视频| 人妻中文字幕一二三区| 色婷婷久久久swag精品| 亲近相奷中文字幕| 大香蕉精品在线视频| 久久综合亚洲色一区二区三区| 少妇被粗大的猛烈进出爽视频| 99热6这里只有精品| 久久欧美日韩| 十八禁无遮挡国产网站| 在线免费观看日韩av大片| 亚洲,自偷,自拍网| av在线影片| 精品国产乱码一区二区| 国产舔丝袜脚| 国产日韩AV免费无码一区二区| 玩同事少妇不带套视频| 人妻中文字幕麻豆| 亚洲 欧美 丝袜 另类 无| 久久久久久精品91| 国产成人免费av大片| 日韩理伦一区二区三区视频| 内射丰满熟女| 6一12泑女WWW雏| 色偷偷人人爽| 绯色av少妇精品人妻精品| 久久久人人人人| gay男男啪啪中国国产chinese男男gaygay | 被十几个男人扒开腿猛戳| 久久久久久少妇黄片| 女人操男人在线观看| 亚洲av宅男天堂| 久久久久久久婷婷免费视频| 国产三级精品在线不卡秒播| 日韩亚洲AV无码一区二区三区| 久久亚洲最新| gay男男啪啪中国国产chinese男男gaygay | 熟妇少妇精品综合| 亚洲一国产一区二区三区| 国产精品免费观看视频一区| 黄色三级毛片毛片毛片| 欧美亚洲综合在线一区| 国产大片在线观看一区二区| 色伊人亚洲乱码| 色视频日本免费观看| 国产色视频在线免费观看| 亚洲欧美在线综合图区| 亚洲婷婷狠狠爱综合网| 精品久久最新| 精品一区二区不卡视频| 国产亚洲欧洲一区二区| 久久中文字幕123| 成年女人毛片免费观看观看9| 一卡二卡国产精品| 公交车上弄我高潮喷水| 98久久婷婷国产综合精品| 99热这里只有精品国产一区| 国产综合亚洲成人| 丰满大码熟女人妻爱爱| 精品国产一区二区三区四区导航| 日产国产亚洲精品| 久久久久夜色精品国产| 欧美日韩视频一二区不卡| 国产100000部免费视频观看| 亚洲国产精品专区欧美| 亚洲人成免费在线播放| 91精品国产熟女| 亚洲国产色在线日韩| 777在线欧美| 亚洲欧洲国产综合考虑| 日本三人交在线| 亚洲美女国产精选| 一本久久精品| 国产乱子伦普通话对白| 我与么公激情性完整视频| 伊人久久电影网站| 轻轻挺进新婚少妇身体里| 无遮挡18禁啪啪成人污网站| 美女很黄在线观看| 亚洲国产精品嫩草影视亚洲av| 精产国品久久一二三| 性在线观看视频| 中文字幕一区二区三区在线播放| 91亚洲欧美在线观看| a级毛片特级毛片免| 亚洲毛片不卡AV在线播放一区| 可以免费看毛片的网址| 亚洲国产精品毛片av不卡下载| 欧美中文字幕久久| 男女羞羞视频网页| 国产精品一区激情电影| 丰满日韩放荡少妇无码视频| 曰本A级毛片无卡免费视频VA| 看免费黄色一级高清| 日韩国产亚洲| 猫咪香蕉av| 91亚洲国产a∨精品一区二区| 新欧美三级经典在线观看 | 国产女人叫床高潮视频在线观看 | 高清性妇爰片免强伦| 毛片免费全部播放无码| 国产亚洲系列av高清| 一区二区三区免费影院| 亚洲av222| 日韩一区三区二区最新视频| 精品国产自在现线电影| 在线观看免费播放AV片| 亚洲欧美日韩91av| 成年女人视频专区| 国产亚洲欧美中文字幕在线| 男女啪啪激烈高潮喷免费动| 亚洲日本乱码很鲁欧美乱码| 欧美成人精品欧美一级黄| 国产成人午夜福利在线观看视频| 国产人妻精品区一区二区三区| 在线日本视频一区| 亚洲天堂免费精品| 国产欧美亚洲精品第1页青草| 国产精品~色哟哟| Japan Video XXX Sorry| av大片一区二区三区| 一区二区三区高清av电影| 欧美日韩精品一区二区在线观看| 又黄又嫩又无遮挡的国产网站| 91在线电影免费观看| 精品人妻少妇一区二区三区98| 麻豆成人观看| 在线亚洲国产一区二区| poren 18大学生| 亚洲av乱色| 毛片av有码| 精品久久久久久久人妻蜜臀av| 国产va免费在线观看| 欧美日韩成人精品久久| 国产精品免费福利久久| 亚洲国产黄片免费| 久久精品亚洲夜色国产av| 日日夜夜久久精| 91影院精品| av免费在线观看全网站| 亚洲国产综合无码一区二区| 99欧美激情| 亚洲欧美精品综合久久99| 岛国毛片基地 | 久久久久久精品人妻免费视频| 欧美VIDEOS粗暴高清| 亚洲精品自拍欧美日韩另类| 天天做天天干夜夜操| 狠狠躁夜夜躁中文字幕| 中文字幕在线视频一区大师| 激情婷婷综合亚洲图片| 久久精品国产清高在天天线| poren 18大学生| 亚洲精品合集一区二区| 欧美精品一区二卡三卡四卡| 久久午夜福利| 十分钟免费观看视频在线大全| 午夜av福利局免费观看的黄色大片| 亚洲电影国语对白| 国产精品自产拍在线观看花钱看 | 岛国在线小视频| 99久久精品久久免费观看不卡素人| 国产精品一区二区三区四区久久| 无码无套少妇毛多18P| 一级免费a级片免费视频| 人妻视频综合| 秋霞亚洲av| 欧美成人三级短视频| A级黑粗大硬长爽 猛视频| 亚洲电影天堂av| 国产精品久久激情毛片| 狂干人妻少妇视频| av网站免费在线看| 中文字幕av久久激情亚洲电影| 亚洲av网站| ZOZOZO女人与牛交全过程| 一级av一片久久免费观看| 日韩中文字幕视频网址| 综合色吧亚洲| 亚洲天堂最新国产| 中文字幕三级永久在线| 日韩美高清视频| 少妇被黑人整得嗷嗷叫| av资源网站免费在线观看| 欧美多毛老妇人| 国产在线一区二区综合免费视频| 99久久久国产露脸精品| 久久精品久久久久久噜噜老黄| 女人被爽到呻吟的视频| 男人和女人牲交视频全黄| 国产精品欧美1区| 99久久亚洲精品日| 奇米影视777四色狠狠| 国产女人18毛片水多| 色噜噜噜噜噜噜噜噜噜av| 日韩精品成人亚洲欧美在线| 亚洲中文精品乱码| 亚洲精品色青久久久久久久| 2020女厕偷拍25名美女| 丁香六月东京热| 亚洲av免费观看| 国产精品一级大片在线观看| 新婚少妇无套内谢国语播放| Japan Video XXX Sorry| 毛片免费网站有哪些| 久久精品中文字幕av一区| 人妻系列无码专区久久五月天| 人人人人爽爽人人人爽久久| 级做a爰片久久毛片毛片女| 亚洲av成人综合网| 99久久99精品免费看吃奶| 少妇又色又爽又高潮| 黄色视频在线观看国产| 99久久精品久精品| 国产精品三级精品三级在线观看| 中文字幕欧美精品一区二区| 久久精品国产性色| 五十熟女人妻少妇精品视频| 久久av免费大片| 黄视频国产免费看| 国产乱码在线观看一区二区| 国内揄拍99国内精品人妻久久| 国产乱码精品一区二区三下载| 99久久精品无码专区| 疯狂做受xxxx高潮视频免费| 免费的黄色a级毛片| 精品日韩欧美在线观看| 国产毛片精品一区二区三区| 国产综合久久一区二区三区| 激情偷乱人伦小说| 午夜情深深| 一级黄色片视频| 又爽又色的视频网站| av在线日韩国产| 久久国产乱子伦精品免费午夜| 可以免费看毛片的网址| 国产精品一区二区三区导航| a级毛片毛片毛片| 国产品精品久久久久中文| 最新熟女一区二区| 日本免费一区二区三区最新| 超碰天天夜夜| 八个少妇沟厕小便漂亮各种大屁股-啦啦啦啦| 一个人免费视频在线观看| 大香蕉国产精品视频| 国产欧美日韩中出| 饥渴少妇高潮舒服死了 | 国产AV无码专区亚洲AV琪琪| 久久国产免费一区二区三区| 日韩美高清视频| 亚洲AV无码无在线观看| 国产在线观看高清不卡的av| 国产精品区久久一区二区| 亚洲另类熟女国产精| 黑人与牛交ZOZOZO| 无码H动漫精品免费播放| 少妇群交换BD高清国语版| 国产精品国产三级国产无毒| 老司机午夜视频网站| 精品日韩福利视频| 欧美成人看片a免费| 欧美激情精品免费观看| 棚户区嫖妓全部过程| 中国少妇的XVIDEOS| 又黄又爽的视频免费99| JAPANESE熟女熟妇多毛毛| 神马福利美女视频| 91久久蜜桃| 在线观看永久免费网站网址| 99热国产这里只有精品6| 波多野结衣456一区二区| 边吃奶亚洲一区二区| 欧美乱XXXXXXXXX| 在线免费观看日韩欧美| 16女下面流水不遮视频| 国产成人免费观看mmmm| 欧美黑人成人一区二区三区| 久久国产av精品| 99精品只有精品九九| 三级毛片av| 最新中文字幕亚洲区| 国产欧美精品一区二区性色| 久久精品91久久香蕉国产| 色噜噜香蕉网| 国产精品久久一区二区三区蜜臀| 成人免费毛片在线| 国产精品扒开腿做爽视频| 一二三四免费观看在线视频中文| 亚洲欧美国产专区一区国产亚洲视频 | 7777久久亚洲中文字幕密桃| av在线不卡观看一本| 在线看免费的黄色大片| 久久国产亚洲精品美女久久久| 国产精品亚洲欧美日韩一区二区| 中文免费女人观看在线毛片| 免费日韩av网在线观看| 黄片av91| 免费人成视频X8X8入口| 噜噜影院一区二区| 国产精品a一区二区三| 亚洲成人a级片| 久久久久久久婷婷免费视频| 国产乱码在线观看一区二区| 免费高清日韩av| 中文综合在线 | 黄色av网站中文字幕| 精品国产日韩亚洲一区| 美女黄片亚洲免费| 邻居少妇很紧毛多水多| 秋霞av免费在线观看| 日日摸日日碰夜夜爽免费视频| 在线播放日韩av毛片| 99人妻人人| 久久中文字幕熟女人妻| 亚洲AV元码天堂一区二区三区 | 欧美成人免费观看全部国产| 单男 久久久久久久久毛片精品| 新欧美三级经典在线观看 | 中文字幕熟女av| 亚洲高清中文字幕av| 女人成人一区二区三区免费看| 一区二区国产亚洲| 12周岁女全身裸在线观看A片| 免费无码A片岛国在线看视频| 国产一区二区视频精品| 丝袜美腿1区| 欧美日本不卡视频| av久久中文字幕人妻| 幻女FREE性ZOZO交| 亚洲成人噜噜噜| 日韩精品一区二区电影网| 日本视频午夜| 国产91乱剧情全集| 精品国产亚洲一区二区三区| 啪啪在浴室边摸边吃奶边做大全 | 国产精品麻豆成人av电影软件| av亚洲aⅴ久久精品| 欧美一区二区激情电影| 久久人人爽人人爽从片a| JZZIJZZIJ日本成熟少妇| 午夜伦理一区二区三区在线观看| 俄罗斯a级毛片| av电影网站在线| 国产一区二区三区四区高清| 亚洲色噜噜网站在线观看| 国产XXXX做受视频| 久久人妻少妇出轨中文字幕| 亚洲乱码一区二区免费版| 免费毛片一区二区三区四区| 亚洲中文字幕人妻丝袜| √8天堂中文资源在线| 国产精品原创巨作AV无遮挡| 欧美黄色视频在线看| 日韩综合高清| 一a一片免费在线观看| 人妻无码AV中文系列久久第一页| 成人亚洲精品久久久久软件| 凹凸精品熟女| 无遮挡无码无修3D纯肉动漫| 亚洲中文字幕岛国av| 国产毛片精品一区二区三区| 丝袜美腿诱惑国产三区| 久久亚洲熟女中文字幕| 一边摸一边桶一边脱免费| 网站在线观看色| 成人超爽网站国产在线观看| 在线国产影院| 亚洲香蕉久久一区二区三区四区| h片在线观看视频不卡| 蜜臀久久99精品久久酒店| 亚洲av成人精品国产| 成熟熟女国产精品一区二区| 日本少妇高潮日出水了| 日韩中文字幕91| 国产卡1卡二卡3卡精品网站| 高潮喷水av在线| 免费看一区二区三区四区毛片| 亚洲avav天堂在线观看| 精品福利片在线观看亚洲av| 边吃奶边下摸的视频| 国产免费不卡av电影| 亚洲高清免费中文字幕| 亚洲影院一区二区三| 国产情侣色在线| 久久久久国产刺激毛片| 午夜视频在线观看免费国产| 男女做爰吃奶摸动视频| 国产激情一区二区三区成人麻豆| 久久一区二区福利| 亚洲本色精品一区二区久久| 毛片免费网站有哪些| 国产午夜精品一区在线高清| 精品亚洲一区二区三区一| 国产精品三级理论电影| 美女双飞高潮直喷水在线播放| AV无码久久久久不卡网站| 一区二区三区精品91| av电影网站在线| 18XXXX厕所偷拍WC| 亚洲精品久久久久久一区二区三区| 国内精品嫩草影院| 久久丝袜中文字幕| 一级毛a级片| 无码一卡二卡三卡四卡视频版| 欧美精品在线二区| 久久九九热精品免费| 久久视频伦理片| 夜夜爽天天搞| 亚洲成人日韩在线观看| 国产毛片久久久久久高清美女| 欧美一区二区亚洲专区| 在线成H人视频免费| 一区二区神马影院| 久久婷婷综合97色一本一本| 狠狠综合久久久久综合网站| 国产精品成av人在线视午夜片| 久久成人精品视频一区| 夜夜看夜夜爽夜夜摸| 操出白浆网址| 日本Av无码波多野结衣| 中文字幕国产视频精品| 人人人人爽爽人人人爽久久| 欧美人与动牲交欧美精品| 亚洲欧美精品综合久久99| 欧美成人午夜免费视频网址| 真人作爱90分钟免费看视频| 亚洲国产一区二区免费在线观看| 少妇人妻系列| 69精品人妻蜜桃一区二区三区| 最新中文字幕永久视频播放| 黄视频国产免费| 亚洲自拍黄色视频| 国产色在线一区| 一点不卡亚洲中文字幕电影| 亚洲综合性AV私人影院| 搡老女人老妇老熟女hd| 欧美大片在线观看一区二区| 线在在线精品视频| 国产免费观看a大片的网站| 日韩av在线播放大片| 欧美裸体网站在线观看视频免费| 亚洲综合精品自拍粉嫩av| 91影院免费观看成人在线下载| 亚洲精品色在线综合| 国产在线精品国自产拍免费| 亚洲四区av| 国产精品国产三级国产av丨| 查理与陈宝莲一级毛片| 成人久久av| 小少妇在线观看| 亚洲av永久无免费| 岛国av电影在线播放 | 一级a爰片性视频特黄| 免费观看女人十八毛片| 桃花社区视频在线| 亚洲成av人片乱码色午夜98| 中文综合在线 | 亚洲精品av午夜福利| 看国产欧美三级黄色片| 黄片日韩欧美| 男人裸体自慰免费看网站| 少妇av激情一区| 国产做a爱片久久| 噜噜吧色噜噜| 刺激男女午夜视频免费| 激情精品欧美| 中文字幕视频www网| 国产精品自产拍在线观看花钱看| 久久久99精品91久久久久| 亚洲AV元码天堂一区二区三区| 欧美性生 活18~19| 国产盗摄视频手机在线| 亚洲国产综合精品| 免费三级夫妇交换| 一区二区三区精品一本久久| 国产精品成人影院久久久| 日本在线有码电影网站| 亚洲精品少妇熟女| 99久久久国产露脸精品| 亚洲成人精品电影| 日本高清一区三级欧美| 高清中文字幕在线咪咪爱| 亚洲性色av| 天天躁日日操中文字幕| 18禁勿入网站入口永久| 欧美国产一区精品亚洲| 亚洲日韩中文字幕无码专区| 国产成人福利免费视频打野战| 亚洲黄色自拍短视频| 中文字幕在线视频一区大师| 欧美乱大交aaaa片| 国产精品3p一区二区视频| 欧美乱人伦中文字幕在线| 色99国产精品| 美国免费a级毛片| 成豆奶短视频APP下无限看| 国产午夜精品三区| 午夜福利免费试看| 国语高清cheapwindowsvps | 欧美日韩高清有码| 欧美日韩亚洲天堂久久| 亚洲制服丝袜av| 久久久久久国产成人趴趴| 在线激情成人小视频| 亚洲狼人久久| 五月婷婷激情亚洲| 风韵丰满人妻熟妇老熟女啪啪| 亚洲国产精品av麻豆一区二区| 久久精品人人做人人爽老司| 亚洲乱码国内精品一区在线| 真实小泑女网站国外俄罗斯| 中文字幕有码三级在线| 亚洲国产日韩欧美综合另类| 中文字幕久久第一页| 亚洲国模私拍人体GOGO| 天堂av最新在线| av有码在线| 91亚洲欧美在线观看| 91亚洲精品一区二区在线观看| 成人人妻精品一区二区三区| 五月天丁香电影| 色哟哟哟在线观看入口| 91av黄片| 伊人久久综合热| 18男同志GAY亚洲| 美女水多一级毛片| 一级a爱做片免费观看国产| 欧美+亚洲+日韩+国产| 床震吃奶摸下的激烈黄文| h片在线观看视频不卡| 山外人精品影视| 国产一级内射老妇| 人妻精品久久一区二区三区| 免费一级黄色片视频在线观看| 日韩精品一区二区电影网| 一区二区中文字幕久久| 成人天堂精品| 国产久一视频在线观看| 男女哪个视频免费网站| 久久久久人妻一区二区三区麻豆| 人伦乱高清视频在线观看| 丰满少妇被猛烈进入| 亚洲VA成无码人在线观看天堂| 日日操日日淫| 女人18毛片在线观看| 91中文字幕一区| 国产亚洲欧美成人 | 国产精品久久久久久久久人| 最新亚洲中文字幕天码| 五月婷婷六月丁香免费网 | 搞黄视频大全在线| 欧美精品啪啪一区二区三区| 精品第一国产精品| 在线观看国产成人AV电影 | CHINESE农村夫妇双飞| 亚洲一区av在线播放| 99热之这里只有精品网| 99色在线免费视频| 日本最新色视频在线观看| 精品视频图片小说| 午夜福利免费试看| 日韩亚洲国产另类| 欧美xxx黑人xx性爽| 成人无遮挡在线看| 一级片免费观看大全| 亚洲男人天堂免费在线| 美女视频黄的全免费男人| 欧美日本中文国产一区发布| 国产成人午夜91精品麻豆剧场| 好大 好深 我高潮了| 欧美日韩中文字幕一区二区| 国产美女免费观看高潮视频| 亚洲精品合集一区二区| 91精品久久综合熟女蜜臀| 亚洲电影a一区二区| 12周岁女全身裸啪啪自慰网站| 亚洲欧美精品一区在线观看| www.52我爱av好色.com| 国产在线不卡黄色视频| 中国人妻在线视频| 9420高清完整版在线观看免费| 亚洲老司机深夜私人影院| 中文字幕日韩高清一区| 午夜精品福利久久乐| 亚洲AV无码片一区二区三区| 亚洲精品熟女少妇| 亚洲国产欧美精品视频| 无码做爰欢H肉动漫网站在线看| 99视频在线黑人欧美| 免费人成视在线观| 日本一本高清中文字幕视频| 中文字幕午夜人妻| 伦精品一区二区三区四区| 日本高清性视频| 黄色视频在线观看免费无遮挡 | 亚洲国产精品电影一在线观看| 国内真实愉拍系列在线视频| 一本久道中文字幕av| 上司部长出轨漂亮人妻| 婷婷99狠狠躁天天躁中文字幕| 一级a级片毛片| 亚洲成人久久一二三区| 亚洲精品av少妇在线| 交换配乱吟粗大农村大坑性事| 中国国产av一级| 国产av美女高潮| 久久色中文字幕| 黑人巨大两根一起挤进的视频| 亚洲三级国产av| 亚洲欧美精品综合久久99| 黄色看点欧美成人黄色看点| 情趣视频在线观看麻豆91| 免费观看深夜女人嗷嗷叫av| 亚洲欧美日韩综合精品| 伊人 久久 中文字幕| 亚洲欧美日韩aⅴ一区二区三区| 三级精品影院| 国产成人秘史在线播放 | 图片小说视频一二区| 成在线人视频免费视频网页| 少妇人妻大乳在线视频不卡| 亚洲美女又黄又免费视频| 欧美日韩视频一区二| 人人妻人人澡视频| 黄视频在线国产| 免费的性开放网站交友网站| 成人一区二区高清视频| 日韩人妻精品一区二区三区视| 色花堂国产精品第二页| 久久亚洲综合色hezyo网站| 大量国产私密保健视频| 最新亚洲中文字幕天码| 久久丝袜脚交足免费播放导航| 国产精品欧美激情综合色| 午夜精品电影院| 91一区二区三区在线观看| 人妻少妇又紧又骚又爽| 亚洲av女优在线观看| 日韩久久人妻网| 97夜夜摸夜夜爽夜夜喊| 最新亚洲中文字幕天码| 永久黄网站色视频免费品善网| 亚欧洲精品在线视频免费观看| 无遮挡H肉3D动漫在线观看| 国产床上激情在线观看视频| 老湿机免费体检三分钟十八岁| 中文字幕av亚洲无线码天堂| 杨门十二寡妇艳史完整版| 一区二区三区在线观看视频了| 亚洲欧美一区二区成人精| 99精品人人人人玩人人妻| 成人黄色视频韩国| 久久av不卡网| 人人妻人人澡人人偷拍| 亚洲国产v二区在线观看| 18禁女扒开腿免费视频| 国产91粉嫩人妻精品九色| 国产3p一区二区三区视频| 色婷婷久久国产| 国产精品熟女熟妇视频| 3p人妻少妇精品视频在线| 一区二区三区激情视频| 久久麻豆成人精品av| 看三级黄色视频| 成年人床上av片免费观看网| 欧美一区国产一区激情| 亚洲欧美日韩久久精| 中国一级黄色片免费的| 熟女人妻免费视频一区二区三区| 欧美午夜电影通| 久久欧美日韩| 国产一区二区三区刺激视频| 美女脱内裤让我操| 最新2019国产天天| aa日本亚洲视频| 国产av美女高潮| 加勒比av综合网| 亚洲第一欧美日韩一区二区三区| 美女扒开内裤无遮挡18禁| 午夜欧美福利在线观看| 成人国产精品激情| 亚洲精品熟女| 欧美日韩中文在线播放| Chinese性老妇| 男人边吃奶边做好爽免费视频| 精品国产亚洲av日韩| 制服丝袜一区二区三| 熟女视频一区二区三区国产| 在线观看一区二区精品| 欧美日韩精品一区二区三区0| 免费可看黄的视频网站| 美足脚交国产在线观看| 欧美人人妻人人爽| 久久精品国产99精品国产亚洲性色| 黄色一级毛片看看| 亚洲国产日韩A在线乱码| 被黑人猛躁10子高潮视频| 色AV专区无码影音先锋| 521av国产精品电影| 国产综合色产在线精品| 少妇擦油高潮喷水爽翻天| 国产在线观看无码的免费网站| 日韩精品成人亚洲欧美在线| 日日操夜夜爽| 成年美女黄网站色奶头游戏| 鞭打虐乳跪爬sm羞辱视频 | 99re视频精品播放| 欧美伦理在线第一页| 亚洲国产精品8x| 日韩av人妻一区二区三区| 亚洲av乱码一区二三区在线| 91人妻碰碰| 亚洲成人精品一区二区| 亚洲国产一区二区久久| 在线观看国产黄色片| 色婷婷成人激情| 又粗又硬又黄又爽的视频| 福利美女国产三级| 亚洲欧美日韩乱码人妻精品| 丁香婷婷激情五月| 国内精品免费在线视频| 夜夜看夜夜爽夜夜摸| 加勒比亚洲av| 在线观看免费不卡av| 中国成熟毛茸茸肥| 老汉色∧v一级毛片| 香蕉精品亚洲二区在线观看| av网址大全在线观看网址| 六月丁香欧美| 羞羞影院午夜男女爽爽应用| 亚洲av一影院| 久久天堂av在线| 天堂在线中文在线6| 男人的天堂av最新版本| 野外少妇愉情中文字幕| 毛片三级三级三级免费看| 午夜福利电影免费观看| 欧美乱XXXXXXXXX| 久久精品国产亚洲7777| av在线久久精品| 亚洲另类清纯| 9420高清完整版在线观看| 有码亚洲区| 欧美日韩高清二区在线播放| 日韩亚洲国产另类| 国产视频a区在线观看| 99久久精品看国免费| 黄片精品内射| 国产成人av在线影院| 亚洲午夜av电影在线观看| 国产一卡二卡三卡四卡2021 | 欧美特黄特色三级视频在线观看 | 天堂影院av不卡毛片| 娇妻被猛男老外玩三P| 欧美日本国产免费看| 国产高清精品第一页| av无码av在线a∨天堂| 亚洲av成人中心| 各类成人av片在线观看| 亚洲不卡免费av| 又黄又爽又刺激的免费视频.| 亚洲少妇精品在线| 久久久久免费一级视频| 欧美精品一区二区三区网站| 成人做爰视频ww网站| 神马影院九老司机| 国产精品果冻传媒在线| 亚洲欧美精品xx| 国产在线精品—区二区三区| 国产毛片久久久久久久久| 强奷喂奶人妻黑人| 夜夜躁狠狠躁网站| 三级全黄色毛片a级全黄色毛片| 中文字幕在线丝袜| 三男一女伦交过程| 国产综合精品色视频| 88av影院首页| 在线激情成人小视频| 又爽又粗又黄的视频| 日本乱偷中文字幕| 日韩免费av成人一区二区三区| 国产亚洲vvv| 日本中文字幕人妻不卡dvd_| 日日摸夜夜噜| 69 HD XXXX| 精品国产自在现线电影| 亚洲精品一区中文字幕在线| 日韩亚洲精品欧美另类| 我要看黄色日本片| 欧美日韩无线码免费 | 日韩国产激情网站| 国产午夜一区二区三区影院| 欧美成人a区| 放荡的情欲护士2| 亚洲av麻豆av一区二区三区| 久久亚洲精品不卡| 国产高清欧美情侣视频| 国产成人精品一区二区| 亚洲av国产精品午夜福利| 久久亚洲av日韩一区二区三区| 美女被扒开内裤桶屁股眼| 成年男女免费视频网站| 亚洲精品一区久久久久久| 男人天堂激情网| 国产家庭乱视频| 日本午夜高清视频| 岳的又大又紧水又多| 午夜久久福利影院| 日本视频午夜| 青春草视频免费播放| 最新国产精品精品| 亚洲免费观看av网址| 丰满大码熟女人妻爱爱| 免费观看男女午夜视频| 高潮美女一区视频| 亚洲欧美在线看h| A片人禽杂交免费看| 午夜福利国产精品久久婷婷69| 久久亚洲专区午夜福利| 亚洲精品国产a久久久| 欧美精品一级黄色| 99久久精品一区二区三区| 国产av网天堂| 日韩一区二区三区免费精品视频| 老少配老妇老熟女中文普通话 | 日韩亚洲av网| 999呦交小u女精品视频| 一级毛片内射| 日韩人妻无码一区二区三区久久| 性感美女黄频大全免费视频网站| 在线播放日韩av毛片| 99看片在线免费观看| 国产成人AV在线免播放观看| 91在线国产日韩欧美| 亚洲av伊人| 婷婷精品国产亚洲av不片| 成人黄色视频网站有哪些| 美女扒开双腿露出尿口无内裤图片| 久久久精品94久久精品| 午夜影院免费国产| 久久国产一区二区四区| 日韩精品无码人成视频| 欧美成人精品一区二区三区中文 | 欧美三级电影一区二区| 免费日韩av影视网站| 亚洲精品国产福利一区二区三区 | 欧美乱妇无乱码| 男女一边摸一边做爽爽的免费| A片免费网址在线观看| 强奷喂奶人妻黑人| 久久精品在这里色伊人6884| 91影院首页在线观看| 午夜福利电影免费在线看| 一区二区三区免费日本| 内射丰满熟女| 99热全是精品| 悠悠久久av| 日本国产欧美在线观看| 国模丫丫大尺度黑毛毛| 亚洲天堂精品人妻| 国产学生白渔网袜足脚交视频| 亚洲人成色777777在线观看| 亚洲视频在线观看视频在线观看| 深爱婷婷桃色| 中文字幕一区二区三区在线播放| 黄a大片av永久免费网站| 国产在线观看三级视频| 日韩av电影在线看一区二区| 精品人人爱人人做| 亚洲国产aⅴ精品一区99| 国产三级av大全| 强睡年轻的女老板中文字幕| 亚洲第一av免费看| 另类欧美亚洲区| 美女午夜国产福利| 欧美精品国产精品日韩精品| 欧美黄色大片的网站| 九九视频只有精品| 久久91中文字幕| 国产亚洲精品97在线视频一| 欧美精品一区2区3区| 中文字幕亚洲天码| 国产一区二区三区在线观看av| 国产成人亚洲无吗淙合青草| 精品日韩欧美在线观看| 亚洲美女久久男人天堂| 亚洲avav日韩av| 成年人午夜视频免费看 | 中文字幕久久有码| 天堂а√在线中文在线最新版| 青春草视频免费播放| 欧美黑人与少妇一区二区| av久久中文字幕人妻| 草蜢社区在线观看免费观看 | 一区二区国产精品欧美| 3D肉蒲团之极乐宝鉴| 国产在线观看男天堂| 亚洲精品加勒比av| 久久精品夜色国产亚洲蜜臀| 亚洲无在线观看视频| 亚洲第一中文字幕在线| 国产AV无码专区亚洲AV琪琪| 热99re8久久精品国产| 免费毛片一区二区三区四区| 亚洲国产嫩草影院在线观看| 美妇啊灬啊灬用力…啊快乡村寡妇| jizz在线观看国产精品| 国产精品久久久久精品一级| 日韩欧美亚洲春色校园| 激情视频在线一区二区三区| 午夜精品色播av国产精品| 美女扒开腿真人视频| 91香蕉久久精品网| 欧美激情久久综合| 精品国产福利网站| 国产免费精品高清| 极品av麻豆国产在线观看| 波多野结衣一区二区三区高清| 国产色在线导航| 久久热久久热精品| 亚洲av免费毛片| 看黄色毛片一级| 免费看美女脱精光的网站| 波多野结衣456一区二区| 毛片一级毛片免费观看| 在线观看色一区| 欧美精品在线免费播放| 女人十六女人十六毛片| 日本一卡二卡三卡四卡2021| 亚洲日韩久久综合中文字幕| 国产精品流白浆免费视频观看| 最近2019免费中文字幕视频亚洲熟妇 | 最近的2019中文字幕3| 91中文字幕一区| 日韩亚洲午夜av| 国产做永久视频在线观看地址| 欧美专区一区二区三区四区| 久久国产成人精品国产成人亚洲| 亚洲精品卡一卡二卡三卡四| 午夜不卡在线观看| 最新中文字幕成人网| 美女黄网站18禁免费看| 男人添女人下部高潮免费看| 亚洲VA成无码人在线观看天堂| 天天综合网亚在线| 在线观看免费不卡av| 99热最新这里只有精品10| 午夜av专区| 放荡的女教师3在线观看| 日日碰狠狠躁久久躁| 中文成人av在线| 尻逼免费试看视频| 成人播放在线视频| 91午夜精品亚洲一区二区三区 | 欧美激情中文日韩蜜臀| 亚洲另类激情专区小说图片| 懂色av天堂| 国产综合久久一区二区| 一区二区国产精品欧美| 男女下面进入的视频免费午夜| 人妻系列中文字幕在线| 国内在线精品2021| 亚洲欧美国产专区一区国产亚洲视频 | 国产精品酒店情侣视频| 国产综合色产在线精品| 久久香蕉精品国产亚洲aⅴ最新| 亚洲午夜精品aa| 久久爽国产熟妇熟女| 国产视频福利免费看| 美国国产亚洲av| 黄床大片30分钟国产精品| 免费的av天码人妻天堂| 怡红院影院亚洲| 国产午夜精品一区在线高清| 国产精品入口在线免费观看| 一区二区天堂av| 午夜精品色播av国产精品| 国产午夜免费视频网站| 一区,二区,三区免费观看| 人成午夜大片免费视频77777| 中文字幕另类日韩欧美亚洲嫩草 | 国产日韩精品成人| 欧美日韩国产高清在线观看| 日韩不卡中文| 国内精品自国内精品66j影院| 超黄超污超爽无遮挡网站| 国产黄色免费观看视频| 天堂av中文在线资源| 在线A级毛片无码免费真人| 国产精品成人综合色区| 亚洲日本乱码很鲁欧美乱码| 欧美成人精品区| 六月丁香欧美| 亚洲av最新国产| 成人纯h小说网站| 亚洲精品自拍欧美日韩另类 | 亚洲永久视频免费| 久久成人午夜电影院| 嫩草影院福利版| 精品乱码一区二区三区四| 成人二区免费视频| 国产精品免费在线观| 欧美va亚洲va天堂va| 亚洲国产韩国欧美在线| 成人av哪个手机网站可以看| 高潮久久久久久久久av| A片在线观看全免费| 久久精品国产亚洲婷婷| 亚洲国产韩国欧美在线| 国产精品成人在线免费视频| 亚洲国产精品成人久久久久| 又粗又硬又长又爽又黄的视频| 国产男男猛烈无遮挡a视频| 亚洲精品国产成人99久久6小说| EEUSS影院WWW在线观看| 综合焦久伊人影院在线看 | 日本mv高清在线成人高清| 最新的欧美精品一区二区| 99热这里只有的是精品| 欧美亚洲另类激情| 亚洲av午夜福利精品| 色8久久高潮影院| 2021国产成人精品视频| av综合色区| 我要看黄色三级毛片| 久久性视频一级片| 人人妻人人爽人人做夜欢| 人妻卧室迎合领导进入| 日本午夜色视频在线观看| - BD韩语手机在线看| 亚洲av222| 热国产热有码| 日本乱理伦片在线观看真人| 中国男男自慰GAY片免费观看| 豪妇荡乳1一5潘金莲| 精品国产一区二区三区素人馆| 老熟妇乱又伦| 国产精品200在线播放| 国产亚洲欧美日韩精品一区二区三区| 97在线观看视频在线久| 成年人的黄色视频永久免费| 久青草国产手机在线观看| 少妇下面好紧好多水真爽播放| 女同久久国产精品99国产精品| 国产三级黄毛片| 女子18毛片水可真多免费视频| 成人av视频免费观看网址| 欧美日韩精品一区二区中文字幕 | 一级做a爱片久久毛片a高清| 色婷婷视频精品| 99欧美激情| 成人黄色片三级| 天堂а√在线地址中文在线| 国产成人av在线影院| 国产日韩欧美第一区第二区| 亚洲熟女爱爱高清| 精品一区二区电影在线| 欧美婷婷精品激情| 一区中文字幕人妻| 午夜福利在线免费观看国产| 一边摸一边添下面动态图| 男女hh福利视频| 看全色黄大色黄大片爽一次| 啪啪免费福利午夜| 久久乱69小说| 欧美成人极品一区| 欧美黄色a级视频| 最近免费中文字幕大全图片| av黄色一级毛片| 久久久久久久精品成人热蜜柚| 很猛一区二区激情视频| 最近最新免费中文字幕3| 久久大中文字幕| 精品国产乱码久久久久久免费看| 成人在线观看av片| 国产精品老妇久久精品老妇| 久久影院午夜未满十八勿入| 亚洲人成免费播放| 激情五月亚洲综合图区| 欧美亚洲国产精品激情在线| 碰超免费国产97久久青草| 亚洲精品欧美国产入口| 色噜噜日韩精品欧美一区二区| av有码在线| 青草永久福利| 春色成人av在线播放| 欧美亚洲三级成人| 小的学生VIDEOSEX| 中文字幕网站av| 一卡二卡三卡免费看| 岛国精品一区免费视频在线| 亚洲美女又黄又免费视频| 老师你下面太紧了拔不出来| 国产成年人精品一区二区| 久久成人免费精品网站| 日韩av高清在线| 亚洲熟女老熟女自拍av| 国产一区二区三区波多野结衣| 99久久精品国产一区色| 国产成人亚洲综合图区| 精品久久久国产| 亚洲一区av二区在线播放观看| 亚洲av永久天码精品天堂dl | 97婷婷大香蕉| 欧美v亚洲v日韩v流畅在线| 久久中文字幕精品三级| 99久久精品久久免费观看不卡素人| 亚洲国产午夜精品av在线| 久久久国产午夜成年影院| 激情黄片在线免费看视频一区| 国产在线看黄视频| 亚洲a在线观看免费视频| 亚洲精品熟女在线| 亚洲精品乱码国产精品乱码| 老鸭窝在线免费视频观看| 成人黄色片网站| 最好看的2018中文字幕国语1| 久久色成人网| 日本欧美午夜视频| 超碰人妻福利在线| 91影院免费观看成人在线下载| 一边摸一边做爽爽视频免费| 国产一区二区三区刺激视频| 欧美成人a级视频在线播放| 人妻熟女av久久| 色五月丁香六月欧美综合| 亚洲中文字幕久久乱码| av在线免费观看亚洲| 成人激情在线小视频| 亚洲天堂啊v| 久久亚洲精品色一区| 中文字幕丝袜亚洲| 欧美啊亚洲激情| 人妻中出中文字幕一区二区| 亚洲制服丝袜av| 国产性色一区二区三区av| 久久久久国产欧美久久久aaa| 亚洲精品熟女| 无码人妻久久一区二区三区免费| 欧美亚洲二区三区| 国产精品又黄又爽又色的视频| 不卡免费av在线播放| chinesemilf国产色系| 国产在线看黄视频| 青草草免费视频网站| 免费观看a级毛片全部| 亚洲一级午夜福利| 风流少妇一级毛片| 日韩精品电影一区二区三区| 自拍亚洲欧美色区| 久久精品av国产一区二区| 国产欧美日韩高清不卡| 嫩草影院国产在线观看| 成人999精品影视| 少妇人妻视频久久| 五月六月丁香婷婷| 亚洲欧美变态另类丝袜美腿| 亚洲欧美二区绝色浪潮性色| 亚洲欧美日韩成人一区二区 | 亚洲免费观看成人av| 黄片av高清不卡免费看| 日本JAPANESE醉酒人妻| 亚洲午夜精品久久久久久成年| 国产精品乱码三区二区一| 亚洲色图欧美自拍偷拍| 一区中文字幕人妻| 夹看学长的巨大写作业| 亚洲欧美日韩成人一区二区三区| 亚洲毛深熟女射精精品hd| 精品三级国产免费| 日韩不卡中文| 一二三四社区在线视频观看| 久久成人午夜电影院| 艹高潮喷水在线观看| 偷色自拍亚洲偷自拍视频| 在线观看色一区| 色综合网亚洲| 国产高清中文字幕在线| 一区二区神马影院| 97在线观看免费视频| av在线国语对白| 亚洲成a人片8888一在线观看| 免费av午夜在线观看| 欧美丰满巨肥大屁股BBW| 老司机免费色视频| 视频亚洲av| 99RE6热视频这里只精品首页| 亚洲视频免费永久| 亚洲熟妇自偷自拍| 欧美激情精品免费观看| av网站亚洲| 高清亚洲va| 人人妻人人舔人人草| 扒开老女人毛茸茸的黑森林| 娇妻被朋友粗大猛烈进出高潮视频| 偷拍视频一区二区三区四区| 人人妻人人澡人人爽97| 波多野结衣毛片在线看| 一级精品中文毛片| 70老太另类极品GRAND| 国产精品出品在线观看av| 国产老熟女打炮| 毛片av免费| 一区二区日韩免费视频| 欧美+亚洲+日韩+国产| 日韩一区二区视频免费看| 婷婷六月综合丁香| 亚洲精品视频在线视频观看| 亚洲国产一区二区三区久久| 在线看片人成视频免费无遮挡| 国产午夜免费视频网站| 亚洲成人网av| 91亚洲国产a∨精品一区二区| 人妻熟女av免费一区二区三区| 白袜男高中生GAY资源| 亚洲自拍偷拍熟女| 特级毛片A级毛片在线播放WWW| 日韩人妻精品一区2区三区| 久久精品熟女亚洲av18禁| 棚户区嫖妓全部过程| 男女真实无遮挡XX00动态图| 久久99久久99精品免费看小说| 欧洲毛片av片一级毛片| 无码一卡二卡三卡四卡视频版| 日韩一区二区三区免费影视| 中国XXXXY | 亚洲一区一区av| 亚洲av国产一级毛片久久| 国产精品国产三级大全| 亚洲怡红院综合影院| 99热这里只有精品99| 噗嗤噗嗤太深了啊快停下| 日本护士FXXXXX| av高潮喷水在线| 成人又黄又爽的免费观看 | 国产一级特黄大片在线观看 | 国产激情久久久网站| 午夜黄大色黄大片美女| 亚洲va精品| 欧美激情中文日韩蜜臀| 99久久精品国产网站| 一级人爱免费视频黄片| 天堂在线最新版天堂中文在线| 亚洲本色精品一区二区久久| 人妻有码| 亚洲成人精品一区二区| 午夜秋霞伦理福利| eee在线播放免费人成视频| 免费看美女脱精光的网站| 奶头巨大狂揉60分钟视频| 精品中日韩一区二区三区| 欧洲精品码一区二区三区| 日韩精选亚洲专区| 日本 888 XXXX| 精品视频一区二区三区免费观看| av的网站在线免费观看| 18禁无遮挡在线网站| 亚洲免费中文电影一区二区三区| 国产免费av片在线还看下载| 张筱雨两腿玉门打开图| 午夜精品一区二区三区福利片| 99国内精品99久久久久久| 日韩电影亚洲av| 在线成H人视频免费| 日韩麻豆av中文字幕在线观看| 日本v视频在线观看| 制服丝袜一区二区三| 尤物精品国产亚洲av麻豆| 久久国产av不卡| 青柠在线观看免费高清完整版 | 午夜精品一二三不卡影院| 久久精品亚洲影院| 国产乱码精品一区二区三区四| 国产又爽又黄的视频| 国内在线精品2021| 欧美变态另类牲交ZOZO| 波多野结衣一二三区免费| 久久这里只有精品666| 人人人妻人人人| 暖暖视频在线观看动漫| 国产AⅤ无码专区亚洲AV| JLZZ大全高潮多水| 怡红院影院亚洲| 综合一区欧美亚洲精品| 日韩中文字幕免费的视频在线看| av天堂伊人网| 欧美一区二区日韩国产| 伊人久久亚洲综合大香线蕉| 亚洲av加勒比在线| 啦啦啦BD在线观看| а√天堂最新网址| 久久中文字幕久久亚洲精品| 她稚嫩哭喊撕裂第一次| 被上司调教的人妻| 免费啪男女午夜视频国产| 日韩欧美精品一区二区综合视频| 亚洲国产成人精品软件| 色噜噜狠狠一区二区三区四区偷拍| 国产无套乱子伦精彩是白视频| 婷婷色综合影院 | 精品欧美日韩国产一区| 久久国产精品麻豆久久| 懂色av天堂| a级毛片午夜免费播放片| 久久久久国内精品免费| 久久久日本中文字幕一区| 男女啪啪啪高潮动图| 欧美一区二区三区不卡视频| 久久久久了精品久久久18 | av免费永久福利| 国产精品女上| 国产精品被熟女| 久久久国产99久久国产久麻豆 | 亚洲av福利一区| 天码人妻一区二区三区| 欧美黑人又粗又长视频| 欧美极品在线在线观看| 精品久久久了| 欧美国产精品亚洲| 精品国产亚洲av日韩| 黄色日韩一级| 91精品国产综合久久香蕉网| 日韩高清在线一区观看| 精品国产免费网站二区二区| 国产精品无码DVD在线观看| 黄色一级毛片看看| 亚洲成av人片免费观看| 国产丰满大码老熟女| 女人操男人在线观看 | 久久精品国产99精品国产亚洲性色 | 女厕真实偷拍撒尿视频| 久久午夜夜伦鲁鲁片免费无码| 婷婷六月亚洲中文字幕| 亚洲av影院网站| 免费观看精品久久| 丰满大码熟女人妻爱爱| 97精品人人妻人人| 亚洲成年毛片| 国产经典三级三级三级三级三级| 人妻激情乱人伦| 黄色片无遮挡在线免费看| 色播av国在线播放| 熟女人妻の波多野结衣视频| 一区二区国产亚洲| 国外VPSWINDOWS在线| 亚洲无色av码专区| 99视频只有这里有精品| 国产精品免费福利久久| 国产欧美另类久久久精品不卡| 成人a级毛片| 国产精品女同久久| 午夜影院免费国产| 91亚洲欧美在线观看| 边摸边吃奶边做动态图片| 无遮挡边吃奶边做刺激视频呻| 国内少妇人妻精品视频三区四区| 国产精品无毛一区二区三区| 亚洲在线观看国产精品| 护士奶头又大又软又好摸| 中文字幕亚洲综合久久综合 | 亚洲精品短视频在线| 领导挺进娇妻身体| 日本熟妇人妻XXXXX野外| 国产亚洲欧美成人 | 精品伦一区二区三区| 自拍偷区亚洲综合第二页| 正在播放国产多P交换视频| 女同毛片免费播放| 国产男女猛烈无遮挡91| 亚洲熟妇av一区二区三区软件| 国产成人久久综合一区| 久久亚洲精品不卡| 18禁高潮娇喘喷水视频| 天天干精品国产一区二区三区| 午夜福利一区二区三区在线播放| 久久亚洲人都爱| 人妻有码| 91av在线电影| 日产精品乱码卡一卡2卡三网站| 精品中文字幕久久久久久久| 中文字幕av无乱码| 999小视频网站| 精品国产极品美女在线观看| 免费观看的a级毛片| 国产乱子伦普通话对白| 国产老熟女打炮| 99九九99久久精品| 男人和女人牲交视频全黄| 尤物网红麻酥酥极品自慰| 国产av电影区二区三| 一级a爱做片观看免费网站| 女同久久国产精品99国产精品| eee在线播放免费人成视频| 蜜臀久久99精品久久久久久| 成人av毛片免费看| 国产成人一级片在线观看| 国产在线jyzzjyzz免费| 欧美国产日韩一区在线观看| 色偷偷人人爽| 在线99视频在线| 亚洲中文字幕在线无码一区二区| a级毛片高清视频免费就看| 亚洲av二区三区四区| 伊人久久综在合线亚洲| 日本午夜色视频在线观看| 一级毛片久久久久久久久女| 亚洲专区欧美久久| 92极品福利少妇午夜100集| 中国熟女内射| 欧洲av福利大| 日韩岛国大片av久久久久久久| 一级aaaaa片免费毛片| 亚洲怡红院综合影院| 国产激情一区二区三区成人91| 亚洲字幕欧美三区| 久久精品国产亚洲av香蕉明| 18禁成人国产又黄又爽| 亚洲av曰韩精品久久久久久| 欧美第一页色| 日韩黄色视频网站免费不卡| 超色免费av| 在线香蕉精品视频了| 久久婷婷成人综合色麻豆| 免费a级毛片10禁网站免费| 日韩国产欧美在线播放| 成人色网站在线| 国产精品电影一区二区三区| 人妻综合专区第一页| 亚洲熟妇大图综合色区| 小SAO货夹得好紧太爽了视频| 国产毛片一区二区三区毛片| 免费AV网站| 久久免费精品,| 永久免费av大片| 能直接看的av网站| a级毛片在现免费观看| 亚洲av无一区二区三区久久久| 色婷婷噜噜久久国产精品12p| 一级片免费看视频| 黑丝袜国产在线| 欧美国产日韩资源精品| 美女很黄在线观看| 韩国一区二区三区免费| 久久婷婷综合色拍亚洲小说| 久欠精品国国产99国产精2021| 乱人伦精品在线观看| 少妇人妻系列| 好爽~~~~嗯~~~再快点视频| 老司机精品视频免费入口| 国产综合色香蕉精品五夜婷| 国产盗摄视频手机在线| 国产成人精品深夜福利视频| 免费看一级做a爰片| 亚洲自偷自拍另类第1页| 国产爽视频在线免费| 午夜av不卡免费| 呻吟 粗暴 喘息 乳 抓捏| 中文字幕在线看片精品| 亚洲中文字幕乱码视频| 工口网站在线观看| 中文字幕无码不卡免费视频| 亚洲一区中文字幕高清| 久久国产乱子伦精品免费看| 成人av福利app网站大全| 亚洲一卡2卡3卡四卡国色天| 色婷婷狠狠躁日日躁夜夜躁| 国产成人精品婷婷| 黑色丝袜美美女被躁翻了| 国产偷国产偷亚洲高清日韩| 久久不见久久见免费影院观看| xxx大片免费视频| 亚洲精品国产片av| 第一次破女处流血视频| 免费成人激情在线视频| 久久天天躁夜夜躁狠狠躁2019| 一区日韩二区人妻精品av| 厨房玩弄人妻系列| 亚洲欧洲最新av| 国产精品看片在线| 一级a做片免费久久| 亚洲在线观影| 国产午夜激无码AV毛片不卡| 丝袜avapp| 日韩av毛片网站| 国产99久久久国产精品爱久久| 中文在线а√天堂官网| 亚洲国产欧美国产综合一区| 亚洲337少妇裸体艺术| 精品一区二区三区国产精品| 97人妻人人澡人人爽| 亚洲av男天堂| 美女扒了内裤让男人桶| 好大 好深 我高潮了| 久久精品人人做| 亚洲专区精品在线| 超碰97国产精品| 精品亚洲一区| 日韩国产高清桃色| 成人性生交大片免费看一4| 精品国产女人久久久久| av天综合av亚洲| 小荡货又紧又爽奶头好湿视频| 白袜男高中生GAY网站| 少妇熟女精品| 精品综合亚洲国产另类| 成人国产精品秘久久按摩| 中文字幕精品一区二区三区我和| 亚洲aⅴ每日更新在线观看| 国产精品三级理论电影| 国产一成人一区二区三区| 黑人巨大精品欧美一区二区mp4| 免费观看日本mv在线观看| 毛片av日韩| 97起碰在线观看| 女人裸体啪啪拍无遮挡动态图| 蜜桃av一区一区| 国产午夜视频在线免费观看| 男人狠狠天堂| 美女黄a视频免费看| 国产三级国产精品三级在专区| 国产欧美日韩中文久久| 欧美亚洲综合精品视频| 日本色婷婷在线观看| 免费午夜福利啪啪| 午夜av不卡免费| AV片在线观看| 国产成人+亚洲欧洲+综合| 亚洲精成a品人v| 五月婷婷六月伊人| 一区二区三区免费久久精品| 国产又粗又猛又爽的视频| 欧美日韩国产高清一级黄片| 久久人人爽人人片av| 玖草视频在线观看免费| 久久人人爽人人爽人人片宅男| 一区二区三区午夜精品| 精品国产一区二区在线| 在线观看91精品国产麻豆蜜桃| 亚洲国产一区二区三区在线免费| 小辣椒福利视频精品导航| 亚洲区成人影院| av天堂久久9| 操欧美日韩逼| 色欧美亚洲黑人视频| 丁香六月七月| 97热视频在线观看| 中文字幕av一道本| 邻居少妇很紧毛多水多| 黄爽无遮挡网站| 久久精品中文字幕免费视频| 久久夜色精品美女av| 男人狂桶女人出白浆视频| 四虎精品成人免费永久| 亚洲乱码中文字幕一区l| 亚洲国产成人久久精品软件| 亚洲中文字幕在线一二三四区| 成人黄色视频免费看| 日日摸日日碰夜夜爽免费视频| 亚洲最大中文字幕精品| 一二三区人妻| 综合欧美一区不卡中文字幕| 天堂俺去俺来也www色官网| 欧美性猛交xxxxxxxx久久| 人人妻人人做人人爽欧美一区| 久久一级片儿电影| 在线免费观看av网站不卡| 中文字幕亚洲无线码区女同| 国产精品国产三级国产播12软件| 欧美精品亚洲一区二区三区| 扒开女人内裤猛进猛出免| 果冻传媒新剧国产浮生影院| 国产在线观看永久视频| 亚洲精选av久久久久久| 亚洲成人免费视频大全| 一级毛片不卡免费看老司机| 国产有码高清视频在线观看| 人人妻人人澡人人妇| 秋霞在线观看的av| 亚洲国产欧美一区二区三区爱| 国产精品扒开腿做爽视频| 欧美日韩一区二区三区hd| av野外在线| 97啪啪自拍视频| 国产成人a∨麻豆精品| a级毛片免费基地| 日韩性视频激情在线一区| 在线看国产精品三级在线| y88午夜久久国产精品麻豆| 超碰在线人妻干| 久久综合亚洲色HEZYO国产| 美女黄a视频免费看| 黄片.comwww| 国产一区二区熟女精品免费| 性色av免费在线观看| 91香蕉在线精品视频| 先锋影音AV最新AV资源网| 成人黄色一级影片| 激情婷婷综合久久久久| 人妻熟女av麻豆| 亚洲国产av麻豆毛片超色| 免费看小黄鸭av片成人| 一级片在线免费不卡av| 漂亮的岳坶三浦理惠子| 国产精品综合久久久久久久免费 | 精品亚洲成av人在观看| 大香蕉国产精品视频| 美女黄是视频免费看| 人妻少妇乱子伦精品视频在线| 黑人性暴力视频| 色欧美欧视频在线观看| 亚洲免费观看一区二区| 日韩AV中文无码影院| 国产免费永久网址av| 一区中文字幕人妻| 在线观看国产成人AV电影| 99热这里只有的精品99| 久久爽国产熟妇熟女| 欧美黑人巨大粗爽| 午夜精品久久av蜜桃| www.欧美成人午夜| 久久亚洲精品无码AV大香大香 | 亚洲中文日韩欧美视频| 中文字幕av丝袜一区| 中文字幕天堂av| 欧美亚洲一级中文字幕| 亚洲国产欧美日韩精品一区| 国产日韩欧美精品久久| 美女又黄又爽在线观看网站| 成人区人妻精品一区二区三区 | 国产一级高清av| 亚洲五月天激情在线观看| 亚洲欧美偷自拍| 蜜臀久久99精品久久酒店| 久久中文字幕精品综合| 99久久人妻偷人精品一| 内射白嫩的小少妇33p| 免费女人18毛片a级视频在线| 亚洲成年毛片| 国产美女午夜福利| 国产精品自在拍首页视频| 欧美黑人又粗又长视频| 成人熟女国产麻豆91精东| 96久久精品人人妻人人爽| 日韩免费播放一级毛片| 各类成人av片在线观看| 亚洲精品成人av一区二区| 欧美黑人一级做a爱性色毛片| 日韩亚洲欧美精品综合精品| nn77nn在线毛片基地| 免费看三级毛片| 精品熟女一区| 久久青青草电影| 日韩欧美国产网址| 可以免费看a级毛片| 男女视频在线免费观看网站一区| 亚洲国内久久精品| 欧美国产日韩在线4区| 欧美日韩极品美女在线视频| 中出人妻视频一区二区| 免费A级毛片无码A∨免费| 久久久人妻中文字幕| 精品欧美一区成人| 亚洲av永久无免费| 亚洲国内久久精品| 在线观看亚洲a| 久久国产精品久久精品| 91av国产成人网| 久久精品人妻电影| 老司机午夜视频网站| av在线天堂最新版| 国产成人色按摩| 亚洲av免费毛片| 岛国av免费电影在线播放| 韩国三级黄色伦理电影| 午夜精品福利久久乐| 韩国理论电影午夜三级| 在线观看一区二区精品| 熟女人妻一区二区三个区| 国产在线不卡黄色视频| 日本最新色视频在线观看| v电影v亚洲v欧美v国产| 国产视频福利免费| 国产成人精品日本亚洲77美色| 日本欧美一区二区视频在线观看| 波多野精品一区二区三区色情| 国产精品a一区二区三区电影| 激情欧美国产日韩一区二区三区| 久久久久免费一级视频| 欧美最猛性xxxxx亚洲精品| 国产一区二区三区大香蕉| 国产高清一国产AV| 国产精品麻豆久久成人| 一级黄色大片在线| 97人妻人人| 成年人的黄色视频永久免费| 色婷婷六月亚洲婷婷丁香| 久久99精品国语久久久| 夫妇交换性4中文字幕| 国产一级特黄高清在线大片| 超薄肉色丝袜脚交| 欧洲极品诱惑另类视频| 久久亚洲国产精品成人| 国产激情一区二区三区成人麻豆 | a做片免费观看久久| 亚洲国产精品第一区二区三区| 香蕉视频国产在线看| 白嫩少妇私密保健按摩| 一本一本久久A久久精品综合| 亚洲欧美日韩综合图| 中国JAPANESE高潮尖叫| 蜜桃av高潮抽搐| 亚洲欧美在线看h| 国产午夜香蕉| 精品三级国产一区二区三区四区| 午夜福利啊啊| 特级高清牲交生活片| 熟女人妻少妇精品视频| 国产精品高清亚洲不卡| 丁香六月激情亚洲| 一区二区日韩免费视频| 波多野结衣网站一区二区| 老少配老妇老熟女中文普通话| 国产精品zjzjzj在线观看| 日韩五码成人| 黄视频在线国产| 色婷婷久久久swag精品| 亚洲av熟女诱惑| 久久超碰少妇人妻| 一二三四在线视频2| 18在线永久免费观看网站| 99久久这里只有精品| 毛片在线观看黄| CHINESE熟女熟妇2乱| 日韩性视频国语对白| 亚洲欧洲成人综合网| a做片免费观看久久| 96热久久这里只有精品| 欧美激情欧美激情在线99| 精品国产一区二区三区卡| 亚洲综合区国产| 欧美高潮抽搐喷水大叫| 国产精品免费观看av| 五月丁花香综合| 国产美女午夜福利久久| 日韩中文字幕| 91香蕉亚洲精品国产| 欧美精品一区2区3区| 日韩一级特黄高清免费| 给我下载个日本黄色录像视频片| 又粗又硬又黄又爽的视频| 99久久婷婷国产精品联想比结伴| 亚洲国产日韩综合在线| 九九黄色视频免费看| 国产永久在线视频观看| 高潮美女在线观看| 国产伦精品一区二区三区视免费| 老司机免费成人影院| 亚洲精品成人区一区二| 婷婷91麻豆精品国产人妻在线| 大又大粗又爽又黄的a级毛片 | 中文字幕在线视频一区大师| 国产福利在线免费观看视频| 亚洲制服丝袜中文字幕自拍| 成人纯h小说网站| 国产精品3p一区二区视频| 少妇人妻精品综合一区二区| 国产精品边做奶水狂喷无码| 人人妻人人澡欧美一区二区| 亚洲精品一区二区不卡| 婷婷97狠狠色综合| 中日韩精品一区二区有码| 亚洲av熟女诱惑| 国产精品一区二区av片香蕉| 麻豆国产精品va女在线观看| 国产又粗又头又长又爽| 亚洲日韩中文字幕无码专区| 国产成人一区二区三区一| 热の综合热の国产热の潮在线| 456老熟妇乱子伦视频| 饥渴少妇BD正在播放| 日本熟妇乱子a片| 天天躁夜夜躁狠狠综合2020 | 好男人社区神马WWW| 高潮呻吟国产在线播放| 国产午夜精品一区二区三区不卡| 国产精品熟女久久久久浪| 久久视频伦理片| 女被男啪到哭免费视频 视频| 亚洲成AV人片在线观看福利| 国产永久视频网站| 午夜精品久久久久久久99桃 | 亚洲欧美日韩新一区| 中字幕人妻一区二区| 欧美福利第一页| 国产精品亚洲精品欧美精品| 一女被多男玩到高潮喷水| 麻豆国产麻豆| 国产免费一区二区三区四区乱码| 女人十六女人十六毛片 | 少妇熟女图亚洲| 亚洲国产精品自在线一区二区 | 亚洲第一网站在线观看的吧| 国内精品九九在线视频| 真人作爱90分钟免费看视频| 3D动漫H在线观看网站蜜芽 | 一级片免费看视频| 熟女人妻の波多野结衣在线| 男人J进女人屁网站免费| 亚洲最大AV资源网在线观看| 日产精品乱码卡一卡2卡三网站| 国产精选一区二区电影| 婷婷黄色大片| 麻豆97欧美在线| 护士爽到疯狂潮喷好爽| 国产亚洲欧美bt| 亚洲最大成人中文| 伊人久久大香线蕉一区二区| 亚洲国产熟女精品| 熟女熟妇久久亚洲精品| 桃花在线观看免费观看手机| 久久麻豆精亚洲av品国产二区| 99久久999久久久精品综合| 狠狠拍av哪里有| 女人高潮抽搐潮喷流白浆| 狠狠综合久久久久综合网站| 天堂av亚洲av国产av电影| 秋霞精品久久久| 久久亚洲精品国产| 影音先锋新男人AV资源站| 搡女人真爽免费视频火全软件| 欧美亚洲精品免费| 天天躁久久躁夜夜狠狠躁| 无码码男男作爱A片在线观看| 欧美亚洲国产午夜| 精品国产成人一区二区| 亚洲AV无码专区国产乱码| 午夜性刺激免费看视频| 国产精品久久久久久久久无吗| 激情视频国产精品| 免费a级高清毛片| 99亚洲av精品久| 丰满肉感的熟妇疯狂耸动| 成年美女黄网站18禁免费| 亚洲av日韩av国产麻豆| 亚洲不卡免费av| 69精品人人人妻人人玩嘿嘿| 日韩欧美一区二区三区国产| 中文字幕aⅴ天堂在线| 黄色视频可看| 91精品国产福利久久| 日本免费人成在线播放视频| 丰满日韩放荡少妇无码视频| 人妻激情偷乱视频一| 久久精品国产99国产精亚洲| 风骚人妻久久| 一个人免费视频在线观看| visa卡收费| 亚洲成年毛片| 国产一区二区三区中文视频| 国产999久久精品免费视频| 日韩人妻无码一区二区三区久久| 又黄又爽a成人免费视频| 各类成人av片在线观看| av色中文在线| 老鸭窝在线视频免费观看网站| 黄色片一级av| 女人高潮一级毛片| 久久国产亚洲精品嫩草| 极品粉嫩国产尤物18在线观看| 2222亚洲一区综合| 黄色视频免费看的| 亚洲高清成人一区二区三区| 久久久久久久精品99q| 九色成人免费视频| 99久久这里只有精品| 最近中文字幕免费高清大全| 视频一区图片区小说区| 一级a级片毛片| 精品国产怡红院| 人人人妻人人人| 中文乱码字幕午夜无限观看| 18禁羞羞视频无遮挡免费| 蜜臀久久99精品久久久酒| 69 HD XXXX| 欧美与黑人午夜性猛交久久久| 国产呦系列呦交| 一级午夜影院| 老司机午夜福利视频在线| 国产精品欧美日韩三区四区| 一区二区三区国产精品乱码| 亚洲午夜精品av片| 日本高清乱理伦片中文字幕| 黄片av免费在线观看一区二区 | 国产破处视频在线播放91| 3344成人在线免费视频| 三级免费毛片大放送| 国产视频午夜福利| 99视频只有这里有精品| 亚洲av午夜精品福利| 无码人妻一区二区三区四区AV| 亚洲国产精品av麻豆一区| 91人人精品人人爽| 波多野结衣毛片在线看| 日韩三级中文字幕在线| 欧美国产亚洲浪潮| 女人18毛片水真多免费观| 欧美熟妇精品另类91| 日韩亚洲精品欧美另类| 久久精品国产影片| 婷婷av一区二区三区麻豆| 噜噜影院一区二区| 亚洲熟女电影一区二区三区| 国产精品久久久久久久久成人| 国产精品导航网站| 91内射极品人妻| 黄色毛片一级的| 亚洲a∨中文字字幕乱码| 黄色特a级毛片| 久久久日本中文字幕一区| 粗大的内捧猛烈进出少妇视频| 黄色成人动漫视频在线观看| 2020亚洲欧美日韩在线| 99免费的精品视频| 草的爽AV导航| 中文在线最新版天堂bt| 久久e热在这里只有精品99| 黑人ⅹxx亚洲人一区二区| 特级毛片A级毛片免费播放| 三级免费毛片大放送| 所有免费永久岛国av网址| 波多野在线成人桃色| 日本高清一区三级欧美| 成人国产精品激情| 欧美一区二区三区四区黄片| 久久成人精品视频一区| 日韩精品av电影在线观看| 国产毛毛片一区二区三区四区| 久久中文字幕免费av| 国产免费av在线免费| 日本一本高清中文字幕视频| 人妻共享互换多P| 欧美va日韩va亚洲va| 中文在线а√天堂官网| 中文字幕网91| 一区二区三区欧美精品中| 亚洲另类春色国产精品| 精品国产毛片在线看一区| 日本一本二本三区中文高清| 日韩色v在线| 国产精品扒开腿做爽爽爽的视频| 亚洲 欧美 丝袜 另类 无| 狠狠爱天天噜日日噜视色| 亚洲国产精品一区三区| 韩国三级BD高清中字| 欧美日韩无线码免费 | 99热这里只有精品店| 亚洲男人天堂网!| 碰超免费国产97久久青草| 毛片视频免费播放器免费播放| 成人毛片十八女人毛片视频| 青草青99在线视频| 国产高潮福利影片在线观看 | 99亚洲欧美国产另类在线| 婷婷av国产精品欧美毛片| 欧美性事xxxx| 日韩人妻av一区二区三区| 美国成年女毛视频| 看全色黄大色黄大片爽一次| 久久精品国产亚洲av成人软件| 久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆天堂| 国产成a人亚洲精品| 一本色道av久久精品+网站| 亚洲黄片av在线播放| 人妻系列内射中出视频a级毛片| 精品麻豆婷婷久久99| 99国产一区二区三精品乱码| 国产精品福利一区二区91| 国产福利免费在线视频观看| 伊人色综合视频一区二区三区 | CHINESE国产高清AV| 真人作爱90分钟免费看视频| 国产玉足脚交极品网站| 国产综合色精品| 毛多内射在线视频| 亚洲成人免费电影一区二区| 又粗又硬又长又爽又黄的视频| 亚洲欧美国产精品va在线| 久久国产亚洲精品美女久久久| 看全色黄大色黄大片女爽一次| 欧美乱大交3| 国产又大又长又粗又爽视频| 欧美色噜噜精品一区二区三区| 青草久久国产| 神马福利美女视频| 嫩草影院精品99| 欧美va亚洲va日韩∨a综合色| 青草久久97| 搡老熟女东北国产av| 欧美国产高清一区二区三区| 一级av黄色在线观看| 国产亚洲精品aaa在线观看| 人妻系列内射中出视频a级毛片| 91成人精品电影| 亚洲伊人88| 91精品国产熟女| 亚洲国产精品va在线观看欧美 | 国产乱了真实在线观看| 免费日韩av网站| 亚洲中文字幕在线高清m| 国产视频福利永久无毒| 玉蒲团之性奴完整3| 久久久久国产精品亚洲欧美| 久久9精品视频| a级毛片免费观看久| 97超级碰碰碰久久久久| 男人天堂国产精品| 亚洲五月色婷婷综合开心网| 2023一级毛片| 强壮公弄得我次次高潮| 成年女人视频专区| a级毛片免费观看久| 日韩1区二区视频| 国产幕精品无码亚洲字幕资不卡 | 国产综合亚洲精品一区二区三区| 亚洲精品一卡2卡3卡4卡乱码| 护士你夹真紧水又多| 3D动漫H在线观看网站蜜芽| 国产精品一级aⅴ| 永久一级黄片在线视频免费观看| 久久精品女人av天堂免费av| 亚州av有码| 岛国毛片在线观看免费| CHINASEXSEX高潮对白| 国产激情对白视频在线观看| av网站亚洲精品| 精品一区se| 日韩视频一二三区| av一区二区三区不卡| 久久精品亚洲夜色国产av| 正在播放极品女神被啪啪| 一本久久精品| 久久人人爽人| 韩国AV片永久免费观在线看| 在线观看av天堂| 国产舔丝袜脚| 老司机午夜高清视频| 91婷婷色香五月综合| 高潮喷水免费在线| 人妻一区二区三区有码精品视频| 超大乳抖乳露双乳呻吟GIF| 欧美日韩国产91| 国产亚洲中文一区二区三区| 人妻在厨房被侮辱电影| 欧美精品不卡一区二区三区| 男男chinese男男资源| 久久免费黄片| 暖暖韩国日本大全免费下载| 最近免费中文字幕大全图片| 无码黄动漫在线观看| 国产精品一国产av| 中文字幕av亚洲无线码天堂| 十八禁国产超污无遮挡网站| 久久人妻人精品| 一本一本综合久久| av日韩天堂| 精品久久18| 国产一区二区亚洲三区| 高清不卡的av网站| 成人又黄又爽又刺激视频 | 亚洲国产欧美成人精品| 久久WWW免费人成精品| 五月综合丁香| 波多野结衣一二三区免费| 久久综合黑丝| 国产精品无码DVD在线观看| av亚洲aⅴ久久精品| 日本a√视频在线| 波多野结衣资源一区二区| 久久综合亚洲色一区二区三区| 三级电影一区二区三区| 揄拍国产精品人妻| 两性午夜黄色视频| 成年男女免费视频网站无| 日韩综合一卡二卡三卡死四卡| 国产美女久久久久av最新爽| 毛片黄免费看| 亚洲av小说最新在线网址| 欧美成人啪啪噜一区二区三区| 成人午夜在线观看欧美| 最近中文字幕视频2019二页| 亚洲视频在线观看一区视频| 亚洲av最新国产| 国产第|页日本草草影院一| 99视频只有这里有精品| 精品国产乱码久久久久久免费看| 首页神马电影院伦理午夜| 在线看片免费人成视频a区| 国产99久久九九免费精品| 青草久久国产| 亚洲a人人v人人夜夜澡爽| 国产国内久久精彩国语对白视频| 欧美日韩在线二区播放| 成人国产av精品久久久精品| 国产日韩欧美第一区第二区| 大香蕉高清av| 午夜福利二三区免费看| 丁香六月男人天堂| 国产精品自产拍在线观看花钱看| 久久久亚洲熟妇熟女ⅹxxx蜜 | 亚洲大片av一区| 国内少妇人妻精品视频三区四区| 亚洲欧洲一卡二卡三卡| 老妇女BBWΒΒWBBWBB| 国产suv精品一区二区在线| 九九视频只有精品| 日韩1区二区视频| 国产一区二区二三区| 欧美国产一区精品亚洲| 黑人30公分全部进入正在播放| 强奷漂亮饱满雪白少妇| 91麻豆天美精东密桃传媒| 一出一进一爽一粗一大爽文| 91人人妻人人澡人人爽人人| 国产精品久久国产精品99| 日韩高清av免费在线观看| 欧美精品a成人| 久久亚洲精品色一区| 日本少妇特殊按摩2| 亚洲首页av网| 亚洲视频中文字幕蜜桃人妻| 国产av网站免费看| 无码专区久久综合久中文字幕| 777奇米视频一区二区三区| 色综合夜夜躁很很躁日日躁2| 一级黄色视频免费观看不卡| 美女扒了内裤让男人桶| 30位美人妻无套中出影片1 | 午夜精品一区二区三区福利片| 久久精品这里只有久久精品| 久久久久av亚洲精品| 亚洲少妇精品在线| 看黄色毛片一级| 国模生殖欣赏人体337| 欧美日韩在线二区播放| 亚洲成人av高清在线观看| 久久精品视频看看| 我要看日本的黄色录像| 女人ZOZOZO人禽交| 久久精品中文字幕av一区| 亚洲AV高清在线观看一区二区 | 欧美激情日韩国产在线播放| 一个人免费观看在线播放| 99国产精品久久久久久| 国产成人av在线影院| 一本色道久久| 精品亚洲成av人在观看| 中文字幕丝袜乱| 爽到喷水(H)| 琪琪网最新伦永久观看2019| 色综合久久久无码网中文| 亚洲综合色在线播放| 五月激情丁香六月婷婷综合网| 奶头大的风流女人| 国产亚洲精aa在线| 欧美性事xxxx| 亚洲人成福利午夜在线观看| 国产午夜精品一区二区电影| 老司机91看片| 久久看电影久久久久国产| 男女吃奶摸下视频| 午夜久久久久久久99精品婷婷 | 自拍偷区亚洲综合第二页| 黄色视频免费看的| 免费av午夜在线观看| 天天干天天操夜夜曰| 一区二区三区在线资源观看| 久久亚洲人都爱| 午夜福利啊啊| 日韩欧美亚洲视频在线观看| 成av人大片免费看的网站| 国产成人精品曰本亚洲91桃色| 免费一级a在线观看网站| 日日碰日日摸夜夜草| 国产区精品福利区| 国产免费av在线免费| 亚洲熟女综合av| GV天堂GV无码男同在线| 欧美日韩国产精品一区二区| 国产热A欧美热A在线视频| 18男同志GAY亚洲| 免费女人18毛片a级视频在线| 久久精品亚洲精品国产色婷小说| 亚洲熟妇中文字幕五十中出 | 男人女人特黄视频| 一道本在线不卡av| 上司部长出轨漂亮人妻| 亚洲综合在线国语| 欧美日韩无线码免费 | .国产精品久久久| 少妇人妻偷人精品91| 黄色视频在线观看免费无遮挡| 女人被c到高潮视频免费观看| 亚洲一区自拍视频在线观看| 金梅瓶1一5集手机在线观看| 精品国产一区二区av麻豆不卡| 久久久久久久大尺度免费视频| 精品午夜国产时| 蜜桃网亚洲av| JⅠZZJLZZ亚洲大全| 日韩免费av电影网址| 日本欧美视频一区| 欧美激情亚洲在线| 精品国产伦一区二区三区在| 风流少妇一级毛片| 国产三级av大全| 亚洲第一久久香蕉| 亚洲va免费| 国产精品国产三级国产专不?| 免费操人妻一区二区| av免费永久福利| 亚洲最大成人影院| 人人妻人人爽人人澡欧美| 亚洲免费av第一区| 狼友网精品视频在线观看| 亚洲乱码av中文| 波多野结衣资源一区二区| 国产熟妇视频在线播放| 精品熟女一区| 伊人久久综在合线亚洲| 人妻3p精品视频| 尤物视频日本aa大片| 人妻少妇高清视频| 国产性色一区二区三区av| 麻豆国产av亚洲一区| 自拍偷自拍亚洲精品老妇| 免费的日本一区视频| gay男男啪啪中国国产chinese男男gaygay| 日韩欧美视频午夜一区二区| 国产av午夜福利电影| 91婷婷色香五月综合| 欧美电影乱码在线播放| 亚洲欧美日韩综合精品 | 97视频在线观看网址| 国产精品免费久久久久久久| 一级a做片免费久久| 国产美女高潮爽到嗷嗷叫| 怡红院亚洲| 99国产精品欲一区二区三区| 影音先锋新男人AV资源站| 在线观看亚洲av老片| 欧美疯狂XXXXBBBB| 国产成人精品福利久久| 99精品人人人人玩人人妻| 男男chinese男男资源| 人妻少妇又紧又骚又爽| 国产九色精品在线| eee在线播放免费人成视频| 粗大猛烈进出高潮免费视频网站| AV无码天堂一区二区三区| 人妻碰碰久久| 在线观看极品一区二区三区| 久久综合狠狠综合久久综合| 字幕网av中文在线| 中国人妻在线视频| 国产日韩精品成人| 被黑人猛躁10次高潮视频| jazzjazz国产精品久久| 国产亚洲人成在线网站| 亚洲av乱码一区二三区在线| 肉体裸交137日本大胆摄影| 午夜在线成人观看| 美女被Ⅹ网站免费观看| 大香蕉久久精品6| 上了漂亮少妇视频在线观看| 91在线亚洲欧美| 色哟哟在线永久网站| 一区日韩二区人妻精品av| 国语av对白免费在线观看| 女人操男人在线观看| 国产欧美亚洲精品久久| 男人天堂国产精品| 欧美日韩在线视频在线观看| 成人高清精品亚洲| 老熟女一区二区免费| 亚洲本色精品一区二区久久| 亚洲欧美专区精品| 亚洲高清专区日韩精品| 久久99精国产| 亚洲人成三级网站| 日产国产亚洲精品| 全部毛片免费在线播放| 久久这里只有精品美女| 成人精品免费视频大全| 暖暖视频在线观看免费8| 欧美性色av大全| 欧美精品在线观看一区二区| 亚洲国产成人精品激情资源9| 高清a级毛片免费看| 网站在线观看色| 美女洗澡av片免费看| 日韩亚洲AV无码一区二区三区| 久在线视频精品| 国内真实愉拍系列在线视频| 黃色A片三級三級三級| 国产精品操女人| JAVA性无码HD| 精品成人中文字幕在线观看 | 国产三级α中文精品在线观看 | 乌克兰少妇性疯狂| 91精品中文字幕在线观看| 神马午夜久久久久久久| 国产999精品黄片| 老鸭窝在线视频免费观看网站| 亚洲成人精品电影网| 亚洲在线观影| 日韩一区二区三区免费影视| 国产免费牲交视频免费下载| 亚洲黄色进入在线播放| 黄片大全在线观看视频| 国产熟女一区二区三区视频蜜月| 污18禁图无遮挡开腿| 亚洲精品日韩系列在线| 午夜免费观看网址| 人妻毛片视频网站| 色费18女人毛片免费视频| 一级无遮挡毛片免费视频| 成 人 免费观看网站| 日本边添边摸边做边爱边| 欧美午夜精一区二区三区| 日日夜夜福利视频| 自拍偷区亚洲乱| 欧美a级在线现免费观看| GAY男男自慰免费播放| 黄爽无遮挡网站| 成年大片40分钟免费视频播放| 亚洲全国av大片| 高清中文字幕一区二区三区| 日本少妇高潮正在线播放| 一级a一级a爰片免费视频| 99色热这里只有精品| 可以免费看黄片的视频| 色8久久高潮影院| 疯狂做受DVD播放免费| 日本高清性视频| 美女黄视频a| 国产精品自在线拍观看| 欧美精品成人免费视频| 国模欢欢炮交啪啪150P| 日产精品乱码卡一卡2卡三网站| 欧美日韩国产另类视频一区二区| 国产伦精品一区二区三区视免费| 黑人精品欧美一区二区| 国产饥渴熟女| 国产日韩一区二区三区精品不卡| 欧美成人免费一区二区三区四区| 精品人妻少妇一区二区| 亚洲av高清一卡| 青草草97超级碰碰碰| 国产伦一区二区三区视频涩爱| 国产一区二区三区播放视频| 人人爽人人网| 内谢国产内射夫妻免费视频| 成·人免费午夜无码视频在线观看| 99久久精品久久免费观看不卡素人| 国产精品一区视频播| 嗯~啊~哦~别~别停~啊黑人 | 亚洲中文无码AV永久不收费| 换人妻好紧三P| 无遮挡H肉3D动漫在线观看| AV电影网站| 日韩毛片免费无码无毒视频观看| 国产精品成人三区| 亚洲欧美有码无| 中文字幕亚洲无线码2020| 国产精品久久男人的天堂| 国产看片在线| 国产亚洲hd在线观看| 亚洲综合视频观看| 新版中文资源天堂韩国在线| 波多野结衣av二区| 亚洲成年人网站在线观看| 我要看亚洲黄色片| а√天堂最新网址| 亚洲伊人色电影| 999小视频网站| 亚洲色久悠悠AV在线| 97精品国产高清一区二区三区| 高清精品乱码亚洲乱码| 欧美人与动牲交片免费播放| 麻豆亚洲av熟女| 天堂а√在线中文在线官网| 日本入室强伦姧BD在线观看| 男女国产视频网站| 久久久久久精品一级毛片蜜| 欧美精品一区二区hd| 女国产精品视频一区| 九九在线免费精品视频| 中文字幕av无乱码| 青草青99在线视频| 色婷婷久久综合中文久久一本| 精品国产一区二区av麻豆不卡| av久久一区二区| 中国aa级毛片在线播放| 国产亚洲精品久久九九精品| 亚洲福利中文av在线| 午夜福利免费试看| 很黄无遮挡在线免费网络| 未发育学生的女A片在线观看| 免费无码又爽又刺激高潮虎虎视频 | 操欧美日韩逼| 大尺度激情床震视频大全| 不卡能看的黄色视频| 久久精品av国产一区二区| freexxxx性欧美| 亚洲一区二区三区精品av| 久久婷婷国产亚洲精品综合| 最近中文字幕2018中文字幕| 国产精品原创巨作?v网站| av网站免费在线看| 99精品只有精品九九| 欧美日韩成人在线观看视频| 日韩欧美亚洲视频在线观看| 久久影院成人| 国产片特级美女逼逼视频| 日韩电影免费一区二区三区| 婷婷精品国产亚洲av不片| 国产内射黄色视频| 精品亚洲麻豆av| 亚洲精品美女中文在线| 中国乱子伦XXXX| 国产精品VA在线播放| 久久久久国产精品美女毛片| 午夜福利不卡一区二区在线观看| 小妖精太湿太紧了拔不出| 午夜福利福利视频| 看黄色靠逼的| 久久精品国产99久久72部| 亚洲欧美日韩在线免费影院| 国产色视频综合| 伊人久久大香线蕉最新章节| 中文字幕无码不卡免费视频| 日日操夜夜爽| 少妇人妻真实偷人精品视频网站| 99久久人妻偷人精品一| 小少妇在线观看| 精品人妻少妇嫩草av有码专区| 女同久久国产精品99国产精品| 亚洲国产嫩草影院在线| 成年女性腰围| 一二三四视频社区在线播放中国| 麻豆大尺度激情视频在线观看| 欧美日韩三级不卡| 精品97国产一区二区三区| 欧美成人色站在线视频| 亚洲在线观影| 午夜福利久久久影院| 国产精品午夜宅男| 观看av免费不卡| 女人在线免费视频| 免费在线看黄色的网站 | 夜色毛片永久免费视频| 日韩精品福利视频| 一区二区三区四区激情视频| 成人av一区二区在线| 不卡能看的黄色视频| 久久精品久久影视久久影院| 日本护士XXWW| 欧美亚洲另类激情| 免费人成网站视频在线观看不卡| 99久久999久久久精品综合| 亚洲高清字幕| 刺激男女午夜视频免费|